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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 10

Lux Aeterna

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Round 10, it's your turn.

Please vote for what YOU think is the best/worst in the series for this round. The round will last for about three days, after which I will tally the votes, and will add the top three to a list in the opening post of the next topic.

It would be nice if you nominate ideas for when I'm out of them. I'll keep track of the nominations. Please nominate only once a round.

Please remeber to nominate. Also, if your vote is not for one person/thing/etc, it will be thrown out.

Previous winners (best)

Best NPC: 1st- 3-13 Archer ; 2nd- FE10 Daein Army ; 3rd- Eltshan

Best Swordmaster: 1st- Rutger ; 2nd- Lakche ; 3rd- Shanan

Best Hair: 1st- Titania ; 2nd- Heath and Stefan (tie)

Best Non-Final Boss: 1st- Black Knight ; 2nd- Alvis and Trabant (tie)

Best Thief: 1st- Pahn ; 2nd- Matthew ; 3rd- Lifis, Volke, and Sothe (tie, FE10 Sothe can only be assumed)

Best Personal Weapon: 1st- Graphcalibur and Pugi (tie) ; 3rd - Wolf Beil

Best chapter: 1st- FE10 2-E and FE5 chapter 14 (tie) ; 3rd- FE6 Chapter 21, FE5 chapter 24x, FE5 chapter 13, FE4 chapter 5, FE5 chapter 22, FE9 chapter 13, FE9 chapter 26, FE8 Ephraim's Route chapter 11, FE10 4-5, FE9 chapter 17, and FE10 3-E (tie)

Best final chapter- 1st- FE9 ; 2nd- FE4 ; 3rd- FE5

Best final boss weapon- 1st- Judge ; 2nd- Flametongue and Loputousu (tie)

Previous winners (worst)

Worst NPC: 1st- The three generic Caelin soldiers in FE7 ; 2nd- Lachesis' 3 Pallies and FE8 Chapter 19 Armor Knights (tie)

Worst Swordmaster: 1st- Karla ; 2nd- Shanam ; 3rd- Lucia

Worst Hair: 1st- Vaida ; 2nd- Gheb, Lowen, and Makalov (tie)

Worst Non-Final Boss: 1st- Aion ; 2nd- Toras ; 3rd Batta the Beast (6-way tie broken by a random number generator)

Worst Thief: 1st- Cath ; 2nd- Daisy ; 3rd- Ricardo

Worst Personal Weapon: 1st- FE9 Rolf's Bow ; 2nd- Sol Katti ; 3rd- Daim Thunder, Ettard, Amiti of FE9, and Caldabolg (tied)

Worst chapter: 1st- Lyn's prologue normal mode ; 2nd- FE6 chapter 14 ; 3rd- FE7 Chapter 11 (Eliwood's tale), FE10 4-1, FE10 1-5, FE4 chapter 7, and FE7 16x/17x (tie)

Worst final chapter: 1st- FE6 ; 2nd- FE10 ; 3rd- FE8

Worst final boss weapon: 1st- Dark breath ; 2nd- Nightmare ; 3rd- Ravager


Best/Worst Unit

Best/Worst couple

Best/Worst pegasus knight

Best/Worst Est archetype

This round is on the best/worst personality

For me

Best: Lute (Come on, did any of you expect otherwise? : D)

Worst: Lyn (Much too generic)

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Best: Wallace. He defines what it means to be badass.

Worst: Florina. Shyness is one thing, but she takes to the extreme. How does she even manage to stab the enemy before her?

EDIT: I'll nominate best/worst tactician while I'm here.

Edited by Charlie
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Best: Levin :D

Worst: Hmm, I'm gonna say Clarine. I seriously wanted to kill her she was so annoying. I'm sorry, I'll take faceless units from FEDS before putting up with anymore of her "I'm so awesome and cute, and my family is wickkedddd cool and powerful, like I'm practically Etrurian royalty" attitude in her support convos.

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Best: Ethlin; she fights for her children and her brother is Sigurd, that pretty much spells epic in my humble opinion.

Worst: Edward; just because for a character that apparently has a personality, he didn't leave an impression on me.

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Best: Kieran - He's amazing and hilarious, and every conversation he's in leaves me chuckling

Worst: Vika - She has absolutely no personality, and every line she says is dumb. Of course, just about every FEDS character fits that description too.

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Best: Wallace he sure does have alot of energy and motivation for a 40 year old and his quote are quite hilarious (Wil and Wallace support)

Worst: Horace I think by the time you finish the chapter no one else was in danger of Grust(I think that what the enemies name were in that map) yet he still wants to be killed.

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