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maybe the pokemon names are not so well konstructed for her

did you miss these konstructions, kon

love you guys

I should take a look at them sometime~

I'd like to say the same for the English names but pfft they're all punny for the most part ~o3o~

You might not get the subtleties if you don't know the language so here's a free French lesson for you.

Well first off, it's hard to explain, but it's obvious to me that the FR team for gen 1 / 2 focused on stuff like pronunciations so that the names flow well when you pronounce them (unlike today where some combinations make you sound like an idiot when you say them out loud [ie. : stuff like Mateloutre, Poichigeon, Sorbouboul, Tranchodon are dreadful to say]).

Sometimes they achieved this by matching two words that sound good together (by combining words that ends and starts with the same sound to make it more natural), but they also used to corrupt some real words to make them look more like names like :

Roucool [Pidgey](which is a corruption of 'roucoule' which means 'to coo' + the added pun of cool)

Saquedeneu [Tangela](corruption of 'sac de noeuds', litt. bag of knots which is an expression we use to describe something really convoluted)

Metamorph [Ditto], (which is just a shortened metamorphose/metamorphosis)

The results are names that already flow well because they sound like existing words, which they really don't do anymore.

Another thing they worked on was progression for mons of a same line:

Let's take the charmander line for instance:

In French they're called :

Salamèche (Salamander , fuse/wick)

Reptincel (Reptile , spark)

Dracaufeu (Dragon , fire)

The nice thing here, is that you get the sense that you have something that grows stronger as it evolves. Salamander, are small amphibians reminiscent of some reptiles, then we have reptiles themselves and we go to dragons which are kind of huge reptiles. And next to that we have a fuse (something that is not lit), becoming a spark (start of a fire) and a fire itself. Plus, I want to stress that they all sound nice to the ear.

On the other hand, the english line is just char- + small reptile-like creature each time which is kind of a letdown (+ Charmeleon is dumb considering it has no chameleon qualities).

Admittedly, the english team tried that with some mons too like the bulbasaur line, but with not as much success since it's just an object attached to the suffix -saur which doesn't always sound right imo (I don't like the sound of bulbasaur and ivysaur for instance).

Another thing is that the French team put more research into the things they were referencing:

Lapras does absolutely nothing for me. It's Lokhlass in French (from corrupted Loch and class) which also sounds great in English and is much more fitting.

Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are awful as well (hit monster Lee what, and Jackie Chan doesn't even only use his fists). They're Kicklee (also sounds good in english and less convoluted) and Tygnon (based on Mike Tyson and gnon which means punch). So they get the references right, and they described the mons' functions inside their world better as well (one focuses on kicks and the other on punches), which is another point that the French team did a good job with as well, like for instance :

In english : Magikarp -> Gyarados

In french : Magikarp -> Leviator

Gyarados means absolutely nothing to me. On the other hand, you really get the power difference between a carp (useless) and a leviathan (mythical creature). Also, interestingly enough, the -or suffix means absolutely nothing. Its only purpose is to make the name more intimidating and sounds good.

Similarly, here is the thought process for the legendary birds :

Japanese team : We don't care.

English team : They're 3 birds so we'll have 1 - 2 - 3 in their name from a random language.

French team : They're legendary, so we'll include deities in their names, and you get really cool stuff like Artikodin, Electhor and Sulfura, which also sound good in english. And it also puts them on an equal footing, while the english names make them sound like one might be more important than the others.

All in all, yes they're still silly names, but back in gen 1/2, I'd described the FR names as clever and good sounding puns, whereas nowadays, it's more like let's mash two things together without any other consideration.


Edited by Marthur
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whoohoo \o/

Also forgot to mention, but one of the worst offenders when it comes to NOA's laziness is Feraligatr.

No typo btw.


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Read the first bits as "I tsun"

it's true though

somebody needs to edit TE's avi with some hipster glasses

420 blaze chicken

what also blaze fist

i knew tits before it was cool

tits never were uncool

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i'm too hipster for hipster clothes

shows you how old i really am

so you are so hipster that even hipsters are too mainstream for you

I think Combusken is pretty well done. Same goes for Torchic.

best one is SHARPEDO

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