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Is anyone right at the end of the 1st Gen?


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I need somebody to do me a favour so I can check my 2nd Gen base stats calculator works properly.

I need screenshots of any pair of lovers (right before you conquer the final chapter), and then screenshots of both their children (when they first appear). I suppose having Adean or Ira would probably be easiest. I need to be able to see the stats (eg. HP, Strength, Magic) clearly.

(In any case anyone asks, it's a quick and basic spreadsheet calculator. One of these days, I should stop being lazy and code a proper calculator!)

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That'll do.

Now to figure out why I'm getting lower stats than expected D:

I frequently get around 4-14 starting Luck for those characters. Talk about a huge RNG component.

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Actually, it seems to work fine for Ira's kids. I just forgot to change their class base stats and... er... growth rates. Man, I fail...

Although, it makes me wonder why I have lower stats for Celice compared to FEA. I even used Sigurd and Diadora's Level 30 averages (unless those are screwed up).


Thanks Sirius, I could use those as well.

Oh yeah, TheEnd, were your Sigurd and Diadora at max Level? I noticed your Celice has similar stats to the average Celice that I calculated (essentially the same with 1 less Speed and 1 more Res...).

Edited by VincentASM
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Oh yeah, TheEnd, were your Sigurd and Diadora at max Level? I noticed your Celice has similar stats to the average Celice that I calculated (essentially the same with 1 less Speed and 1 more Res...).

Actually, Sigurd was 28. Can't remember Diadora; probably 25ish, chances are I didn't bother leveling her after she maxed Magic and Resistance.

Edited by Tiena
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Oh okay. I was wondering how Celice could get 2 Res - forget Sigurd getting 2 more points of Res, how did he get 4 more with that 5% growth rate of his? o__o

Now to figure out whether I should go all out and do base stats for every pair, or just the popular ones...

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Oh okay. I was wondering how Celice could get 2 Res - forget Sigurd getting 2 more points of Res, how did he get 4 more with that 5% growth rate of his? o__o

Village, maybe? I can't remember.

Now to figure out whether I should go all out and do base stats for every pair, or just the popular ones...

Every pair, Vincent. Do you even need to ask?

Also, since Luck has a massive variance, you might want to leave an extra note about it.

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If you want, I have a savestate also near the end, if memory serves: one of the original game, one of the remodeling hack.

Also savestates from the beginning of each chapter, if anyone else is interested or something.

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Thanks for the offers, but I think I'm good for now.

However, I would like Sety and Altenna's stats, along with their parents, if it's possible (so I can test the high Level children) ^^

Hmm, for some reason I get 1 less Magic and 1 less Skill for Sirius's Rana and Lester respectively. I wonder what's causing that...

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