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FE4: Alec vs Noish

Prince Levin

Alec vs Noish  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Personal Preference

    • Alec
    • Noish
  2. 2. Superior Unit

    • Alec
    • Noish
  3. 3. Worth Using?

    • Both
    • Alec
    • Noish
    • Neither

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The green Cavalier, ladies man Alec vs the Red Cavalier, dutiful Noish.

Alec has a personality, so he wins first question for me. From his teasing of Ardan to his hitting on Sylvia you get a feel for who he is.

Superior unit, Noish. He is basically a Lex who uses swords and lances. Obviously not quite as good since his promoted class has lower caps, he doesn't have an A in anything, and he doesn't get a brave weapon (unless you take away Ira or Fin's). Still he is good at weakening units, and is a good tank. Alec as the game goes on will have a harder and harder time taking hits, and even with pursuit will be not be able to do good damage to an enemy. He does have that unique use of being the best person to help recruit Ira.

Worth using? Both, you can use everyone, and since they are mounted they won't slow your army down.

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I prefer Noish, but it's mostly because I sometimes make him father children in second generation. Alec is better due to innate Pursuit, while Noish is on a losing fight with a few others for the Pursuit Ring.

Neither are worth using unless you plan to pair them, which I already did with Noish.

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I dislike using both; they're great at getting themselves killed on their own turn, they can't use any advanced weapons, and they're subpar units altogether. I like using Noish a bit more, though, since he seems to be better at dishing out more damage in the one hit.

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I prefer Noish based primarily on appearance. Alec is the better unit, I guess. Two attacks with the strength of a wet noodle is better than one decently powerful attack with the possibility of a critical.

Neither are worth using outside of pairings.

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I like Alec more because he's funny. He's a better unit because of his Pursuit. I don't use either past taking out the initial enemies in the Prologue.

Edited by luigi bros
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I love Social Knights, so initially I used the both of them completely. Until my Binary playthrough, I kinda stopped... but I've taken up Noishe. He's alright. I give him the Pursuit Ring if I use him, considering no one else really needs, except for maybe Deu if you're using him. Alec is all but useless as a father, to me. Awareness never helps me, and Pursuit--well, I don't care much about doubling when I never seem to need it >.>

Overall, neither are that great.

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Alec wins due to pursuit. Noce wins due to pairing utility. As much as I like both of them, if, and only if they are paired, I would consider using them. Other than that, ditto what everyone else says, I bench 'em.

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Alec. Has Pursuit, and Nihil for recruiting Aira. They don't get beyond B level in Sword because they have no holy blood which minor is required to use the silver weapons. They don't get any new skills either upon class change.

And this is the reason to even bother to use them...

Neither are worth using outside of pairings.
Edited by Ursula
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Noish. He can get lucky with critical, Alec is stuck dealing 3 damage twice after the prologue. Noish is good with the pursuit ring, but I doubt he gets it. 40% def growth is a plus.

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Alec, the superior unit? Lol.

Noish is 10* the better father, and arguably the best father for Ayra's kids, and the 2nd best father for Brigid's kids, which automatically makes him worth using. Both of them need one thing to become great combat units.

Alec needs the Hero Sword, which means taking it away from Ayra, and that's not going to happen. Even Noish makes arguably better use of the Hero Sword than Alec does, as well as Lachesis on promotion.

Noish needs the Pursuit Ring, which means taking it away from...uh...Levin? Once he gets Holsety, he doesn't need it, and the only other characters who might are Jamka(Hero Bow, Killer Bow, Continue/Charge...no, he doesn't need it) and Tiltyu(lol).

There is MUCH less competition for the Pursuit Ring than there is for the Hero Sword, which means Noish is more likely to not suck. Without their respective items, they both suck, so it doesn't really matter.

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Noishe needs the pursuit ring, which means taking it away from Lex, which means get the fuck out pretty boy not a chance in hell

Edited by Mac
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Noishe needs the pursuit ring, which means taking it away from Lex, which means get the fuck out pretty boy not a chance in hell

Uh...Hero Axe weighs 12 lbs. Lex ain't doubling even with the Pursuit Ring.

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Alec, the superior unit? Lol.

Noish is 10* the better father, and arguably the best father for Ayra's kids, and the 2nd best father for Brigid's kids, which automatically makes him worth using. Both of them need one thing to become great combat units.

You don't need to even use a character to pair them, so it's pointless to try to say that matters. Also, Lex is the best father for Ayra's kids, not Noish.

Alec needs the Hero Sword, which means taking it away from Ayra, and that's not going to happen. Even Noish makes arguably better use of the Hero Sword than Alec does, as well as Lachesis on promotion.

Alec needs the Hero Sword? What? Alec can even grab Noish's Steel Sword and >>> Noish.

Noish needs the Pursuit Ring, which means taking it away from...uh...Levin? Once he gets Holsety, he doesn't need it, and the only other characters who might are Jamka(Hero Bow, Killer Bow, Continue/Charge...no, he doesn't need it) and Tiltyu(lol).

Way to ignore Cuan and Lex, who would both love to double more. Also, trading around the Pursuit ring costs a _lot_ more than trading around the Hero Sword.

There is MUCH less competition for the Pursuit Ring than there is for the Hero Sword, which means Noish is more likely to not suck. Without their respective items, they both suck, so it doesn't really matter.

Alec doesn't need the Hero Sword, while Noish needs the pursuit ring. Win for Alec.

Alec can just grab a Steel Sword and widen the gap between their attack when he doubles, which is very often, especially on lolbandits in the Prolouge and Chapter 1.

Nobody cares about Critical because lol7%activationrateatbase.

So, yeah.

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