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Just do what I do and pick whatever you think has the most rad as fuck cover legendary

By this logic, I'd pick Alpha Sapphire.

...In which you can't get Latios without the Eon Ticket (which has stupid requirements), sooooo...

Get both

I could, but I did that for X/Y and ended up not using both.

I mean, I gave it to my brother as a present, though, so it wasn't a complete waste.

The only issue that makes me torn is the issue of legendaries.

Which ones will be AS-exclusive? OR-exclusive?

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Whatever floats your boat, Neal ~o3o~

I dunno what all is exclusive, though I'd assume that the Mons originally exclusive in R/S will still be exclusive

Fuck if I know anything else though

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YOU KNOW IT MAN good taste

By this logic, I'd pick Alpha Sapphire.

...In which you can't get Latios without the Eon Ticket (which has stupid requirements), sooooo...

Oh, thats rough-- though as far as I know from what I see on Serebii only Kyogre/Groudon and Seviper/Zangoose are confirmed as version exclusives? Maybe you'll get lucky and there'll be another method this time OR you could get both copies OR hope you can find someone to trade with maybe

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Whatever floats your boat, Neal ~o3o~

I dunno what all is exclusive, though I'd assume that the Mons originally exclusive in R/S will still be exclusive

Fuck if I know anything else though

That's kinda the problem. ;n;

I don't know what floats my boat. qq

Yeah, I think it's safe to assume that much.

Only problem the mirage spot legendaries.

If only the cover legendaries are exclusive to a version (Ho-oh/Lugia, Dialga/Palkia, Reshiram/Zekrom), then eh. No influence in my decision.

If the trios are version-exclusive, then...

That complicates things.

Oh, thats rough-- though as far as I know from what I see on Serebii only Kyogre/Groudon and Seviper/Zangoose are confirmed as version exclusives? Maybe you'll get lucky and there'll be another method this time OR you could get both copies OR hope you can find someone to trade with maybe

I'm leaning towards Alpha Sapphire, quite honestly, for the following reasons:

1) Kyogre

2) Latios isn't the one you get in-game. Yes, you read that correctly. "Isn't." Latios is the one I need the Eon Ticket for. That means I have to catch a stationary Latios, which in turn means that I can soft reset for nature and IVs. Which is kinda important.

I mean, we know that the Eon 'mons aren't roamers now, but I don't know how they're caught in the main storyline, so by picking AS, I'm erring to the safer side, in a sense.

The only problem with the reason above is that I have absolutely no clue when I'd get an Eon Ticket due to its ridiculous means of obtaining it.

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Find a friend and rock-paper-scissors for who gets which one, and then do trading as appropriate. That's what I did (OmegaRuby! She's getting AlphaSapphire)

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[spoiler=marthurant]I beat Radiant Historia.

That last boss was strangely Kefka-ish...

But it was a great game! Good ending(s) too.

Eruca is still the best forever. And also fuck the master vainqueer. That final quest is the WORST and I can't seem to beat it.

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VC is my latest obsession after all

I've always wanted to play the first game. I liked the second one. Sadly, my dad is the one with the PS3 and I don't get to visit him nearly as much as I used to.

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[spoiler=marthurant]I beat Radiant Historia.

That last boss was strangely Kefka-ish...

But it was a great game! Good ending(s) too.

Eruca is still the best forever. And also fuck the master vainqueer. That final quest is the WORST and I can't seem to beat it.

Good work!

What was your team?

I've always wanted to play the first game. I liked the second one. Sadly, my dad is the one with the PS3 and I don't get to visit him nearly as much as I used to.

Well the first game is on Steam now.

I've heard mixed opinions about the second game btw.

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after or before completing it?

Also I should watch more Lupin Sansei


I wanna believe my toaster can run the PC port though, the game deserves to be finished

also Valkyria 2 A SHIT


I should too

Anyways hows things been around here Marthur

looks like business as usual as far as I can see

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i see pride is alive

maybe, what are the others' ranks

I thought that was Nightmare, but okay.

8 creator, 4 demicreator

D&D is fun. And way longer than I thought it would be.

I spent like all day on it.

I also wanted to be a 12-year-old loli, but my friends didn't allow it. So we settled with 16-years-old. :>

I also almost sold my soul to a devil with a tentacle beard.

I wanted to sell my body instead, but they didn't allow that either.

So I just deceived a devil.

as i thought, neal is being that guy

No Aht :(

traps huh

i agree they're op though

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I wanna believe my toaster can run the PC port though, the game deserves to be finished

also Valkyria 2 A SHIT


Anyways hows things been around here Marthur

looks like business as usual as far as I can see

Hope you can get to it

That's what I heard too

We're doing game challenges. Join us.

Yup, no Aht at all.

Help me beat Vainqueer. ;_;

Use Aht

8 creator, 4 demicreator

traps huh

i agree they're op though

Already more than me

Traps and dancing death

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