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The official Claim a Character thread


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how so? if the game and the script contradict each other, i go with whichever favors me.

For fuck's sake, the script is part of the game, not a seperate thing!

And I second what BLS said, stop being a douche.

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Nyna is mine

A) Why the hell would you even want her?

B) I think she was taken.

C) Thirded what BLS said.

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I shall claim all characters in the tales series.

Sorry to be the rain in your parade, but many of them have already been claimed.

You should really use the search function, at least a bit.

Returning to a few claims, LB, I think you're the actual claimer of Ayra.

Do you mind sharing her?

Btw, I'm almost done with the drawing. I just need to ready a few details, color and scan.

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I shall claim all characters in the tales series.

You do know that I've claimed about half of the characters in the Tales series, right? Right?

In fact, I'm gonna claim Arietta (TotA), Kyle, Loni, Barbatos (ToD2) and Stahn (ToD) right now.

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Returning to a few claims, LB, I think you're the actual claimer of Ayra.

Do you mind sharing her?

Btw, I'm almost done with the drawing. I just need to ready a few details, color and scan.

I think Ether actually has the first claim on her. If it's fine with him, you got the okay from me.

Awesome! Post when you're done.

Actually, made a search. Nyna wasn't taken. You can have her, someonewhodied.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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What the fuck is this shit?

claims (Fire Emblem)

COMPLETELY MINE: Gharnef, Gharnef Clones, Willow, Morva, Pablo, Ludveck, Dactyl, Camus, Medeuth, Meg, Malledus, Nyna,

Shared: Mia

Arguing: Posessed Lyon (existant or not? The game says yes, the scripts say no) loljk....I'm just trolling the people in the claims thread


All tales characters.

Bolded I know for a FACT that they're claimed.

Trolling is a warnable offense in FFtF

Edited by MeteorLunarSolar
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This is still FftF.

Theres a reason i am acting idiotic and not listening to arguements.... sheesh....

do you think anyone would be so unreasonable? LOL lrn2commonsense...

FftF or not, you're still acting like a douche. And I find it funny that you're talking about common sense when you're the one who's lacking in it.

EDIT: And since the Tales series was brought up, I'm claiming Pascal (Tales of Graces) now.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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On topic: No one claimed Gharnef so youre clear for him. Unless they spelled it as Garnef.

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Oh, and thanks Lumi ^_^. Forgot to say so earlier >_>

*claims Incarose and Creed Graphite from ToH*

The tales characters belong to quite a few members on this board., and TBQH, I'm not willing to share with someone who's acted like a retard.

No offe-*shot*

Edited by JB25
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I claim Carrion from FE5.

He was such a good base for Thracia!Seth. <3

Oh yeah, JB25, apparently Tyranel M gave up all his claims, so you're the sole claimer of Haar now. Do you mind sharing?

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I already claimed the 2 tales characters i want....the only 2 that did anything useful for me out of all the tales games i've played.

also: Volzhin is now mine. as is Gra captain with his awesome hair, and Zharav with his awesome hair

Edited by someonewhodied
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Jeigan was taken.

Not by me this time.

Also claiming Arran (FE1/3/11/12) because despite his suckage, he has long hair and this fanart of him made him really hot. >w<

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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You've played 1 Tales game and you tried to claim all the Tales characters.

There are 14 main Tales games (not counting Mythology). Shitloads of characters. And you want to claim all.

I am going to die of laughter. If I don't appear on SF tomorrow, blame him.

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