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When has the RNG blessed you?


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While using the Rescue staff glitch to gather stats in the final chapter of FE4, I attacked Ishtar using Celice + Berserk Sword with a 29% hit rate for lulz and it actually hit her >_>.

Did it Berserk her? Now THAT would be lucky.

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General Zagaro dodged 3 out of 4 Brave Lance attempts from a Paladin with 70-ish Hit Rates. The 3rd one, the only one that hit, tinked though. XD

EDIT: I wish I could've re-done the manipulation of this, but Shiida gained +1 Str as a Mage. o.O

Edited by Colonel M
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Did it Berserk her? Now THAT would be lucky.


That should never happen since the the success rate for status-inflicting swords is (30 - attacked unit's RES)%.

This would normally be correct except a minor problem... I dunno what the hell it is but for whatever reason, if you're attacking a unit with 31 RES or more using a Berserk and maybe Sleep Sword, IT WILL ALWAYS WORK.

In my recoded playthrough, I plan to have Lakche put her to Sleep or Berserk if Sleep doesn't work. She should have a decent hit rate with 3 Leadership and 3 Charisma.

Edited by Sirius
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So far, every playthrough of RD has ended up in a speed-blessed Micaiah by the end of Part 1. :3

I had this and a super-blessed Nolan that capped nearly everything in Tier 2 before Level 20. I thought it was the greatest thing ever.

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So far, every playthrough of RD has ended up in a speed-blessed Micaiah by the end of Part 1. :3

This always happens to me thus my Micaiah is always a god.

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In my recoded playthrough, I plan to have Lakche put her to Sleep or Berserk if Sleep doesn't work. She should have a decent hit rate with 3 Leadership and 3 Charisma.

I am telling you to Berserk Zehn and Ishtar so she can kill her own lover. :P

As for me I got multiple perfect level ups, my first one with Bartre back in FE 7. Nothing as awesome as FE 6 Marcus, though.

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(The part is at 2:27 though not as good as the Marcus all stat ups)

Tana activated pierce on DemonKing twice and killed him.

Hector dodged Lloyd's attack in the last chapter and Hector critted him with Armads (Hector had 48% to hit him would've killed Hector if it didn't crit)


Edited by Jason W.
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Today, I forgot keiran had 7 hp, and put him and oscar next to the paladin boss and his two cavs. He dodged all three of them (any one of them would have killed him, and they having swords probably had a 70%+ hit chance)

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Levin!Tinny with low health OHKOing Ishtar with like a 20-something accuracy, Thoron equipped and low health. It really seemed epic to me. (Thank you Wrath skill!)

But that's what Wrath's MADE to do. D:

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But sometimes it may or may not hit the target. I did say Levin!Tinny had like a 20-somehting hit on her.

Ooops. lol. missed that. :P

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Yes, because I can't watch youtube At the moment.

It was Dorcas maxing Speed, along with most of his stats pretty high or maxed. (HP, Strength, Skill, the stats he's good with, were maxed) Defense was 24, but ultimately maxed when he reached level 20. I forgot to make a screenshot of it, though.

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