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hi guys what is going on in here

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Jesus Christ, just drop the shit already, you assholes. I haven't been here in HOW LONG and I'm still getting e-mail alerts from assholes trying to tell me how stupid they think I am in my personal comments section?

Grow the fuck up.

I realize that my view on gaming in general doesn't mesh well with the Fire Emblem Elitist crowd, and so I left. Claiming that I am a "moron" for "not being able to keep up" with debater crew is fucking ridiculous and you should be ashamed if you think that. The way I see it, none of them were able to keep up with me because they clung to obscure nonsensical rules instead of letting their own personal level of intelligence and logic into the ring.

I miss a couple people form here, I'm not gonna lie, but I have no desire to return to the ranks of this god-forsaken place, and I'd appreciate it if people would let year old bygones remain buried in a place where no one ever has to dwell upon them again.

That is all. Have a good day.

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Jesus Christ, just drop the shit already, you assholes. I haven't been here in HOW LONG and I'm still getting e-mail alerts from assholes trying to tell me how stupid they think I am in my personal comments section?

Grow the fuck up.

I realize that my view on gaming in general doesn't mesh well with the Fire Emblem Elitist crowd, and so I left. Claiming that I am a "moron" for "not being able to keep up" with debater crew is fucking ridiculous and you should be ashamed if you think that. The way I see it, none of them were able to keep up with me because they clung to obscure nonsensical rules instead of letting their own personal level of intelligence and logic into the ring.

I miss a couple people form here, I'm not gonna lie, but I have no desire to return to the ranks of this god-forsaken place, and I'd appreciate it if people would let year old bygones remain buried in a place where no one ever has to dwell upon them again.

That is all. Have a good day.

Bro, its just Black Luster Soldier. Calm yourself down man.

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Bro, its just Black Luster Soldier. Calm yourself down man.

This. I can not stress this enough.

BLS is not smart.

Do not come here and make a thread about how big of assholes we all are when it's BLS.

Always ignore BLS.

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You guys have a good point. Someone who was beneath my notice back then that still holds a grudge against me enough to feel the need to troll me over a year since I last visited obviously has some mental deficiencies.

But while I am here, how are the rest of y'all doing? I imagine the place picked up a bit when the DS Fire Emblem was released. I still haven't bothered to pick it up. Even if I wasn't as busy as I am with the real world lately, I've got a million other ventures in the DS world I need to get around to finishing before I pick it up.

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But while I am here, how are the rest of y'all doing?

People were banned, people were unbanned, and I got to experiment with some amazing citrusfruit.

Ever heard of the cross between an orange and a grapefruit?

It's about the size of a melon, and it's awesome.

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But while I am here, how are the rest of y'all doing? I imagine the place picked up a bit when the DS Fire Emblem was released. I still haven't bothered to pick it up. Even if I wasn't as busy as I am with the real world lately, I've got a million other ventures in the DS world I need to get around to finishing before I pick it up.

I'm still here! Miss me? Of course you do!

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While that was somewhat random of BLS, is that all? I don't even buy into FE debate much but that doesn't even begin to sum up the whole crowd here. Seriously, don't be this reactionary, you are smarter than that.

That said, sup? I still remember you being a refreshing alt voice, regardless of how your were received. They will not break our walls if we do not leave our bulwarks unmanned. (mac)

Edited by Rehab
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So being blunt makes me an asshole. Wow. Maybe I should just stop being blunt.

For the record, I get this quite often. But I stopped crying about it eventually.

It's less the being blunt, and more the doing something completely and utterly unnecessary that makes you look like an amazingly hilarious tool bro. I can be blunt to sometimes. Being blunt is not the problem.

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Glad to hear you guys are doing well.

I have been forced out of my home do to some disagreements with the people I was renting from. Then, work took a massive hit and I'm down to working roughly 6 hours a week on a good week, so I'm currently living with my grandmother, carless, trying to find another job in the hopes I'll be able to move out on my own again before the end of the year.

I know it sounds crazy, but I'm actually really happy with the way this has all gone down. I wasn't happy where I was living, so being forced into job searching, walking in the 100+ F degree weather everywhere I want to go, and knowing who the people I can really rely on has given me a new energy and zest for life.

@ Fox: And yeah, I missed our weird arguments and such. Fun times. You still putting the boot up people's asses when they get out of line?

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Glad to hear you guys are doing well.

I have been forced out of my home do to some disagreements with the people I was renting from. Then, work took a massive hit and I'm down to working roughly 6 hours a week on a good week, so I'm currently living with my grandmother, carless, trying to find another job in the hopes I'll be able to move out on my own again before the end of the year.

I know it sounds crazy, but I'm actually really happy with the way this has all gone down. I wasn't happy where I was living, so being forced into job searching, walking in the 100+ F degree weather everywhere I want to go, and knowing who the people I can really rely on has given me a new energy and zest for life.

@ Fox: And yeah, I missed our weird arguments and such. Fun times. You still putting the boot up people's asses when they get out of line?

Oh yeah. We also had like a billion pseudo revolutions while you were gone.

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@ Fox: And yeah, I missed our weird arguments and such. Fun times. You still putting the boot up people's asses when they get out of line?

Of course. These noobs can't avoid my eyes!

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If you've managed to do something to tick off FE debaters, that probably makes you, yourself, an FE debater.

Just not one that wins a debate.

Either that or someone violently interrogating us for putting Est in her own tier or Rolf in bottom, but you would claim not to be someone like that, right?

Edited by Chainey
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Being blunt is not the problem.

It can be a problem. And it has been one for a long time. I got/get bashed for the following:

  • Being blunt about the Wii (why do you think that many people don't like console war discussions?)
  • Pointing out why I think that Spongebob is lame
  • Pointing out why I claim Halo and OoT to be overrated as fuck
  • Pointing out why I hardly socialize
  • Pointing out that Miley Cyrus is terrible and why

I could keep going on about this too. So was I being a hilarious tool about all those?

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Being blunt isn't really so bad. One just needs to be considerate when being so.

However, there are fools who don't listen AFTER THE FIRST 20 TIMES, so fuck being considerate then.

Ah, fuck it after the first two, rather.

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@Chainey: If I remember correctly he would be more hot about the PEMN thing than Rolf or Est, since FE is limited in how deterministic it can be but etc

He would probably agree with you about certain units you place value on being good though, since he values generals.

@BLS: Personally I also find it weird that you would get offended at somebody calling Metroid Prime a shooter, and I didn't really hear much from you on that (that I remember) beyond shooters=inferior genre but whatevs

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I remember you left at pretty much the same time I joined.

Someone make this relevant to the topic at hand for me.

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