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How is she in this game? I have heard some people say she's crap but I notice a lot of people using her. Any advice cause I'm thinking of trying her out now.

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She's available more than any character, but Sages suck in this game, she starts overleveled, and with mediocre speed and terrible durability, to boot. Really, she's lucky that she doesn't look like Dorothy, because that, and Rexbolt, are her only saving graces.

If you're playing Normal or Easy mode, go ahead, use her. Basically everyone but Lyre and Fiona are useable there, with the right amount of BEXP abuse. Hard mode? I wouldn't bother.

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She's crap. People use her because they like her. This is the same reason why Eddie shows up in so many top 5's.

Technically though, she has the highest availibility of any character in the game, so if you're willing a dump a crapload of resources into her she can be sorta-okay for a relatively long period of time.

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I avoid her like the plague, due to her crappy growths (seriously, her magic growth is near-identical to her strength growth). Also, thunder magic is much heavier in this game than in PoR, so she'll probably never double anything past 1-3.

The only redeeming feature I can see is that she is the only one who can use the Rexbolt tome, but seeing as Soren can use the Arcthunder/Thoron tomes, I doubt that it is needed.

In all, I'd say that she is the worst mage in the game, with the exception of Tormod.

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I've never used her. I guess her avalibility helps though. The fact that she can use Rexthunder (I think that's the name) which is probably very helpful in the dragon chapter.

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Um Soren is the best mage in the game... In my opinion that is. I have also heard a lot of people say he is also. I always use Soren and no one has really given me TOO much trouble for using him. Most arguments are that Endgame enemies have high Res. I just say Soren has Adept AND Flare! Most of them would shut up after that...

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No, most arguments against Soren are that he dies if someone breathes on him, he doesn't double, and magic-base classes suck in this game due to terrible caps and magic being much less useful.

Edited by Ninji
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but Sages suck in this game

why does every one hate the sages in this game?

i think its an improvement from the other games.

i guess u must like it when a sage gets delt zero damage by a silver sword.

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why does every one hate the sages in this game?

i think its an improvement from the other games.

i guess u must like it when a sage gets delt zero damage by a silver sword.

Wait, what? No, seriously, I didn't understand a word you just said. >_>

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Sages suck in this game because their SPD caps are gross. Ilyana has a SPD cap of 30, which is slower than Gatrie's cap of 31. Gatrie is a General. Ilyana is slower than a General. Keep bouncing that thought around and let me know if at any point it starts to make sense.

There are no Sages in this game with a good SPD cap. It only gets as high as 32. Micaiah gets to 33, but that's still one less than ideal, and she's useless anyway due to the wtflate promotion.

That, plus the fact that they are more or less universally not-durable... forget about it. If you give me crappy defense, I want good offense. Sages got the worst of both worlds. Targetting RES does not fix that.

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How is she in this game? I have heard some people say she's crap but I notice a lot of people using her. Any advice cause I'm thinking of trying her out now.

Ilyana will be good against dragons in end game as she can use Rexbolt. She has a critical rate of 34 which is only topped by Assassin, Trueblade and Marksman (and Chancellor). Give her Adept and Resolve, which will solve her speed issues and boost her critical further. She comes with Shade which should help her. Also, give her an earth support.

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I used Ilyana in two runs because I loved her in PoR. I will admit, it was purely aesthetic value that made me choose her in PoR, but she still turned out nicely in the end. I hoped she could do the same here, but she's just...well, at best, average.

That SPD cap is horrendous tho', lowest in the game IIRC.

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I think she does OK. All the sages aren't really anything special, and Ilyana probably requires the most favoritism to be decent besides Tormod. To use her, you'll need to give her a solid chunk of P1 exp, and almost always a high-hit, high-mt forge. Doubling always comes down to being RNG blessed. I always use her.

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The problem with Ilyana is that she's in the Edward/Leo tier when she's with the DB, which is fine, but even when you train her she becomes the worst in the GM making the problem of why raise her when you could give that experience to other DB units. Had Ilyana stayed with the DB I think people would use her more often in PT, though that 30 speed cap/growth is still terrible.

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why does every one hate the sages in this game?

i think its an improvement from the other games.

i guess u must like it when a sage gets delt zero damage by a silver sword.

What the fuck? They got fucking nerfed in this game. Horribly.

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This is the same reason why Eddie shows up in so many top 5's.

Part of the reason is because Eddie is available to the most kills as well. You'll probably never see units like Janaff or Ulki in the top 5 because they're not around long enough.

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Ilyana is awful. Next to Tormod, probably the worst sage in the game simply because her speed growth is D:

Even Calill is better. Ilyana after part 1 never ever doubles. I cant stand her!

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Sages suck in this game because their SPD caps are gross. Ilyana has a SPD cap of 30, which is slower than Gatrie's cap of 31. Gatrie is a General. Ilyana is slower than a General. Keep bouncing that thought around and let me know if at any point it starts to make sense.

There are no Sages in this game with a good SPD cap. It only gets as high as 32. Micaiah gets to 33, but that's still one less than ideal, and she's useless anyway due to the wtflate promotion.

That, plus the fact that they are more or less universally not-durable... forget about it. If you give me crappy defense, I want good offense. Sages got the worst of both worlds. Targetting RES does not fix that.

Rexflame gives +3 Spd, so that can help Calill/Tormod in Endgame (though Tormod even getting to tier 3 is kind of a sick joke). Calill at least has 55% Spd growth so she can double eventually, the other Sages aren't so lucky. She might have actually been able to be a good character if her availability was better.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Rexflame gives +3 Spd, so that can help Calill/Tormod in Endgame (though Tormod even getting to tier 3 is kind of a sick joke). Calill at least has 55% Spd growth so she can double eventually, the other Sages aren't so lucky. She might have actually been able to be a good character if her availability was better.

Callil is admittedly a fairly decent Sage for your money, but taking until Rexflame to get any good is almost as bad as being a Marksman and leeching until Double Bow. Except that they can double. For real damage.

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If you're on HM, forget it. On NM, go for it. As for weapon, bless Rexbolt and have Sanaki bless Bolting (if you can get it). If you get an uber fire forge (max mt + Twin Swords, for example), use that instead.

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I like Ilyana (and rexbolt) but I could only use her in my last playthrough in NM because she had excellent transfer data from PoR (+2Mag, Skl, Spd and Res). She always ended up sucking monkeys in my other playthroughs and not getting to T2, and I don't think I fielded her at all in HM, she was too much of a liability because of low hit rate and lack of durability. I took Soren to endgame, though, and he was very decent.

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why does every one hate the sages in this game?

i think its an improvement from the other games.

i guess u must like it when a sage gets delt zero damage by a silver sword.

I know this guy, so I think I can translate this for everyone.

What he meant to say is that the Sages in Radiant Dawn are more balanced in terms of gameplay compared to previous games. Whereas in other Fire Emblem games you could send a Sage to the frontlines and not worry about them dying, this time around they're more vulnerable to attack and should be kept a little further away, letting the tougher characters soak up the damage. Basically saying that Sages were overpowered before and needed a little nerfing. At least that's what I think he was trying to say.

I kind of agree with him, but I do have to admit that the Gatrie/Ilyana speed comparison blew my mind... :blink:

Edited by The Hawk
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I avoid her like the plague, due to her crappy growths (seriously, her magic growth is near-identical to her strength growth). Also, thunder magic is much heavier in this game than in PoR, so she'll probably never double anything past 1-3.

The only redeeming feature I can see is that she is the only one who can use the Rexbolt tome, but seeing as Soren can use the Arcthunder/Thoron tomes, I doubt that it is needed.

In all, I'd say that she is the worst mage in the game, with the exception of Tormod.

Her MAG is not crappy. You said it was similar to her STR growth, well, anything similar to a 45% growth is good.

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