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How many people here DON'T like Anime?


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I used to be into it, then it just started to weird me out, however I seem to be the only one here of such an opinion from what I've seen.

I'll be honest, this is kind of like asking "How many people here like Live Action?"

There's a fair portion of anime that I don't particularly like, just as there is a portion of non anime that I don't like.

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Like everything else that passes under my shrewd gaze, I judge anime with the acerbity of an ireful tribunal. Since most of it appears to me to be insipid attempts at pseudo-intellectualism mixed with copious amounts of pointless sexual imagery, I scoff at most of it.

Edited by Crepe Knight
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Like everything else that passes under my shrewd gaze, I judge anime with the acerbity of an ireful tribunal. Since most of it appears to me to be insipid attempts at pseudo-intellectualism mixed with copious amounts of pointless sexual imagery, I scoff at most of it.

That's also the reason why I dont really into nowaday Live Action.

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I've been finding a whole lot more interest in older anime lately. I've been watching lots of Case Closed, Rurouni Kenshin, Yu Yu Hakusho... The old Toonami/Adult Swim greats from my childhood.

Other than that, I don't pay attention to most of the newer anime. Though I did follow the Tales of the Abyss one for awhile.

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I can't say that I don't like it but I'm definitely not as into it as I used to be. There are a few reasons for this:

1. The manga tends to be better.

2. Assuming the manga on which the anime is based on is currently running you will either get a) An alternate story line(Hello, FMA) or b)Tons and tons of filler(Hello, Naruto).

3. The worst thing an anime can do to a manga, despite how good the either part are, is end the anime early(Hello Jinchuu arc of Rurouni Kenshin).

That said, anime that was originally anime like Cowboy Bebop and Trigun tend to do amazingly well. Even anime that break some of my reasons above are good, Full Metal Alchemist and Rurouni Kenshin were both amazing series as well.

There is one reason I love anime though, although its only sometimes, and thats the animation. Go watch the fight between Naruto and Sasuke at the Valley of the End or between Ichigo and Byakuya near the end of the Soul Society arc. They are absolutely beautiful and fun to watch.

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I don't like anime on a whole; it's like asking some if they like dramas. I like some anime series, especially the ones that have very good animation, like White Album, or with a very good script or plot, like Suzumiya Haruhi. I tend to shy from anime that lack any artistic feel.

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It's alright. But I don't really watch it. No, actually, I don't watch any expect for maybe a few select series, and that's it. I probably could watch most series and not have much of a problem with it, but I just don't watch many, if any.

Visual novels or anime styled video games, on the other hand, are another story.

Edited by book of life
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I've seen piles and piles of it, but despise it more than I can express with words. "But why watch so much, Rhelm?". Because I've watched three animes that I've actually liked. It's fair that I still give it a try every now and then. Usually watch something for ten episodes and if that fails, read a bit about what's to come. If it doesn't get better (which it usually doesn't), just end it there. I love cartoons, but anime is about as unoriginal as it gets. Every day I open up and read the funnies, and each of those artists have an original style. Even the kind of themes you run into watching anime or reading manga runs dry fast. So much high school or shonen type stuff out there.

Edit - To add more.

I have to deal with weaboos MUCH more than I like. Seeing them adore the characters I despise the most. Especially things from Ouran High School, Lucky Star and Naruto. Not that I dislike them for their tastes. We are all entitled to enjoy the things we do. I just see and hear far too much of this garbage. Not to mention conventions... ugh. .-.

Edited by Rhelm
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I'm weird, because I really only like Anime for its prolific body of Science Fiction, and occasionally, it's art (both visual and sometimes storytelling). Therefore, I can't really comment on the sort of stuff most people watch

Not to mention conventions... ugh. .-.

To be fair, the thing about American cons is there are cool people there--you just need to know where to look.

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I don't tend to judge entire genres in one fell swoop. I hate a lot of animes but there are some great ones.

Yeah. Pretty much applies to everything. And really anime is barely even a genre, its more of a medium.

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I can't say that I don't like it but I'm definitely not as into it as I used to be. There are a few reasons for this:

1. The manga tends to be better.

2. Assuming the manga on which the anime is based on is currently running you will either get a) An alternate story line(Hello, FMA) or b)Tons and tons of filler(Hello, Naruto).

3. The worst thing an anime can do to a manga, despite how good the either part are, is end the anime early(Hello Jinchuu arc of Rurouni Kenshin).

That said, anime that was originally anime like Cowboy Bebop and Trigun tend to do amazingly well. Even anime that break some of my reasons above are good, Full Metal Alchemist and Rurouni Kenshin were both amazing series as well.

There is one reason I love anime though, although its only sometimes, and thats the animation. Go watch the fight between Naruto and Sasuke at the Valley of the End or between Ichigo and Byakuya near the end of the Soul Society arc. They are absolutely beautiful and fun to watch.

To be honest, Naruto fillers are better than Bleach fillers. >_> At least they're thought out well.

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manga is usually better, but sometimes the anime has some good extra arcs (but skips other good parts of the manga -_-)

and I like how anime looks/is drawn, but I don't like every series.

but your not the only one, one of my friends kinda 'gave up' on anime to

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Just this year, manga has died for me. All I still follow is Girl Friends, being a romance nut. :[

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Anime got killed for me by weaboos and over obsessed people. (i knew several in real life)

It was bloody sad. Also the lack of interesting anime that was being produced had something to do with it. Most of it is the same bullshit just rehashed and im tired of it.

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