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Would you sleep with the person above you?

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Oh yeah man, you kind of butchered the line in your sig there. The meaning should be more along the lines of "Those who are prepared to shoot others must be prepared to be shot themselves".

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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I'm creeped out a bit... No...

And it was a quote. Pretty much those who kill should be prepared to die.

I know it was, I've seen Code Geass. And what I'm saying is the way you quoted it distorts the meaning. Instead of what you're saying, it seems to say its OK to kill as long as you're prepared to die, which was never the intent.

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edit: of course, there you go. fuck ninjas

Edited by Rehab
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Never, your sig says Peron and that reminds me of a certain character whom I would not wish to have a sexual relationship with.

Ninja'd, but your sig still reminds me of a certain character whom I would not wish to have a sexual relationship with.

Edited by Zephrion
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