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The official Claim a Character thread


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I think I'm finally ready to end the harem business and formally claim some characters.

First things first. I'd like to claim Mist if Crash is willing to share. If not, that I'm using the loophole of claiming RD!Mist while he has PoR!Mist. Either way, I have Mist.

I'd also like to share some of NM's AA claims if he's willing.


Jill Fizzart







Jill Valentine

Zelda (Twilight Princess)


Zero Suit Samus

Bad Girl (No More Heroes)






Mai Shirunai

Blue Mary

Yuri Sakazaki


Whoever the hell this is.

...and the country of Australia (don't ask).

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First things first. I'd like to claim Mist if Crash is willing to share. If not, that I'm using the loophole of claiming RD!Mist while he has PoR!Mist. Either way, I have Mist.

I'll gladly share! ^_^

But don't use/threaten to use loopholes, that's nasty. <_<

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...and the country of Australia (don't ask).

I'm pretty sure I've already tried that. If it's legal it's taken. It was after something relating to world domination.

Edit: Not sure, maybe it was a thought. Bleh.

Edited by BK-201
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I'll gladly share! ^_^

:awesome: Thank you!

But don't use/threaten to use loopholes, that's nasty. <_<

But loopholes are how I get through life. I was only kidding.

Also,some of those characters have been claimed already,but I can share Marcia and Marisa with you.

Thank you for your kindness as well! And I won't touch Mia. I respect that she's you're one true love. ^_^ And if some of those characters are already claimed, then I'll talk to those claimers whenever I find out who they are.

Also, I forgot my Symphonia claims. Sheena Fujibayashi, Raine Sage, and Colette Brunel.

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Hey, I've claimed Lucius already. =/

Anyways, look up the characters you would like at the "Search Topic" at the bottom-right corner of the page.

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It depends on who you are talking about.

So no carte blanche? Now I'm nervous. :sweatdrop:

OK, the ones I have in mind are Franziska von Karma, Mia Fey, Maya Fey, April May, Penny Nichols, Regina Berry, Adrian Andrews, Trucy Wright, Kay Faraday, Rhoda Taneiro, Calisto Yew, and Lauren Paups.

You haven't claimed everyone on that list, but the ones you have, is it okay if I claimed them too?

Edited by Le Roi Lion
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Also, I forgot my Symphonia claims. Sheena Fujibayashi, Raine Sage, and Colette Brunel.

Sheena belongs to dunno who, Raine I don't care, and Colette is mine. Though we can share her.

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I'll be claiming Misty from Pokémon if no one else has.

Thank you for your kindness as well! And I won't touch Mia. I respect that she's you're one true love. ^_^ And if some of those characters are already claimed, then I'll talk to those claimers whenever I find out who they are.
IIRC, Ether is who I'm sharing Jill with. But if it's alright with him, it's alright with me. But I'll be happy to share Lady Lyndis with you.
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Sheena belongs to dunno who, Raine I don't care, and Colette is mine. Though we can share her.

It won't bother me if the Sheena person doesn't want to share since Raine is my favorite Symphonia girl. And Colette's my second fav., so thanks!

@LittleAl: I didn't know Ether had claimed her. But he didn't mention anything about it when he said he'd share Marcia and Marisa. I guess I'll have to ask him about it. And thanks for sharing Lyn. ^_^

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