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Guess the favorite FE character of the person above!

luigi bros

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Although he gets points for his Chiki transformation saying that 'she' loves Marth in FE3.


is probably the most USELESS PIECE OF SHIT EVER in creature campaign....

(of course she was GREAT during the story) so...kinda...


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I'll try Shinon.

That's a really, really good guess. Here's why:

Pros: Damn good at what he does, cute, and I don't feel like a child molester for thinking he's cute

Cons: Stupid, stupid personality

If his personality didn't suck so much, he'd be a favorite. Ah, well. . .Soft Spot.

Neko Arc Lethe?

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omg you know Neko Arc too!? x3

But of course! I wonder if there's a Neko version of all the FE characters. . .

Sonia giving you a hug?

Sonia can take a very long walk off a very short pier. Seriously. . .ewwww. . .


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Whee, two guys at once!


Pros: Cute in a geeky way, can turn into a magical terror, isn't particularly hard to recruit

Cons: Still attached to dead wife

If Ursula didn't exist, he'd be a favorite. Instead, he gets Almost Favorite.


Pros: VERY amusing, not quite a cute as Cain (but a damn sight better-looking than most of the guys in Sacred Stones), pretty effective as a unit

Cons: Not too bright

His antics put him in Soft Spot. I'm sure you'll get one!

Hmmm. . .Ursula (FE7)?

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First, Riev is that creepy bishop in SS.


Pros: Good at domestic chores, has child rearing experience, good at taking enemies out, closer to my age than most FE characters

Cons: Kieran's the better-looking of the two, Boyd and Rolf

All that lands him. . .Soft Spot.


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Not really. And Riev is someone I detest.

Um... Mordecai?

Pros: Smite, can gain experience while untransformed in RD, simple but endearing personality

Cons: Not. Cute.

His personality puts him in Kittens tier.


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Ska is alright.


I swear, this would be easier if I knew what she considered to be cute.

Here's a short list of cute guys you may or may not know:




Ranulf (screw the cat ears, he's cute!)

Wolf (being psycho dropped him big time)

As for Janaff. . .

Pros: Adorable, amusing, and damn good in both games

Cons: That stupid little cap

I told you you'd guess one, and you did!

That's it for laguz! The rest are human!


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Don't know who that is....


I'm on the fence for his personality, and he's not my idea of cute.

His turban and stats are cool. . .but the way he handled NM puts him in Meh. Seriously, dude, it's not the end of the world if your wife doesn't love you.


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Not really. Too damsel-in-distress-y...

Glad I'm not the only one that thinks she's annoying.

Hmm... Renning?

Comes too late to be useful. . .but he does have nice equipment. . .but he's not cute. . .so I don't feel like putting him in.


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