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Credit to Vamp for most of this, I just made the base mug and added some edits.

Oh yeah, her and Denson are supposed to be siblings, fraternal twins

The new cloth colour(the old hair colour) doesn't mesh well with the 5th skin tone used on the clothing and the headband.


Using outline colour instead(as above) could help with this, though this makes things alot darker, so you'd want to edit in some 5th skin tone as anti aliasing, since the majority of it will be removed to make the clothing actually look ok.

The hair makes no sense with how the headband is, and the headband gets randomly cut off, see how the tie up on it makes sense on Echidna? how it's outside of her hair? if you wanted the headband to tie up under the majority of her hair with a knot on the side, this isn't the way to do it, maybe get some pictures of headbands and hair ties before you try something like this, so that when you do it it actually makes sense.

The necklace is symmetrical and disregards the angle of her body, the cord/chain is extremely dark and stands out like a sore thumb against the skin.


Above ^, is how I've shaded a necklace, you're welcome to reference that when fixing this one.

You've also changed her eyes from light to dark, when doing this you should always revise the shading as light hair/eyes/clothing/skin/etc are shaded differently from dark ones.

Your third skin tone looks a bit off, it seems a bit darker and a bit less saturated then it should.

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I look at some of these maps and it makes me want to get back into hacking FE7 and FE8 ... not sure if maps would turn out any good or if I could even figure out how to implement them though :lol:

Nice map though. For some reason I just feel like, the bigger the map, the better.

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It's pretty good. One of your better maps. However, there are still many things that need work. I'm too lazy right now to point them out, so maybe I'll not be lazy some time and then I'll do it.


Edited by Feaw
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pink: mainly path issues. Them being boring, the same, or just ugly. You should use more variety, strange shapes, less straightness.

blue: boring trees. Need more variet, so put them in slightly different places, and use more types, and don't put all of the same types together.

red: just looks ugly as a whole, imo.

cyan: don't use forts in the middle of a mountain. Well, unless you have some borders around it, like you did with the south-western one, that one looks good.

green: those are stair tiles. There are vertical bridge tiles in the tileset.

yellow: don't use these either. Well, this is mostly just my personal taste, but they don't look good, imo. Just use the other bridge tiles specially for this tileset.

Oh, and your mountains don't look that awesome. They're okay, but could be much better. I know mountains are hard, I sucked at them too, but with lots of practice I can finally pull them of alright, mostly.

That's about it~

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Okay, let me do this...

Pink: I have no issues with those areas, I think this is just an opinion thing, so yeah. And the castles are fine, I actually went off of how FE actually has them chapter 10A to be specific.

Blue: Have you used this tileset before? That's the only type of tree in it Feaw :P Albeit some could be more varied in placement, but the trees them selves are fine. I'll fix the one tree issue on the right though, I saw that a few minutes after I posted it.

Red: Eh... again your opinion vs mine, maybe I'll make it a whole island.

Cyan: As being the 3rd-4th person telling me this, they are goners lol

Green: Noted, will fix

Yellow: Same as Green

Mountains thing I don't see tbh, I think they're pretty damn good, but that's my opinion lol

Thanks :lol:

Edited by Hero of Time
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Pink: Well, the pavements are fine I guess, but the dirt paths could use more... weirdness. Original FE maps mostly have that too.

Blue: Yes I've used the tileset. And yes, the forests are only in the green areas. But I just mean the slightly different forest tiles. Like, not the exact same tree over and over again. If there are as few as 3 different types for singular-tiled forests, it's fine, just use those alternatively.

Red: Yeah, my opinion, no need to pay attention to it all too much, was just implying it wasn't looking very hawt.

Cyan: lol alrighty.

Yellow and Green: Oki. (seewatididthar?)

Mountains: Well, for the most part they're okay. But I'm especially talking about the top-right mountain. The foot area (near the villages) looks very, I repeat, very bland. Give that more variety and they're okay. Also the top one left of the left-most village, right of the river, could use some work too, as it's just a straight line, basically. The bottom-right little mountain also could use some work. Bottom-left is good.

Also, more variety in the sand edges (sand-sea tiles). There are mostly 2 versions of each, and I often see the same tiles next to eachother. Just use them alternatively, works wonders (real FE does it that way too).

Me and my variety, i know, but trust me, it makes the map a lot better. Now you don't have to have every tile be different, some of the same tiles next to eachother is okay, as long as you don't overdo it.

Oh, and no problem bud =3.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

About damn time I update this lol


SE map


Quick little request for a friend(Palette credit to Feaw)


Was going to use for Marc's ragefest contest but lolranoutoftime


My original idea for the contest, but changed my idea :/


Was going to pimp that FE1/3 chapter but didn't want to ;p (Palette credit to Feaw)


For kicks


Probably needs cleaning, palette courtesy of Feaw

AAAAAAnd other stuffs to come later I guess

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The ones using the custom palette remind me of old school 8 bit Pokemon =P

The last one: Where the water is coming out of the pillar towards the center of the map looks a little funny. Mainly because it's coming out of the pillar which is rounded and therefore the water flow wouldn't be as wide compared to the waterfalls next to plain wall tiles.

*Hungrily stares at mountains*

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hey you, stop stealing my custom palettes =p

Fairly interesting maps you got there.

The third map reminds me of the map I made for someone as a request.

Fourth looks FE4 ish, awsum =).

One to last map... that hourglass room is... useless. It serves no purpose. It reminds me of that Valni Tower level, though (which isn't a good thing, but don't worry haha).

I'm digging the last map (becuase it uses my amazing custom palette) becuase it's so original and excentric.

What Prime said about the waterfall+pillar is true, it looks ugly. The bottom right one looks good, though.

Lol@ all the random plateaus on the water. Though most of them are useless =/.

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