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There's another VERY IRRITATING map that she and a bunch of her lackeys appear on. . .but there's Witches mixed in to make things worse. NOT FUNNY.

Witches are just plain annoying. I hate that Eudy.

She did get good characterization, so I felt. . .bad when she went down. Eudy, on the other hand. . .

I was thrilled when Eudy finally died. Well, kinda. I felt sad in that scene itself but it definitely wasn't because of Eudy.

This is a very good argument FOR Russell. If you recruit him before getting rid of Inzaghi, he'll do it for you. I've got Roswell, and I like warping.

But that also means the previous BF will take longer. And that Aegina isn't really very easy.

Shield abuse GOGOGO! Also, Bloody Claw is irrelevant if I kill the leader first!

Indeed. The way I view criticals, the only possible variation in the outcome is whether your surviving units would be 6 or 5.

The first time she showed up, she went and pinned Milanor to one square! Annoying doesn't do her justice!

Zilva, Aegina, and Eudy. The annoying trio. Funny how none of them are Dragon Generals.

Only a few? I'd need to do some massive scumming to get her up to where I'd like to!

I was talking about Gulcasa actually and only when compared to the rest of the party. Without skills and reliance on awesome items, Rosary has a better chance of killing Gulcasa than the others. Of course, if he's cursed, then there won't be much difference.

The higher your GEN, the longer your panic time when you eat a critical. That's why criticals against Baldus are so hilarious.

Oh snap, I never knew that. Hmm, I wonder how many times I'd have to reset before Russell lands a critical on him...

The undine of the group is adorable, and she's so very useful. . .*cough*Gordonreplacement*cough*

lolgordon. And yes, she is. Especially in the water.

The only items I want to break are on Leon, and Russell vs. Leon is not a good match for the Astral Fencer.

Russell only faces Leon what, once only?

PSP Mantrap: Your TEC - Enemy GEN + 4. Yes, it's insane.

...okay, I am so definitely using Pamela now. I still hate the card itself though.

Let's not forget Excalibur! However, I went after Super Warper Roswell, so I got Leon's stupid lance instead.

Excalibur adds Holy so Yggdra makes better use of it. And lolcatastrophe.

Doesn't work on three guys I wish it would: Baldus, Gulcasa, and Nessiah.

Baldus needs a different Union leader to use it, and Nessiah shouldn't survive that long. Gulcasa is always a pain.

These aren't Heavy Counters, it's Milanor inexplicably losing nearly everyone to a Knight not on a road. . .or other ridiculousness in that vein.

Now how does that happen?

I just picked up the Soldier's Bandanna. Fun times ahead!


Mage Ring looks like it will work, too. Why charge when your equipment will do it for you?

It's also a little too good so you might wanna save it for later.

As it should be. It murders Valkyries, it inflicts the most broken status effect in the game, AND Milanor aces it.

I find the Poison status more broken but lolskeletons. Gravity Chaos is win.

I play on mute.

B-but this game has some really good music!

I have, but it's not practical when you're trying to get a low turn count on maps (for example, I skipped the Locked Briefcase and Ogernium in the mountains, so Roswell could get the +2 MVP).

Well, if your item collection in the Extras is filled up, then you really don't need to worry about getting stuff that you already missed. Which means you can focus entirely on making your run more efficient.

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Yay for COMPLETELY derailing this thread!

Witches are just plain annoying. I hate that Eudy.

She's got crap for GEN, decent ATK, high TEC, and stupidly high LUK. I really hate making her drop her stuff!

Also, she hits on Roswell. I do not care for women like that.

I was thrilled when Eudy finally died. Well, kinda. I felt sad in that scene itself but it definitely wasn't because of Eudy.

Stupid witch always hiding behind cannons. . .but why did it have to end like that?!

But that also means the previous BF will take longer. And that Aegina isn't really very easy.

I think it's all of two extra turns (it would've been none, if my Milanor was stronger). Have Milanor use Gravity Chaos first, then Shield Barrier. Use a third card to clean up, if necessary.

I recruited Russell, and Amatorium Square was over in 10 turns.

Zilva, Aegina, and Eudy. The annoying trio. Funny how none of them are Dragon Generals.

But they're Women Who Serve Gulcasa Anyway! Hmm. . .pattern forming. . .

Aegina becomes a joke once I get Gravity Chaos.

I was talking about Gulcasa actually and only when compared to the rest of the party. Without skills and reliance on awesome items, Rosary has a better chance of killing Gulcasa than the others. Of course, if he's cursed, then there won't be much difference.

I put my bet on Mr. Broken Milanor, only because he's been known to do stupid things like survive Genocides.

Oh snap, I never knew that. Hmm, I wonder how many times I'd have to reset before Russell lands a critical on him...

Equip his buddy Inzaghi's last gift to the group, and watch the mayhem.

Russell only faces Leon what, once only?

Up to twice. The second time is right after leaving Marduk Forest.

...okay, I am so definitely using Pamela now. I still hate the card itself though.

Good luck keeping Pamela alive long enough to make it useful!

Excalibur adds Holy so Yggdra makes better use of it. And lolcatastrophe.

I was thinking Brascendo. Catastrophe is win against Aegina.

Baldus needs a different Union leader to use it, and Nessiah shouldn't survive that long. Gulcasa is always a pain.

Just HOW FAST are you killing Nessiah?!

Now how does that happen?

I don't know the exact charge/counter mechanics, or I'd explain how Yggdra vs. some Fencer can end 5-6 one time and 3-7 another.

It's also a little too good so you might wanna save it for later.

That's what Etherion is for!

I find the Poison status more broken but lolskeletons. Gravity Chaos is win.

Poison doesn't restrict movement, so I can have afflicted units escape.

B-but this game has some really good music!

I prefer having the Royal Army steamroll their enemies to techno!

Well, if your item collection in the Extras is filled up, then you really don't need to worry about getting stuff that you already missed. Which means you can focus entirely on making your run more efficient.

I'm trying, but my inner item collector's complaining like mad! I kinda wish I had Rosary, because I somehow got the prison set. . .

Once I finish this run (and do a little more tweaking on my strategy), I might post a Yggdra Union Speed Run somewhere on these forums. . .

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Yay for COMPLETELY derailing this thread!

This is one of the reasons why I love Far from the Forest.

She's got crap for GEN, decent ATK, high TEC, and stupidly high LUK. I really hate making her drop her stuff!

lol, Eudy is one person that I always use Steal on. It's not like I have any reliable alternatives.

Also, she hits on Roswell. I do not care for women like that.

Really? I never noticed...

Stupid witch always hiding behind cannons. . .but why did it have to end like that?!

Yup, this is what you get for being such a big coward. And she was standing right next to it, too, so she felt the full magic blast from both cannons combined.

I think it's all of two extra turns (it would've been none, if my Milanor was stronger). Have Milanor use Gravity Chaos first, then Shield Barrier. Use a third card to clean up, if necessary.

Heh, looks like you won't be using your second character there then.

I recruited Russell, and Amatorium Square was over in 10 turns.

Wow, that was fast. And thank you for recruiting Russell.

But they're Women Who Serve Gulcasa Anyway! Hmm. . .pattern forming. . .

They're part of Gulcasa's harem

Aegina becomes a joke once I get Gravity Chaos.

Indeed. Actually, EVERYBODY without High becomes a joke once you get Gravity Chaos.

I put my bet on Mr. Broken Milanor, only because he's been known to do stupid things like survive Genocides.

Milanor is awesome. My friend actually completed a Milanor solo. And surviving Genocide usually depends on how much "HP" the head has (if he had his buddies before that, you're dead) and his status.

Equip his buddy Inzaghi's last gift to the group, and watch the mayhem.

As much as I'd love to, I can't have Criticalizer and Flute of Deception equipped at the same time.

Now I see why Baldus is considered to be the toughest boss.

Up to twice. The second time is right after leaving Marduk Forest.

Oh, right, I remember now. But eh, Leon gets owned by Milanor.

Good luck keeping Pamela alive long enough to make it useful!

Bah, on second thought, I'm not using Mantrap. I can't afford to deploy too many people.

I was thinking Brascendo. Catastrophe is win against Aegina.

Catastrophe in battle is really awesome. But seeing the 1 morale isn't very pleasant. Still though, Durant with 1 Morale was nice cannon fodder for 16.

Just HOW FAST are you killing Nessiah?!

idk. It's been a while since I last played that part. And I'm talking about 47 Nessiah, not 18.

I don't know the exact charge/counter mechanics, or I'd explain how Yggdra vs. some Fencer can end 5-6 one time and 3-7 another.

Heavy Counter. On a counter, you end up doing around 2 damage extra iirc. I think the activation rate might be the same as a critical. And I'm pretty sure there are weapons with Heavy Counter % UP

That's what Etherion is for!

Neither of them would last long. But eh, if you really think you only need one of them for the rest of the game, you can use the Mage Ring now.

Poison doesn't restrict movement, so I can have afflicted units escape.

lol, it's not like your members ever get poisoned anyways.

I prefer having the Royal Army steamroll their enemies to techno!

Heh, your choice.

I'm trying, but my inner item collector's complaining like mad! I kinda wish I had Rosary, because I somehow got the prison set. . .

Wow, you really are a completionist, aren't you? And on a game like Yggdra Union...

Once I finish this run (and do a little more tweaking on my strategy), I might post a Yggdra Union Speed Run somewhere on these forums. . .


Maybe you guys should make a thread. Or a PM.

And leave this thread to die? There haven't been many on-topic posts here recently, you know.

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And leave this thread to die? There haven't been many on-topic posts here recently, you know.

I don't think it'll die. Besides, your posts are REALLY long. :newyears:

And while I'm here, I'll claim the Wind Waker, Medli, Makar and the King of Red Lions. :newyears:Still waiting for that bastard friend to give me my game back

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I put my bet on Mr. Broken Milanor, only because he's been known to do stupid things like survive Genocides.


326281-yu_milanor_super.jpg is the man.

Once I finish this run (and do a little more tweaking on my strategy), I might post a Yggdra Union Speed Run somewhere on these forums. . .

I second this motion.

This is one of the reasons why I love Far from the Forest.

Same here.

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I was kidding Rhythm. You can have him. Besides, he's a boat, not an actual king of actual red lions. :P

While I'm here I'll broaden my weapons inventory by claiming all nunchucks and butterfly knives. I also claim Rachel Alucard while Pride's not looking.

Edited by El Rey León
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I want her: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV and if someone already claimed her...to bad she likes me better. ;3 also Terra branford.

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I claimed Terra, but I'll share her.


hm....k. do you got esper terra? if not SHE'S MINE AND NO SHARRING. also I wat rangiku's boobs (they are so large they are their own character. )

I also want Cynthia from pokemon and flannery.

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hm....k. do you got esper terra? if not SHE'S MINE AND NO SHARRING. also I wat rangiku's boobs (they are so large they are their own character. )

I also want Cynthia from pokemon and flannery.

Esper Terra? I don't have her, so she's all yours.

Incidentally, Cynthia and Flannery were already claimed.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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...No she isn't available.

There appears to be a long story with her claim some time ago.

You could try convincing the claimer for a share tough.

Search function above, once again.

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Hmm, are Celes Chere, Setzer Gabbiani, and Edgar Roni Figaro all claimed yet?

They are. I have Celes, Life Admiral has Setzer, and Edgar was claimed by Tauro (who I haven't seen much of lately).

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Bah, I can't have any of my favorite characters then, eh?

Leo Cristophe, he's open, right?

I'll share Celes with you.

And I'm sure Leo hasn't been taken.

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