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If this is still up, I wouldn't mind. My local 4e group has been on hold, been playing other stuff like Dark Heresy and Cyber Punk.

If I did play I'd go with my tried and true Deva Shielding Swordmage, I could possibly go Gith Shielding Swordmage though.

P.S. You reminded me that its been forever since I've been to CharOps, I assume you're talking about Wizard's boards.

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If this is still up, I wouldn't mind. My local 4e group has been on hold, been playing other stuff like Dark Heresy and Cyber Punk.

If I did play I'd go with my tried and true Deva Shielding Swordmage, I could possibly go Gith Shielding Swordmage though.

P.S. You reminded me that its been forever since I've been to CharOps, I assume you're talking about Wizard's boards.

Indeed the Wizards board.

And yeah, just add me on MSN: zxvalarevan@hotmail.com, if you want in, I'll give you some of the world basics, and then we'll go from there. :D

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so when are we doing this? i'll be driving back home for the weekend, so i'll be internetz dead until monday...

I'll get ready setting things up, and hopefully we can start sometime around Monday or Tuesday then.

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My girlfriend is trying to teach me to play D&D, but she has yet to finish explaining it all to me. She doesn't want anyone else explaining either, supposed to be a bonding thing I guess.

Is your girlfriend a lesbian?

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