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Laguz senses

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According to Stefan, the Laguz have an instinct for sensing the Branded, though not all of them know what it means. However, this is clearly not entirely true. I thought I'd summarize each scenario in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn in which a Laguz interacts with a Branded, to see if there is any pattern.

First of all, the Laguz that Soren encountered in Gallia when he was a child could sense that he was Branded (or at least, their reactions to him agree with what Stefan said about Laguz sensing Branded ("Soren", RD IV Endgame 5).

However, when Soren returned to Gallia, Lethe and Mordecai did not seem to know or care that Soren was Branded (PoR 8).

Neither Lethe nor Mordecai seemed to be able to sense that Stefan was Branded either (PoR 15), and Mordecai didn't know anything at all about the Branded until Stefan had him look it up; only then did he learn that they were the same as the "parentless" (PoR Stefan-Mordecai A Support)

Nasir knew some secret about Soren (PoR 19), and he figured it out even before Soren told Ike that he was Branded (PoR Ike-Soren A Support, which can only be activated in PoR 23 at the earliest), so it stands to reason that Nasir could sense that Soren was Branded.

Muarim and Vika could sense that Micaiah was Branded, though Vika could not tell what her senses meant (RD III 7-8). Yet Muarim either didn't know or didn't care in PoR that Soren and Stefan were Branded.

Skrimir referred to Soren as "Beorc boy" and didn't feel uneasy around Soren at all, unless it was because of Soren's complex strategies (RD III 2-3).

Ranulf and Tibarn commented on how Soren had warmed up to them, but made no comment on him being Branded, which suggests that they couldn't sense him ("Strategist", RD III 3). Even so, Ranulf does comment on the Black Knight's "stench" (RD III 7), which suggests that Ranulf can sense that

the Black Knight is Branded


Almedha could not sense that Pelleas was Branded (after all, he wasn't Branded ["Pelleas", RD I 7]), and she probably couldn't sense that Micaiah was either.

Her reaction to seeing Soren also suggested a mother's instinct for sensing her child rather than a Laguz's instinct for sensing the Branded. ("Because I have lost the power of my birthright, I thought... that I might not be able to recognize my own child. But when her own true son stands before her, no mother could fail to know.")

So it sounds like most Laguz actually can't sense the Branded, and Soren and Stefan were simply unlucky enough to have some bad experiences with those who could.

Either that, or the writers simply weren't consistent.

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According to Stefan, the Laguz have an instinct for sensing the Branded, though not all of them know what it means. However, this is clearly not entirely true. I thought I'd summarize each scenario in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn in which a Laguz interacts with a Branded, to see if there is any pattern.

First of all, the Laguz that Soren encountered in Gallia when he was a child could sense that he was Branded (or at least, their reactions to him agree with what Stefan said about Laguz sensing Branded ("Soren", RD IV Endgame 5).

However, when Soren returned to Gallia, Lethe and Mordecai did not seem to know or care that Soren was Branded (PoR 8).

Neither Lethe nor Mordecai seemed to be able to sense that Stefan was Branded either (PoR 15), and Mordecai didn't know anything at all about the Branded until Stefan had him look it up; only then did he learn that they were the same as the "parentless" (PoR Stefan-Mordecai A Support)

Nasir knew some secret about Soren (PoR 19), and he figured it out even before Soren told Ike that he was Branded (PoR Ike-Soren A Support, which can only be activated in PoR 23 at the earliest), so it stands to reason that Nasir could sense that Soren was Branded.

Muarim and Vika could sense that Micaiah was Branded, though Vika could not tell what her senses meant (RD III 7-8). Yet Muarim either didn't know or didn't care in PoR that Soren and Stefan were Branded.

Skrimir referred to Soren as "Beorc boy" and didn't feel uneasy around Soren at all, unless it was because of Soren's complex strategies (RD III 2-3).

Ranulf and Tibarn commented on how Soren had warmed up to them, but made no comment on him being Branded, which suggests that they couldn't sense him ("Strategist", RD III 3). Even so, Ranulf does comment on the Black Knight's "stench" (RD III 7), which suggests that Ranulf can sense that

the Black Knight is Branded


Almedha could not sense that Pelleas was Branded (after all, he wasn't Branded ["Pelleas", RD I 7]), and she probably couldn't sense that Micaiah was either.

Her reaction to seeing Soren also suggested a mother's instinct for sensing her child rather than a Laguz's instinct for sensing the Branded. ("Because I have lost the power of my birthright, I thought... that I might not be able to recognize my own child. But when her own true son stands before her, no mother could fail to know.")

So it sounds like most Laguz actually can't sense the Branded, and Soren and Stefan were simply unlucky enough to have some bad experiences with those who could.

Either that, or the writers simply weren't consistent.

Well, as stated, Mordecai's not the best person for detecting Branded. :lol: And Lethe does seem like the kinda person that just doesn't care. (another something from her convo with Stefan)

If you had Lethe recruit Stefan, you'll remember that she said "I sense something..." indicating that she was able to sense that Stefan was a Branded, but perhaps, might have not been too sure what exactly she was sensing.

Well, Muarim did sense that Micaiah was Branded and was kind enough not to tell anyone. Perhaps it was the same with Stefan. He didn't want to cause any trouble for him. Also, it might be worth noting that the creators originally had some plan where Muarim and Stefan could support.

Well, Skrimir is hotheaded. Perhaps he had some small feeling, but was too focused on other things not to care?

It wasn't necassary for Ranulf and Tibarn to comment on Soren's Brand and it probably was better that they didn't. It's not nice to go telling everybody's secrets and all that. ;)

Well, Almedha lost her powers when she

gave birth to Soren

, so it would make sense that she can't sense Branded either.

Edited by Fireman
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I think it mostly is inconsistency. Of course, there's also the fact that if every laguz in the game freaked out when Soren came in the room it would be pretty obvious he is branded (it was supposed to be a secret).

And there is a chance that it isn't inconsistent and the laguz who see Soren and Stefan just don't recognize the fact that they are sensing Branded. I don't have a source, but I'm fairly sure some character said that laguz's reactions can vary. And some just feel a bit uneasy. A feeling of uneasiness could easily be overlooked as coincidence by the laguz.

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Either that, or the writers simply weren't consistent.

I'm gonna go with this, seeing as Stefan pretty much implies it goes for every laguz.

I think you forgot Vika/Micaiah's interaction in some info convo.

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I think every laguz feels uneasy around Branded, but not all of them know how to identify it- Nasir and Muarim seem to be able to, but Vika just feels uneasy and some display no reaction at all.

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In RD lethe and skrimir both say they fight with claws rather than words (2-2 and 3-3) mordecai says he dislikes fighting ranluf-mordecai PoR support Muraim only tells Micaiah as a warning so wouldn't have started yelling about soren and stefan's brand from the rooftops for all to hear

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i suppose that there's just beorc that they feel uncomfortable around. maybe they don't know that what they're sensing is a branded, but they still feel uneasy. after all, except a select few, they didn't even know that beorc and laguz could have children together, much less that those children would be branded. they had the "parentless ones" or whatever they called them, but they probably regarded them as nothing more than a fairy tale to scare the little children or something, and this belief was probably encouraged by Dehginsea and Co. to make the secret even harder to reveal. "Hey, just impulsively hate all those that you feel uncomfortable around with and ignore their existance as much as possible to avoid revealing the truth that we all will end up being swallowed by the beorcs." type of thing.

but i wouldn't know.

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Of course, there's also the fact that if every laguz in the game freaked out when Soren came in the room it would be pretty obvious he is branded (it was supposed to be a secret).

I thought that was hilarious. Well imagining a load of laguz getting seizures as he gets into the room and Ike saying "Glad to see you Soren" casually. XD I know, I'm twisted.

This was my first reaction when I saw the topic title. Mordecai: MY LAGUZ SENSES ARE TINGLING!

I guess A: the writers made another mistake or B: they wanted to keep some characters being branded secret or C: some laguz have bad senses, others don't react and others who do react think they're just sick so they ignore their spider senses.

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