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Mental Sicknesses

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You can't cure a mental illness. GSADYFT.

I'm trying to help someone I know, even though that someone doesn't want my help. What I meant by cure was at least improve the condition of the said mental sickness to at least being minimal. Why I posted this topic up is to at least get some answers on this matter.

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If you mean to say that you want to advise your friend in some fashion so that they can work on overcoming their illness--because it's not something you can solve for them--you need to tell us what the problem is. Mental illness is a broad term. Are you looking for tips on how to be supportive, or what advice you can give them?

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If it's paranoia-induced, be comforting. Convince said person everything's okay, that you/him are completely safe and everything's fine. There's nothing to be paranoid about if nothing's actually there.

Idk about hallucinating schizophrenia, perhaps quiet rooms or something, or large crowded places. Anything to drown out the "Noises" or "Pictures" they see/hear.

If they're depressed, show them why thier life is great - include experiences, possibilities etctera. That shoudl help.

Shit like this is why you don't ask for advice for this sort of stuff amongst a bunch of tweens.

I'll keep saying it, and leave it to you to Google what it means: GSADYFT, GSADYFT, GSADYFT.

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Shit like this is why you don't ask for advice for this sort of stuff amongst a bunch of tweens.

I was only trying to help. You know, like he asked? It's not like I said it would work, just some ideas.


It means "Go see a doctor you F***ing tool" which may not be the worst advice in the world. Though it coudl have been presented better.

Edited by kirsche
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I was only trying to help. You know, like he asked? It's not like I said it would work, just some ideas.
Why are you still posting?
It means "Go see a doctor you F***ing tool" which may not be the worst advice in the world.
I know it'll shock you, but believe me, you can say FUCK! on the internet.
Though it coudl have been presented better.
Aww, by patting him on his little drama-emo'd head and telling him that it'll all be alright?

Mental illnesses are best handled by a professional. If you're not one, stay the fuck out.

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If I knew it was gonna turn into a bit of a flamefest, I wouldn't have asked. And before this gets out of hand, someone close this please? I'm sorry to trouble you guys, and I'm sorry if I'm a bit of a bother right now.

@kirsche: I know you were trying to help. I just didn't think it would turn out like this.

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Assuming I am allowed to talk about it if I was at some point diagnosed with it: if he is diagnosed with straight up clinical depression, feel free to ask him what he feels like the problem is. If says anything like "everything is the problem, and nothing is the solution," (Plagiarized from a suicidal writer I can't find the name of from the first google results page) feel free to tell him he's worth more than shit somehow.

Edited by Mac
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Pretty much what Hammerdwarf is saying, you can't just help someone with words alone. It may be comforting, but in the end it's better to see a doctor, as a doctor can actually help in some way.

As to the one who said seeing a doctor was the worst idea in the world...Considering it's a mental illness? A doctor is the best one could hope for to find out how to better cope with such a problem.

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Blacken's right. Mental illnesses are not "take a magic pill and it all goes away painlessly" things, not most of the time. Nor are you, as a layman, going to treat said illness.

If you suspect depression/suicidal intentions, the best thing you can do is provide emotional support on demand and inform a person of authority (one of their parents, a school administrator, preferrably a doctor), even if it's "betraying their trust."

The general rule of "tell someone else" applies with pretty much any mental illness.

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Don't eat bull about meds.

Tell him (or her I suppose, substitute what you will) to get his ass out of whatever self-induced angsty teen rut he is in and realize he's probably making half the shit up he thinks he has or exacerbates it himself. I think a major cause of so called mental disease (the stuff that won't get you in a mental hospital but people love to flout as a problem) is overindulgence is self-pity and hypochondria.

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Don't eat bull about meds.

Tell him (or her I suppose, substitute what you will) to get his ass out of whatever self-induced angsty teen rut he is in and realize he's probably making half the shit up he thinks he has or exacerbates it himself. I think a major cause of so called mental disease (the stuff that won't get you in a mental hospital but people love to flout as a problem) is overindulgence is self-pity and hypochondria.

And I think you're a fucking moron who should be fed to a wood chipper, but unlike you, I keep the (few) opinions of mine that are stupid and wrong to myself.

Only that isn't stupid or wrong. So I guess it's totally unlike you.

Edited by Urist McHammerdwarf
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I guess the only advice I can give is; Go see a doctor. It seems like such an obvious thing to me.

But most importantly: Don't go to an internet video game forum for medical advice. Either you'll get told the same obvious thing over and over (such as here), or you'll get something bad.

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Tell him (or her I suppose, substitute what you will) to get his ass out of whatever self-induced angsty teen rut he is in and realize he's probably making half the shit up he thinks he has or exacerbates it himself. I think a major cause of so called mental disease (the stuff that won't get you in a mental hospital but people love to flout as a problem) is overindulgence is self-pity and hypochondria.

I have not told anybody whose expectations I have not met "but I have the depresionnnnnnns D:" as an excuse, don't mention it where it's not borderline necessary for context in a nonbullshit way (I hope lol) and don't expect any shitty participation medal for my trouble. I feel that would be a copout and selling myself quite short. :)

Edited by Mac
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And I think you're a fucking moron who should be fed to a wood chipper, but unlike you, I keep the (few) opinions of mine that are stupid and wrong to myself.

Only that isn't stupid or wrong. So I guess it's totally unlike you.

Pretty sure I don't care.

Wait, maybe.


Got the blues and feeling invalidated, buddy?

Retards like you are why cops find teens hung by their belts in their closets, Crepe Knight.

Nah I don't take people's iPods.

I have not told anybody whose expectations I have not met "but have the depresionnnnnnns D:" as an excuse, don't mention it where it's not borderline necessary for context in a nonbullshit way (I hope lol) and don't expect any shitty participation medal for my trouble. I feel that would be a copout and selling myself quite short

No comprehende, senior.

Edited by Crepe Knight
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Oh, also: tell him the meds will work. Seriously.

Um, not always. I've had friends on them for various problems. Trust me, they don't always work. In fact, in the early 20s (age, not the year), people on anti-depressants are actually at a much higher risk of becoming more depressed/suicidal, especially in the first two weeks of usage. This is why doctors should be keeping tabs on their patients, especially when first starting the medication.

But that's why he needs to see a doctor... If he is on meds and they aren't working then he needs to find something else, and fast. If meds aren't an option (and even if they are) he needs to see a psychologist/counselor about ways to cope and treat his problems. This is ESPECIALLY true and ESPECIALLY urgent if he is considering taking his own life. Many people who suffer from mental illnesses can live with their illness with little to no problems and without much--if any--medication. Things like depression and anxiety can also come and go (or are triggered by certain events) and aren't necessarily chronic. So, again, depending on what your friend has, the prognosis looks good.

Edited by Crystal Shards
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I guess the only advice I can give is; Go see a doctor. It seems like such an obvious thing to me.

But most importantly: Don't go to an internet video game forum for medical advice. Either you'll get told the same obvious thing over and over (such as here), or you'll get something bad.

I'll keep that in mind, now that I found out the hard way.

Edited by Little Al
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There is no surefire way to fix a mental illness, and on top of that they can be tricky diagnose. There are some ways to help people cope with them, but each person is different.

Most importantly, someone has to want help. If they don't want help, it's not going to be as effective if it's forced on them.

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