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no not jealous. The pink, curly hair thing just doesn't work for guys, IMO

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no not jealous. The pink, curly hair thing just doesn't work for guys, IMO

Man, do I really have to use those sarcasm tags? They're so inconvenient. :(

Makalov's awesome btw. PINK CURLY HAIR FTW

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i would kill sanaki, then blame the greil mercenaries, as such blaming elincia and have her killed. then once she's out of the way, i would invade crimea and kill of ashnard, getting back a big chunk of Begnion back. then i would wage a war against the laguz and be victorious.

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Awesome, no one's into killing Mia. :'D

I'd have to saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... Astrid. She's so... aaaaaagh. D: FAAAAAAR too underleveled, and ends up shitty anyway.

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Awesome, no one's into killing Mia. :'D

I'd have to saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... Astrid. She's so... aaaaaagh. D: FAAAAAAR too underleveled, and ends up shitty anyway.

Because everyone loves Mia.

Astrid's paragon makes up for her low level. And she always turns out awesome....

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The only thing she's really good for is her strength for a Bow Knight, her speed and skill. However, her defense is lackluster, as is her luck. Her HP could be higher, too. That's why she isn't that great. Also, Paragon doesn't really make up for it because you have to baby her to get any kills, which is hard to do because most things get behind her and destroy her, so you'd have to make a formation of people, which proves to be annoying and fairly difficult in some cases.

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Shinon shoots Oliver while being pwned by Makalov while Makalov's being killed with light magic. Happy ending.

you said it! that's more of a happy ending than any disney movie!

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