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Anyone up for a match?


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nvm, the Marth thing is in pool I61 (quarterfinals), which assumes all the Marths (G$, Taj, Tai, PPU, and others) make it there first

still though

^puerto rico is one hour ahead of central time (it's 2 normally, but daylight savings)


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I've heard apparently EVO never actually asked for permission from Nintendo to show the content, though they're still allowed the matches.

Edited by arvilino
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I;m extremely mad at Nintendo. The melee community donated 95,000 to get melee in EVO. Now nintendo just says no? They're such...retards. I mean, it could also serve as free advertising for smash 4 and stuff. Sigh...

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The link isn't working. Could someone fill me in on the situation?

There was a decision for streaming at EVO, a set of games where going to be streamed based on the amount donated to a breast cancer charity by fans of the specific games, Melee fans donated ~$100,000 so it was going to be streamed. However due to Nintendo's policy surrounding unlicensed third party streaming of their IP's EVO is unallowed to stream the Melee matches because they did not have permission.

Quite a few people are upset because of all the money donated, but I doubt Nintendo were even aware of anything prior to the announcement of the game being streamed so I don't think they were doing it despite the donations.

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^they pulled the same crap for Brawl when it was on MLG, I'm fairely sure they know what's going on

I'm gonna quote this guy about it:

(not you, a mod on neogaf, I can't do quotes right :(: )

What I take away from this is that Nintendo's network related struggles go much deeper than simply having friend codes.

It's this sort of thing which is, to me, more telling. It suggests they do not understand networking more broadly. This is a social event; it is a way for a community of people who ostensibly enjoy their game to come together.

They seem to view the developments of communal, online gaming as some sort of alien force to be exterminated, and I think this serves them a profound disservice.

edit: oh yeah this reminds me, how do you change the person's name you're quoting

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Finally, Nintendo understands! I guess the thousands of people that complained in their twitter and all those calls helped.

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Finally, Nintendo understands! I guess the thousands of people that complained in their twitter and all those calls helped.

well, when 99% of people are like "wtf are you doing nintendo" and you're trending on twitter worldwide for all the wrong reasons....

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I am more inclined to believe that Nintendo at the last minute decided that it would be in bad taste to not allow the request of streaming at EVO. Nintendo with the WiiU at 2012 or 2013 E3 I believe have explicitly stated multiple times they are attempting to try recapturing the hard core fans of gaming. Obviously, Melee and a huge national tournament represents a good chunk of the hard core fan base. Saying no would only further drive away the very people they wanted to try getting back. In the end, I only see Nintendo doing this because they have to rather than because they want too.

Edited by Vorena
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Now I can't train my disciple can''t play with Pikachu ;_;

I never knew I achieved disciple status!

This makes pikachu much sadder ;~;

At this point I think it'd probably be better to save up for a wii u instead of getting another wii. Orrrrrr maybe by some miracle the wii will decide to work again...

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