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I'd just like some different viewpoints on this. So I just picked up this game today, and I decided normal is a good place to start. Now, I am a perfectionist, so it bothered me when the prologue forces you to sacrifice one of your units and condemn them to death. I chose Jagen, because of obvious reasons

he's a useless pre-promote who eats up other's experience

. But still, the perfectionist that i am, it really bothered me that now i'm not going to have a perfect character ending. I didn't see this topic already, so I thought that I'd throw this out there. anyone else have any thoughts on this?

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Honestly, the endings don't matter. You'll find out when you beat the game that what you really want are the events of the story, which took me a few playthroughs to unluck. In other words, to replay all the scenarios, you'll have a sacrifice a different character each time you start up a normal game. And considering you won't even use half of the characters in-game, after you beat it once and know the ending, you'll probably jsut use a few of the useless noes as meatshields anyway.

I was the same way as you but I realized that this game, in comparison to the tohers, really, really SUCKS. It's one of the few games that the characters have virtually no RES stat what-so-ever; a real piss-off. Even Sigurd has RES for Christ's sake!

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I'm honestly not bothered. I used to be, but after getting used to the series I realised the whole point is that no matter how you love them, the characters are still completely expendable.

Besides, "perfect" playthroughs don't really reward you with anything. Except rank-wise (but ranks got dumped a long time ago) and FE3's Perfect Ending.

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I actually like having to sacrifice some of my characters. It cured me of that annoying urge to restart every time a character died. It's much less cumbersome to just throw away garbage characters than it is to compulsively hoard them.

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I actually like having to sacrifice some of my characters. It cured me of that annoying urge to restart every time a character died. It's much less cumbersome to just throw away garbage characters than it is to compulsively hoard them.

Yeah, but people like myself have mental issues with letting them die. I mean, shit, I feel like garbage if I let any of my Pokemon faint.

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Aum staff? You could kill him, then revive him. I don't know if that works. I got sick of the prologue, and only play it for wifi teams.

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I was the same way as you but I realized that this game, in comparison to the tohers, really, really SUCKS. It's one of the few games that the characters have virtually no RES stat what-so-ever; a real piss-off. Even Sigurd has RES for Christ's sake!

wow, what an excellent reason

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wow, what an excellent reason

Not my fault Jagen has shitty growths. Maybe he should be more like Wolf and maybe then I'd feel more sympathy for losing him. I mean, if I lose Seth in SS I cry myself to sleep at night but you don't see me blink an eye if Jagen eats it.

Besides, in the other games it was acutally possible to make a useful character. Even Seth could be as strong as most toher units despite being a pre-promote. In this game, a lv10 1st tier class is better than a lv20 Jagen. (i.e. Darros Lv10...anything...is probably better if not at least as strong as Jagen, and that's fucking Darros.) In SS, lv1Seth was only slightly weaker than let's say a lv20Franz Cav because usually Franz would have a bit more HP and speed by that level. I mean, I understand that FE:Shadow Dragon/Sword of Light was the first, and all but the least they could ahve done was updated the growths to accomodate people who've a desire to actually have fun. The only thing that I like about this game is the Online play and updated graphics; as far as I'm concerned, even FE6 was better than this.

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Besides, in the other games it was acutally possible to make a useful character. Even Seth could be as strong as most toher units despite being a pre-promote. In this game, a lv10 1st tier class is better than a lv20 Jagen. (i.e. Darros Lv10...anything...is probably better if not at least as strong as Jagen, and that's fucking Darros.) In SS, lv1Seth was only slightly weaker than let's say a lv20Franz Cav because usually Franz would have a bit more HP and speed by that level. I mean, I understand that FE:Shadow Dragon/Sword of Light was the first, and all but the least they could ahve done was updated the growths to accomodate people who've a desire to actually have fun. The only thing that I like about this game is the Online play and updated graphics; as far as I'm concerned, even FE6 was better than this.

I think you miss the point of Jeigan Jagen. You see, to make him good would be the most insanely blasphemous act that IS ever committed. I mean, he sucked so hard he had an entire archetype named after him, one that inspired countless noobs to believe that all prepromoted Paladins suck. That's pretty hardcore.

To make Jeigan Jagen useful would be like dressing a nun as a whore. You just don't do it. It's wrong, and you will go to Hell for doing it.

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IS has been making Jagen archetype characters way too powerful. The reasonable ones are like Eyvel and FE6 Marcus. FE7 Marcus, Seth, Titania start out good and end good, which defeats the point of balance.

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Add FEDS Jeigan to your list of reasonable Jeigans. He used to be completely useless (his Silver Lance could just be given to Sheeda!), but now he serves more point now that he has a monopoly on it for a short time (then Hardin comes and takes it). Reclass also puts him into classes that improve his base stats, or he could Bishop/Sage to become another healer.

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I consider FE7 Marcus the most balanced of them. And maybe FE5 Dagda. They do end up faltering, but not to the point of being unusable.

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Not my fault Jagen has shitty growths. Maybe he should be more like Wolf and maybe then I'd feel more sympathy for losing him. I mean, if I lose Seth in SS I cry myself to sleep at night but you don't see me blink an eye if Jagen eats it.

please address things I actually quoted in your post

mainly, "omg FEDS sucks because no res lol"

also, try beating the early stages about H5 without Jagen, see how much you care when he dies now

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