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To be honest, if Fox thinks the staff is poor, he should be glad to no longer be associated with it shouldn't he?

Depends if he was trying to help or not.

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If he tried to help and it didn't work, only should make him able to walk away with more pride shouldn't it?

I guess so.

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To any and all curious parties.

* Jyosua (~Otosareta@sa-FF.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net) has joined theashtray


<@HUGE_WALRUS> you can't even tell my in-joke with Blue right

<@HUGE_WALRUS> why do you do this

<Blue> oh

<Blue> Hi Jyo

<Jyosua> I assume you're Blueen

<&Fox> wololo

<@HUGE_WALRUS> technically, that's be the wrong way to do it

<&Grayen> Blacken.

<@HUGE_WALRUS> precedent established by Whiten

<@HUGE_WALRUS> means you SHOULD be



<Bobo> but no I don't

<&Fox> Who was Whiten

<&Grayen> HUGE_WALRUS, if i recall correctly.

<Blue> Come on, Jyosua

<Jyosua> Frankly I don't give a shit who's who, but at this rate, there's going to be a banning spree on people who have color names ending in "en"

<Blue> Why would you assume that?

<&Fox> oh, ouch

<&Grayen> why is that?

<Jyosua> Oh god there's another one

<&Fox> what's going to happen to Pinken ;-;


<Blue> I established the precedent

<@HUGE_WALRUS> I'm still Urist_McMiner

<@HUGE_WALRUS> and I was never Whiten


<@HUGE_WALRUS> I used up my name changes

<@HUGE_WALRUS> so I have to wait

<@HUGE_WALRUS> then I'm going back to Der Kommissar

<@HUGE_WALRUS> and, probably, a mocking Konata avatar

<Blue> Anyway, Jyosua, it's good to see that there's at least SOMETHING that'll make you grow the balls to wipe the dust off of that "ban" button.

<&Grayen> but really, Jyosua. Why would you seriously consider banning everyone based upon a name fad?

<&Grayen> *that was involved in

<Kratos> Scene kids, psh.

<Jyosua> Oh it's not because of the name fad

<Jyosua> I assure you that )

<Jyosua> They just happen to share that ^____^

<Kratos> More douchebaggery on SF?

<Jyosua> Well

<&Fox> it's because you didn't want your members seeing you bail out.

<Jyosua> SOMEONE was a dick

<Jyosua> and posted the conversation from yesterday

<&Grayen> it was just a conversation.

<Jyosua> Are you aware Ed talked to me in IM right after that?

<&Fox> oh yes

<Kratos> I'm not aware of this convo, but continue...

<&Fox> we've seen the logs of course.

<Jyosua> Then shut the fuck up fox

<Jyosua> And you know what

<Blue> I never knew there was a non-disclosure agreement involved.

<Jyosua> If you keep acting this way

<Jyosua> I'm firing you

<@HUGE_WALRUS> but who will moderate

<Blue> For something unrelated to his job as a mod? How un-role-model-like of you.

<Kratos> What's so juicy about this convo, per se?

<Jyosua> I don't need a moderator that's just going to talk shit about me

<@HUGE_WALRUS> gay sex RP, Kratos

<Kratos> Ah.

<Kratos> That's not so bad.

<Blue> For someone who wants to be a good role model, your head's a bit far up your ass, eh, Jyosua?

<@HUGE_WALRUS> (I made that up.)

<Kratos> Oh.

<Kratos> ffs Walrus.

<Kratos> I didn't doubt you why?


<&Grayen> he's not talking shit about you.

<Jyosua> I don't need to be a Role Model in the ashtray?

<Jyosua> Unless this miraculously became serenes forest


<Jyosua> but if fox is going to allow shit like that on my boards just to spite me

<Jyosua> then fuck him

<&Grayen> it's not just to spite you.

<Blue> For someone who wants intelligent discourse, your head's a bit far up your ass, eh, Jyosua?

<Kratos> interblags iz srs bizniz

<@HUGE_WALRUS> why the HELL is there porn of fat people

* Grayen sets mode +v Blue

<Jyosua> For someone who wants intelligent discourse, you seem to not know when to shutup Blue.

<&Fox> I let it go on for precisely the reason Blacken told you he would post it.

<Kratos> To spite you, HUGE_WALRUS.

<Jyosua> Then you're fired.

<&Fox> not the end of the world, tbh

<+Blue> Fired for allowing advice that would improve the forum.

<+Blue> That's quite possibly the best reason I've heard in a good year or so.

<Jyosua> No, fired for specifically allowing a member to post something that should not have been posted, for the sole reason of getting back at me.

<&Fox> Hardly

<Kratos> Pretty vague advice, really though.

<&Fox> you're completely misinterpreting why it was posted

<Kratos> More like a prod than real advice.

<+Blue> Your definitions are off, Jyosua. Specifically in the "should not have been posted" area.

<Kratos> But, I'm like an outlier and shit

<Kratos> So Imma pipedown now.

* Grayen sets mode +v Jyosua

<+Jyosua> Fox

<+Jyosua> Look

* Grayen sets mode +v Bobo

<+Jyosua> YOU KNOW you should not have allowed it

* Grayen sets mode +m

<Kratos> Plus, I don't really care.

<&Fox> On the contrary, I encouraged it.

* Grayen sets mode +v Wist

<+Jyosua> You BLATANTLY overlooked it


<+Jyosua> I had things to do this morning!

<+Jyosua> I had to get up at

<+Jyosua> which is why I needed to leave that conversation

<+Jyosua> and get to bed

<+Jyosua> Yet you guys were DICKS

<+Jyosua> AS USUAL

<+Jyosua> and you encouraged this behavior

<+Jyosua> this is unfitting of a moderator

<&Grayen> um....

<+Blue> God forbid a moderator should encourage behavior meant to improve the forum!

<+Jyosua> and therefore I relieve you of your duties.

<+Jyosua> Blue shut the fuck up

* HUGE_WALRUS sets mode +b *!*@sa-FF.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net

<+Jyosua> It won't improve anything if it undermines the authority of the forums

* Jyosua was kicked by HUGE_WALRUS (yiff yaff yoff)

<@HUGE_WALRUS> the beeping was annoying me

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Hahaha, oh wow.

If I get banned merely because of my name, I'm giving up on the internet and hanging myself while I still can.


Why does my name imply I share THE EXACT SAME MINDSET as Blacken and Blueen?

Gee, sure is HURF DURF around here. How about banning people who make actual offenses instead? I don't care if it was just a passing remark. The point still stands.

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<Jyosua> Frankly I don't give a shit who's who, but at this rate, there's going to be a banning spree on people who have color names ending in "en"
Mmm. Paranoia is delicious.
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Mmm. Paranoia is delicious.

I argued with you on the desktop topic, but I think on this issue, we can see eye-to-eye.

And not just paranoia. Witch hunts. McCarthyism FTL.

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I don't understand how this thread is going to change or help the situation, as it'll probably just piss Jyosua off more so he doesn't listen to its contents at all, but it's a good read.

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That does it. This thread has made up my mind.

I will never leave here.

I just watched the first one last night <3

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That does it. This thread has made up my mind.

I will never leave here.

While you should actually have been banned months ago.

But moot point, now.

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