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So, who's supposed to be the best general in all of FE?

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As you can see, there isn't much consensus on "best general".

If you were to ask me, I would probably say Oswin. But I have only played 4, 6-10.

4: all suck

6: all suck

7: Oswin is good, and very useful for a good while whether you want to use him in the long run or not

8: Gilliam is ok

9: Brom is decently good

10: Gatrie is good

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Zag / Wolf.

Anyone who votes against them otherwise is blinded by their power.

No reclass it's between FE10 Gatrie and Oswin.

Edited by Colonel M
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I remember the first time I ever played through a Fire Emblem game. It was, of course, Blazing Sword. The first character in my party to reach level 20 was Oswin, so naturally he was the first unit I promoted. I then proceeded to go through several chapters only using him because I was in awe of his kickass ability. Of course, nobody else in my party picked up experience and I wound up having to restart for obvious reasons. It was a healthy learning experience on many levels. On one hand, I learned not to become too drunk with the satisfaction of taking a one-man wrecking machine and having him plow his way through maps alone, while at the same time neglecting everyone else. On the other hand, I learned that Oswin is beast.

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Arden hands down. He supplies your units with fresh organic vegetables from his vegetable stand, and has a great sense of humor that lifts the spirits of his allies. He was voted People magazine's Sexiest man as well, so female enemies often are charmed and won't attack your group.

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Oswin is only absolutely amazing early on. General Wolf/Sedgar are amazing after two level ups for the rest of the game.

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The reason why generals are so good in The Shadow Dragon is because of the messed up avoid equation. Nobody has that great of a chance of avoiding, making skill less of a useful stat, and speed only necessary in order to double attack, while at the same time making defense (in my opinion) a more useful stat than speed. However, this is compared to the games after Fe7, because those are the only ones that I've played.

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If characters were better at avoiding, Generals would go from being good to...

...Being so good. FEDS just wasn't meant for Def values to be so high so quickly into the game. The idea is that your units are supposed to team up and try and work together to prevent getting killed, but now a single unit can do all of this, and the rest can earn EXP off of it.

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If characters were better at avoiding, Generals would go from being good to...

...Being so good. FEDS just wasn't meant for Def values to be so high so quickly into the game. The idea is that your units are supposed to team up and try and work together to prevent getting killed, but now a single unit can do all of this, and the rest can earn EXP off of it.

I feel that in the recent games, which I said earlier are the only ones that I've played, that it balances very well. A character with high speed like a swordmaster has to compromise their avoid ability by having a relatively low defense. A character such as a general with very high defense, has to compromise that with being relatively slow. The only characters that seem to be able to do both are heroes, which I feel that in the recent gameboy games (excluding Shadow Dragon) are very overpowered, especially if you can get lucky and get their resistance up.

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Both cases of having overkill avoid and overkill Defense should not exist. These both can turn characters into soloing machines instead of requiring units to work more together to protect each other, which is why I loved FE3 so much.

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Oswin for the Oswin

FE6: None were amazing.

FE7: Oswin has no competition as best general in FE7, very useful (IMO) throughout the whole game and he doesn't have about 7 chapters to play in the whole game (unlike Wallace).

FE8: I don't like Gilliam but Amelia was good as a general.

FE9: They weren't good IMO.

FE10: Good but I didn't like generals that much in this game.

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Wallace is badass, shame that it doesn't reflect to his usefulness.

Oswin is probably the best one, as I don't consider Zagalo that much.

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