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>"read more of this person's LP's"

>"Just read the site instead"

>"I learned more from that guy's LP's"

>"where can I find his writings?"

Edited by Starman
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Did mega blastoise now with ampharos replacing venusaur

19k on the mega slot and bposted my placement from five thousand something to two thousand something

I think im safe but i feel like trying to beat the oldman

don't you have stages to beat and mons to catch

I'm bored.

play things Edited by TravelingElder
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Yes, it got a bit repetitive there, and I thought the movie was a bit too long overall.

Also, I kind of want to recommend you Princess Arete, even though I don't remember much about it now.

Why kind of?

go jenni

work on your (cruel angel) thesis

I missed my chance to say that joke to Balcerzak.

Well I did watch two more EPs last night.

[spoiler=Eva 14,15]Beginning of 14 is a recap, in the form of a report at the Human Instrumentality Committee. They've already hinted various things previously but here they make it obvious that all Angel attacks were some sort of plan. Aghhrr. Except the latest attack was out of schedule. Wtf are they doing. And Rei stuff this episode.

... Sigh Vincent remembered who Rei was and told me. :( I warned him not to tell me anymore spoilers!!! But that makes sense now why Gendou only smiles at Rei.

Smells like Rei/Shinji huh.

15 was ooh lala steamy. OK it was just a drunken kiss between Misato and Kaji. But Asuka decides to kiss Shinji out of boredom and regrets it. I like how the penguin just stands there watching them.

But then at the end we see a secret room in Nerv HQ. Adam, the first Angel, is pinned on a cross. Okay this is getting creepy. Do I stop watching this before I go to bed now?

And it sounds like a lot of people, Misato and Ritsuko, know vaguely about Nerv. but even Misato did not know Adam was there. Who knows things?? Ugh I knew the anime would start getting meaty after halfway point.

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Pokemon Omega Ruby



Soft-Boiled only can be taught through transfer all the way from FR/LG. Going with this set...

-Dazzling Gleem (No type resists it)

-Calm Mind/Nasty Plot

-Baton Pass



224 Sp. Def

34 Speed

252 HP

Held item: Life Orb


My event Torchic now is Blaziken and going with this...

-Swords Dance


-High Jump Kick

-Flare Blitz

HP 80

Speed 176

Attk 252

Held item: Life Orb/Blazikenite


Sp Def 158

Def 252

HP 100

Held item: Leftovers/Damp Rock

Pretty good set...but Icy Wind will be dropped for Rest after it gets done levelling up. Stock Pile to real make it a wall. Rain Dance+Whirlpool makes it good for trapping spelling doom to Ground and Fire types. Whirlpool traps them and they cannot switch out! Whirlpool is a transfer only move! Damp Rock is also an option to have Rain Dance last longer meaning more time for Status restoring.


Sp Attk 252

Speed 252

HP 6

Giving her this...

-Bug Buzz


-Sleep Powder

-Quiver Dance

Held item: Expert Belt

Bug Buzz don't faze soundproof pokes, but it should do good against just about any as Tinted Lens (It makes "Not Very Effective" moves do 1x damage) helps with this situation.


252 Speed

208 Attk

50 Sp. Attk

More attack to make Diamond Storm even more deadlier as the Attack+1 boosts happen with a 50% chance. BROKEN!!!!! Moonblast for a good STAB attack. Heal Bell to wipe away status alignments and Calm Mind/Earth Power both are good choices. Earth Power needed for Steel types.


-Diamond Storm

-Calm Mind/Earth Power

-Heal Bell

Held item: Diancite


158 Sp. Attk

202 Attk

150 Speed

Set I'm going with...

-Rock Slide


-Giga Drain

-Focus Blast

Held item: Focus Sash

It's held item will be Focus Sash. Focus Sash+Endeaver+Giga Drain for longetivity=Arena breaker. Smogon didn't suggest Rock Slide/Thunder Punch for Sceptile. Proves they're not 100% relieable. Without these moves, it's easy prey to flying types.


Pokemon Amie makes the game easier too with your Pokes looking at you before stating a battle if they really like you. They can survive attacks with 1HP left sometimes, can avoid an attack sometimes and gains 1.2x EXP per battle. Pokemon Amie offers all of this plus extra chance to crit.

Edited by PuffPuff
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