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Yep, ch10A, the one with pablo.

I might re-do all the ones in eirikas route. Ephraim's are kinda difficult...

Edits and new portraits. I'm aware the chibis don't match everyone, I'm just posting them all at once.


Amy, a pegasus knight from Frelia who is very social and her chibi.

Felix, a pirate from Carcino who hates soldiers.

Beautiful's chibi.

Re-did chelso and gave him a chibi.

Tristan, a bandit from Renais who dislikes battle.

Gonzo, a shaman general of Frelia who is very competive.

Clark's chibi.

Connie, an archer from Ide who is very caring and her chibi.

Edward, a knight who deserted Grado.

Dominic's chibi.

Octavian, a mercenay from Jehanna with a secretive past.

Rapheal, a sage general from Grado with special abilities.

Emron's(Ralph's new name) chibi.

Serena, the princess of Rausten who is very quick to react.

Gavin's chibi.

Kristen, a mercenay from Jehanna travelling with Ike.

Jackie's(Mia's new name) chibi.

Vivian, a cleric villager from serafew. Keeps to herself.

Sector, the king of Frelia, a dedicated sage.

Merlin's chibi.

Re-did Ike.

Chibi of myself.

Leviathan, a pirate leader from Carcino. Very intelligent.

Xavier, a grado soldier trying to learn the ropes and his chibi.

Edited by Uphir
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Amy and Gonzo look the most original/best. Is Amy based off the generic messenger peg knight in FE8? just wondering. Also, Tristan is really dark, unless you were trying to make his skin dark.

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Amy started as a FE7 villager. The armor was a mix of vanessa and I think tate. Tristan is supposed to be dark, he's black.

Thanks amelia, on my first play through, Forde got killed by Pablo at the very end. That really pissed me off.

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  • 1 month later...

Yawn, it's been a while, but I only have one thing for you all, sorry :(

I finally finished my Revision of port kiris.

And I know I tile spammed a bit, i got lazy and just really wanted to finish it, but I think it looks good personally.

Image shack is being a bitch...

Any Comments?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm baaack with 2 new maps. Not going to insert them most likely, just for fun.


This one I made to be similar to FE9's prison chapter, but with Lyn's group as the prisoners and Beyard as the leader.

Battle Royal

This one was inspired a bit by FE9's chapter when you fisrt fight a halberdier, I think ch6, but with eagler as the leader.

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On the newest two maps, you've got some elevation issues in the first one. At the very least, the top room with the throne (Because of the stairs, the walls intersecting the left-hand wall of the throne room should appear as though they don't touch the top. Either that, or you need to stick "raisers" below the wall everywhere else on that part.). Plus, the length of the chapter would feel extremely forced with the map, because of all of the back and forth traversing through the main part of the prison (which, realistically, wouldn't be *that* winding). As for the second map, it's a bit tile spammy, and there's only a one tile corridor to get from the top area down into the bottom area, so I might consider opening up another one of the Thickets into a Forest, since I could imagine people attempting to go through in any place, really.

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I see what you mean on the prison chapter, I wouldn't actually use it, it was just for fun, but the elevation thing was kinda difficult to add in, any suggestions on how to add it in? And the second one, i'll think about the extra entrance in the woods, and possibly another entrance from the moat. Thanks for the critism.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Allright, something to post even though no one will reply...


Names:Christope, Nova, Alex,

Amanda (Three Versions)

Second, I made a new map, but I don't like it, seems to bland. I just don't know how to spice it up, any suggestions would help. The layout would be similar to ch18E in FE7.

Third, I wanted another opinion on this pallete, I like the first version better.


Edited by Dancer A
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I like Amanda #1 the best for some reason.

The map would look better if the trees weren't so evenly spread out across the map. Certain areas look better with bundles while others should have almost none. You could also lay trees out tactically to either advantage or disadvantage players and/or enemies.

Not sure what to say about the wyvern palettes.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

*Slaps on the hand* Bad!

Anyway, another animation, created by me, sheeted by me and Xiltas, animated my moi.

Custom halberdier:10mug0p.jpg

Pieces used:

Eliwood, Male Myrmidon, Ephriam, Hero, Custom shield by Bonestorm.

Oh yeah, it isn't done yet, this is the beta version.

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Double post 'cause I don't care to edit.

Slight modifications, version 2


Since I have no map requests, i get bored.



Sieze Gate


Escape into tavern


Survive 8 Turns


Sieze Gate


Escape to lower stairs

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He's holding the shield in the middle of his body. It should

be placed more to the right.

Before the attack thrust, the spear just turns in his hand.

That doesn't really make sense. Also, in the jump back, that

spin doesn't really work at this slower speed.

In the map where the goal is to survive 8 turns, there are too

many random thickets. Thickets should be generally scarce, and

have forest tiles near them, since thickets are dense areas

of bushes/leaves, etc, and less dense ones would introduce it.

Hope that makes sense.

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After the thrust of the spear into the enemy, when the spear starts to retract it does so without the movement of the arm, which is just a bit unnatural... (i.e. the spear moves backwards and the arm stays in the same spot)

I don't really have any comments about the maps, other than a few stylistic things that are more my opinion than flaws.

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