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[SPOILERS] Lelouch


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Is Lelouch alive? I would think so.

Why? Symbolism. Every time somebody made a paper crane, Lelouch would show up.

First time Nunally.

Second time was Shirley (when they were making fireworks in R2).

Last time was C.C on the horse trailer (the last scene).

And it seemed like C.C gave Lelouch her code, which would give him immortality.

Am I missing something important? Most people like bashing others for thinking that Lelouch is still alive, but I think that they're just being lazy and/or don't understand the plot too well. I already forgot much that I was going to mention about after I rewatched the whole anime in a few days, but this fact I remember well.

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That last part in R2 is a bit of a clue when C.C. says "Right, Lelouch?"

I think he is. Maybe for a third season of Geass-ness?

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He would have had to obtain a code to live, but he used his Geass on Schneizel on the Damocles, meaning he couldn't have taken Charles's code. I really don't see how he could be alive. I'm pretty sure that C.C. didn't give Lelouch her code either. Some think that when someone loses their code they die, but the main reason I don't think it's true is that Lelouch didn't want her to die when Charles tried to take her code, he wouldn't have made her die so that he can live, he's not that evil (to his friends at least). Besides, if he lived, then his whole dying in front of the world thing would have been pointless.

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Well, didn't the director himself state that Lelouch's death is certain? And what's more, he said himself that his death was necessary to create this new and better world of his. There are plenty who'd view his death as something like Spike's death from Cowboy Bebop, but I have my doubts.

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That last part in R2 is a bit of a clue when C.C. says "Right, Lelouch?"

I think he is. Maybe for a third season of Geass-ness?

No, he's dead. The creator confirmed it in one particular issue of Next. I believe it was Next.

In any event, Word of God says he is toast. And self-monologues are ridiculously common in anime. She can easily be speaking to Lelouch in the same way that someone can internally speak to any dead loved one.

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No, he's dead. The creator confirmed it in one particular issue of Next. I believe it was Next.

In any event, Word of God says he is toast. And self-monologues are ridiculously common in anime. She can easily be speaking to Lelouch in the same way that someone can internally speak to any dead loved one.

Plus, it would in a way ruin a lot of what made the ending so awesome if he lived.

But yeah, all "Lelouch lives" theories seem to be built around a bunch of weird potential shit.

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He would have had to obtain a code to live, but he used his Geass on Schneizel on the Damocles, meaning he couldn't have taken Charles's code. I really don't see how he could be alive. I'm pretty sure that C.C. didn't give Lelouch her code either. Some think that when someone loses their code they die, but the main reason I don't think it's true is that Lelouch didn't want her to die when Charles tried to take her code, he wouldn't have made her die so that he can live, he's not that evil (to his friends at least). Besides, if he lived, then his whole dying in front of the world thing would have been pointless.

Well, from what I remember/have heard, the theory goes like this:

  • Lelouch takes Charles's code when Charles strangles Lelouch in C's World. As evidenced from Charles taking VV's Code and CC's Code being forced upon her, mutual consent isn't needed to transfer/take others' Codes.
  • The Code did not appear on his neck because it had not activated and would not have activated until his "death" (eg Charles having to shoot himself for the Code to activate) . In this case, Suzaku's stabbing of Lelouch. :P
  • No one ever said it was impossible to harbor both a code and a geass. Charles lost his Geass because VV died. CC lost her Geass because the nun that gave it to her died. In this case, Lelouch becomes the first person to achieve a Code and a Geass. Code Geass
  • Following the whole "Code Geass" thing, Lelouch Lamperouge could be abbreviated LL (L2). L2 sounds like R2 especially if you know Japanese. Making sense?
  • In accordance to this theory, Lelouch's Code activated when Suzaku stabbed him. This would also serve to explain why Nunally received memory watch when she touched Lelouch's hand. A similar thing happened when Lelouch touched CC in the first episode.
  • Jeremiah was clearly in on the plan (as he willingly let Suzaku pass with even a few 'parting words') and he seemed to be completely content with how things had turned out. Wouldn't it make more sense if this was mainly due to the fact that he knew Lelouch would live?
  • The masked man driving the cart CC is on would likely be Lelouch. And then that would mean that CC was actually talking to Lelouch. Also, the pink crane might have been made by Lelouch himself seeing as how Nunally taught him how to make it.

Anyway, I think this was the whole full-blown theory. Although it's kinda dead since the creator confirmed Lelouch's death. XD

Edited by Fireman
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The director could've meant something along the lines that Lelouch died, but that doesn't mean he's going to stay dead. Heck, the emperor "died" for a few minutes before he randomly woke up again thanks to the code.

Did the director clear things up further?

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The director could've meant something along the lines that Lelouch died, but that doesn't mean he's going to stay dead. Heck, the emperor "died" for a few minutes before he randomly woke up again thanks to the code.

Did the director clear things up further?

Exactly. He died. He just didn't stay dead. ;)

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The director could've meant something along the lines that Lelouch died, but that doesn't mean he's going to stay dead. Heck, the emperor "died" for a few minutes before he randomly woke up again thanks to the code.

Did the director clear things up further?

Not only did he very clearly say that Lelouch's story is totally over and that he is dead, Lelouch is listed as deceased on the later list of deceased individuals.

For people who know moonspeak.

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Not only did he very clearly say that Lelouch's story is totally over and that he is dead, Lelouch is listed as deceased on the later list of deceased individuals.

For people who know moonspeak.

Also, why the fuck would somebody say "He died" and mean "He died and came back" in this type of situation? It would be like if Tolkien said "Boromir died" and you went "So you mean he came back to life?"

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Also, why the fuck would somebody say "He died" and mean "He died and came back" in this type of situation? It would be like if Tolkien said "Boromir died" and you went "So you mean he came back to life?"

Two different situations. One story involves people who come back to life after being shot in the heart.

Hell, it's Sunrise for goodness sake. >_>

Edited by Eltoshen
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  • 2 weeks later...

It could also be a symbolic death, and not literal. IE, Lelouch Vi Brittania died, and now there's only Lelouch Lamprouge left. Kinda like with Rorschach in Watchmen. You know, before

Dr. Manhattan blew him up.

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