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The Fire Emblem Awards Part 3

Part 3  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Plot

    • FE1/FEDS
    • FE2
    • FE3
    • FE4
    • FE5
    • FE6
    • FE7
    • FE8
    • FE9
    • FE10
  2. 2. Best Lead Protagonist(s)

    • FE1/FE3/FEDS
    • FE2
    • FE4
    • FE5
    • FE6
    • FE7
    • FE8
    • FE9
    • FE10
  3. 3. Best Classes

    • FE1
    • FE2
    • FE3
    • FE4
    • FE5
    • FE6
    • FE7
    • FE8
    • FE9
    • FE10
    • FEDS

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Part 3

My vote

Best plot: FE4-with the great twists, spanning 2 generations, and so much drama.

Best Lead Protagonist(s): FE4- Sigurd, n'uff said. Celice is pretty good too.

Best Classes: FE4-Master Knights, Barons, Generals able to use 4 different weapons, class specific skills, etc.

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Plot: FE4, hands down.

Leads: FE4 because of Sigurd, but I tend to find FE leads meh usually anyway.

Classes: I'll vote FE9 here, since they felt more reasonably balanced without being boring (lol GBA). FE4's classes are just... well, Master Knight vs Paladin and Sage x High Priest anyone?

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plot: FE10. Epic

lead protagonist: difficult choice. I didn't think any were that great. I eventually went with Ike, of PoR

classes: FE6. They're actually balanced here. Other games had several clearly overpowered and/or underpowered classes. Would have been FE10 had they not screwed up massively on mages.

Edited by Reikken
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I should seriously get to playing FE4 because I voted FE10 for all of them. XD

Plot: I just loved the plot of Radiant Dawn, it made me wonder how hard will somebody go to get to their goal.

Main characters: Ike was awesome, Micaiah was decent, funny at times (just that one line about Sothe being the bearer of Ike's babies made me laugh hard) and Elincia was Elincia.

Classes: I wanted to vote for FE8 but then I reminded myself how boring the new classes were. I loved the soldier/ halberdier class and a 2nd promotion was just what Fire Emblem needed.

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FE10 - Epic war against the goddess. Yes, please.

FE9 - Ike was super cliche, but at least he was a different cliche than the rest of the "noble princes winning back their kingdoms"

FE9 - Fairly balanced classes. But no light or dark mages. Ugh. I almost want to change my vote just because of that.

As a note, I've only played FE7-11

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Seisen (FE4) for all three. I have some sick fetish for the overworld sprites of Seisen ~_^


I voted FE7 for plot because it went along VERY smoothly, and they actually seemed to figure things out about what's going on around them, unlike Siglud. Celice didn't help the plot go along differently then how it was set up in the first half, I felt. FE7 also had characters who weren't too trusting, either. NONE of them except for Lyn were trusting people for the most part.

FE4 had the best main protagonist, because Sigurd's a true hero, even more so than the others, and he really appeals to he lower classes and really plays the role of saviour well.

FE10 had the best, deepest class system, like an FF game, which made the game a lot more fun.

Edited by HolsetyExcaliburRexcalibur
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Fe4's winning everything.... again <_<

Anyway, I voted RD for all three. It's plot was different than just "Resurrect/protect a country", it had more (and better) classes and protagonists.

Edited by kirsche
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Level design that did not cease momentum, but reverse it, multiple times, after picking up enough speed, is how to disjunction steamlining. The system and the game are not in as much fault as its maps are.

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FE10 for plot, FE10 for characters, FE4 for best classes. Mages that use swords? Hell yeah. FE10 had very well developed characters (Ike, Sothe, Micaiah to a certain degree) whereas FE4 had a very short and stunted script compared to the later games.

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FE4 for best classes. Mages that use swords? Hell yeah

Thracia has a better sword using mage knight. And an atrocious one.

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