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The official Est and Radd Hate Thread

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Fiona lacks annoying fanboys.

Half of them probably just like her for her looks, and not the stats. Nothing wrong with that.

Besides, Fiona is so bad, she deserves teh hate.

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Half of them probably just like her for her looks, and not the stats. Nothing wrong with that.

Besides, Fiona is so bad, she deserves teh hate.

No, that's not why. It actually is cause of the stats. Here's a typical argument the main idiot loves to post"

you see, there are people who actually give a damn about turn counts in this game, where there are no rankings, and speed runs are a joke due to the abundance of Warp Staves, they go around telling people who DON'T GIVE A **** ABOUT TURN COUNTS they shouldn't use her because of reasons only an extreme minority care about, when in fact, she has one of the highest stat totals in the game when leveled up (sure, only HP, Str, Spd, and Def truly matter for weapon users in this game, but still)

if you don't want to use her, that's fine, but to go around saying she sucks because of one's own arbitrary ranking system based on speed runs that are a joke..... yeah

On Gfaqs. He pretty much puts all who disagree on the ignore lists. There's also arguments "What's wrong with wasting time to level up Est"? Explanations are given but in the end, it's all basically loops. Really, most of them just rave about she can cap STR and whatever else and completely neglect everything else.

At least some fanboys aren't as stubborn.

Besides, Fiona is so bad, she deserves teh hate.

She gets enough hate and I've yet to any praise for her.

Edited by Sirius
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I've seen the opposite. Less fanboyism in this forum though.

Less idiotic fanboyism you mean. It's possible to be a smart fanboy, after all.

It's just harder to find. :\

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Besides, Fiona is so bad, she deserves teh hate.
All hate comes from fanboyism, not whether they are bad or not. By this logic, we should hate Lorenz or Ricardo because they're terribad, but they did nothing to anger us or make stubborn arguments.
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All hate comes from fanboyism, not whether they are bad or not. By this logic, we should hate Lorenz or Ricardo because they're terribad, but they did nothing to anger us or make stubborn arguments.

Lawrence has an eyepatch, that nullifies any problems with his bad stats. Also, Ricardo has an awesomely awkward theme in Book 2.

Oh yeah: 1574-FireEmblemEM3-1.png

My plans are going well!

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