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Guess the favorite FE character of the person above!

luigi bros

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He's pretty good-looking in fanarts, but eh in sprite.

Decent Sniper, but I'm not letting him anywhere near Eirika. She's exclusively Seth's.


Stature Frag anyone? FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!


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Gerik is so manly the universe exploded and reformed itself.

Seriously though, he's up there with my favorite SM dudes. I love him. :wub: :wub: :wub:

15 con, great durability, and he even looks incredbly sexy with a goatee. What is there not to like?

Boyd teaching you how to use an axe?

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Gerik is so manly the universe exploded and reformed itself.

Seriously though, he's up there with my favorite SM dudes. I love him. :wub: :wub: :wub:

15 con, great durability, and he even looks incredbly sexy with a goatee. What is there not to like?

Boyd teaching you how to use an axe?

I already know how to.... Um... He can still teach me Colossus though. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif


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Epic man be epic.

And he can switch between Ranger Horseman and Hero~ YEAH.

Boyd taking you to a Greil Mercenaries Party?

If Mist doesn't go to it then FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um... Zeis?

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If I knew, I wouldn't be asking.

Karin is cool.


And I will say it again:


I don't give a fuck.

That answer your question?

I guess so... (Not really up there but he's cool.)

Um... Lachesis?

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He's pretty cute. Joins damn late but I train him anyway. <3

I don't think CA has read that bit in the other thread, Chuy.


What kind of dancer he is, is up to you....

Well I tried to answer his question. He can go look at the thread if he wants the full details...

OMFG!!!!!!!!! You know what kind of dancer he is gonna end up being. wink.gif HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Gheb? Since someone else guessed him for you, but you didn't know what he looked like, here's a picture.

[spoiler=Gheb Picture (Click With Caution)]


Maybe I'll change my guess to Gheb getting axed in the gut by Boyd, so at least you won't get annoyed at me guessing a character that you likely hate.

The FE6 Thief correct? If so than yeah,she's up there.


Yeah, that's her.

As for Florina, there's a few other pegasus knights that I like better than her, but she's still up there.

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Gheb? Since someone else guessed him for you, but you didn't know what he looked like, here's a picture.

[spoiler=Gheb Picture (Click With Caution)]


Maybe I'll change my guess to Gheb getting axed in the gut by Boyd, so at least you won't get annoyed at me guessing a character that you likely hate.

Yeah, that's her.

As for Florina, there's a few other pegasus knights that I like better than her, but she's still up there.


How about me AND Boyd kill this motherfo? Sounds better to me... (And sexier....)gee_wiz_emoticon.gif


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