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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen


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The movie was ok. I never understood the hype over the first movie, and I'm puzzled why people like this one so much (besides Megan Fox being in it).

The story was kind of lame for this movie, and the fight sequences, while very interesting, suffered because of the awful story. There were too many situations where the heroes outrun five HUGE robots, all of whom are firing their guns constantly, without a scratch. While some people just say "It's a movie," that stuff bugs me.

And finally, I found it hilarious that Optimus had an impossible time fighting Decepticons in the first movie, and yet now he fights like three at the same time and owns them.

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And finally, I found it hilarious that Optimus had an impossible time fighting Decepticons in the first movie, and yet now he fights like three at the same time and owns them.

The Decepticon he 'lost' to in the first movie was just Megatron himself, the other Decepticon (Bonecrusher) he really obliterated, stabbed his sword into the bastard's neck and and ripped his head off.

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and it seems ripping small bots in half are a decepticons trait since in the first one megatron ripped one of the good guys in half easily and in the second one when the old dude that used to be a decepticon came in at the last second ripping a bad guy in half

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and it seems ripping small bots in half are a decepticons trait since in the first one megatron ripped one of the good guys in half easily and in the second one when the old dude that used to be a decepticon came in at the last second ripping a bad guy in half

First movie spoiler:

*Megatron grabs Jazz, Jazz opens fire*

Jazz: You want a piece of me? You want a piece?

Megatron: No, I want two!

*Megatron rips Jazz into two, killing him*

--is what basically happened in the first film...

As for the second, it was

Jetfire who rips Scorponok into two, killing him


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  • 2 weeks later...
I heard that it's a piece of shit that takes a dump over all the good things the 2007 move did. Could be me.
The ending fight was quite possibly the most anticlimactic thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

yeah, i've got to agree with these guys. a review of the movie could be as simple as "transformers two: only what meets the eyes."

the movie was pretty much targeted towards 13 year old boys, who want to see a bunch of robots beat the hell out of one another for the mere sake of just fighting, and a really, really, really hot chick running around, looking hot.

yeah, the acting wasn't bad (and at least Megan Fox owes up to that), there wasn't an attempt at plot beyond what any six year old handed a bunch of Tranformer's toys could churn out before his 8 pm bed time, and that last fight sequence!

over forty-five minutes of senseless fighting. it was over the top, and over stayed itself, much like Megan Fox's attractiveness. but what can you expect from Michael Bay.

now don't get me wrong, i like the first movie. i thought it was enjoyable. it wasn't epic or anything i'd sell a kidney over, but it was good and entertaining, like any summer blockbuster should be.

But when the main hero of you movie dies, and the audience couldn't give a rat's ass about it...then there is a problem...and when they try it a second time, i remember thinking "wow, am i watching a rerun of Dragon Ball Z here?'

Or how about Fallen? he is supposed to be this ultimate bad-ass, but we hardly see him once he starts fighting, i mean, Jet Scream gets more screen time the the ultimate villain, and it isn't like he had some kind of "behind the scenes" manipulation role, because that was actually his role in the first film.

and no, the plot wasn't deep, nor did it really attempt to explain anything about the transformers.

and i think the government would have more issues with the Autobots then what the movie feebly conjecture. Or, they could have made some more interesting points, such as, how can we really trust the Autobots are sentient beings? yes, all they have done since coming the planet is fight the Decepticons, but they claim it is for the greater good?

how do we know that they aren't just programmed to battle it out across the universe, and because of their advanced technology, we wouldn't be able to tell if it is just programming or actual sentience (nor could the transformers...but i guess that's a twenty-one year old's take, not a six year old with action figures.)

i am not going to deny anyone the fact that they enjoyed it, because i enjoyed parts of it.

however, i will argue about the goodness of the movie.

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  • 1 month later...

I thought it was ok. I liked the first one a lot. But I kept sitting there thinking when is it going to end. The fight was just too long for me. I see you, I see you running, I see you being shot at: MOVE ON ALREADY!

I'm probably the only one that thought there should've been a bit more...surprise at seeing

Megatron alive

If I killed someone, I sure as heck would be. My eyes would be bugging out of my head.

Edited by IntoOblivion
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  • 1 month later...

Worst movie of summer '09, without a doubt. Worse than All About Steve, and that was LOL terrible.

Let's see...

I'd get into a drawn out rant about this piece of shit but I think this animation says it all.


Michael Bay is a douchebag for ruining yet another good franchise, along with Friday the 13th and, soon, Nightmare on Elm St.

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Worst movie of summer '09, without a doubt. Worse than All About Steve, and that was LOL terrible.

Let's see...

I'd get into a drawn out rant about this piece of shit but I think this animation says it all.


Michael Bay is a douchebag for ruining yet another good franchise, along with Friday the 13th and, soon, Nightmare on Elm St.

As much as I disagree with your opinion, that video is pretty damn awesome.

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I'll never get people's hatred for these transformers movies......

Look at the video. Then tell me none of that is true with a straight face.

Also, it isn't about Transformers. They should call it "Sam Witwicky's Adventure- Starring Cardboard Characters & Megan Fox!"

One token human and then the rest needs to be robot action.

Tranformers 1 was average at best. Transformers 2 is a honking piece of shit.

Sure, you could say it's a "turn off your brain" movie- but even then, it's hard to do so when Michael Bay wants you to hear EVERY. LOUD. CLANG. AND. BOOM.

The story is gibberish, the villains are absolute PUSSIES, the final "battle" was so anticlimactic it is more one sided than Mace Windu Vs. Jar Jar Binks. And NO GODDAMN SOUNDWAVE ACTION SCENES. WHAT THE FLYING FUCK?

Better yet, Bay tries to interject a shitstorm of a plot to help viewers get into the film. Wait, we aren't here for Indiana Shit 5- THIS IS A ROBOT MOVIE ABOUT ROBOTS FIGHTING EACH OTHER. Not some terrible actor with a standalone reason to watch the movie (Megan Fox, but even then she is overrated.) to run around in circles before a boring action scene that's shorter than Danny DeVito.

Fuck Bay. Fuck Fox. Fuck this movie. Fuck Bay for soon ruining YET ANOTHER beloved franchise, Nightmare on Elm Street. Fuck Bay for directing the Friday the 13th Remake.

If you don't get why people hate this movie, well, it's because Bay made it for fans of mindless, very very loud action films with no plot and cool fight scenes.

Transformers 2, effectively, has none of them. Good ones, anyway. Even the Optimus Prime 3 on 1 scene was slow-paced.

Seeing this movie is the equivalent of taking LSD and going to see Transporter . Except replace Jason Statham with Shia LeBeouf and a generic bad guy with a Chinese accent with a generic bad guy with a non-specific revenge.

That video outlines every problem the movie had and I hope the people who sincerely enjoyed this garbage take the points to heart.

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As hot and fuckable as she is, I did not stay for Fox alone.

When I watched it in the cinema for the first time (Yeah I watched it twice), there were some people clapping and cheering when Optimus revived and merged with Jetfire, to which I thought "What the fuck?" It was a pretty cool scene, but you need to be a proper fan/geek/nerd to jizz over that scene.

Plus some 40 year old guy in the row in front of us was buzzing of piss, which kind of... lowered our (mine and my friands') overall enjoyment. That was one of the main reasons me and one friend of mine decided to go back a second time.

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