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What I hate about this game...


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Stop right there. Reaver weapons? Are you kidding? The only one worth using is the SwordSlayer because it auto crits on Myrmidons and Swordmasters =D +1 awesomeness factor for Hector.
They're buyable, and they're awesome. +2 def/+30 avo ftw. Lancereaver allows Guy to take on batches of wyverns without death risks like usual, for example. The only reason not to use them is when it's overkill, but sometimes it won't be.

Guy can take out Wyverns Riders/Lords with ease and with a killing edge. Which he comes pre-equip with. Even without it, he still has the +15 critical a Swordmaster gets.

Effective Weapons? People use those? O.O If you actually NEED the Horseslayer, Wyrmslayer, Armorslayer in place of a unit, your RNG must've sucked big time. Even in the beginning of the game, horseslayers, arorslayers, hammers suck if you bothered to train Sain or Kent; they can take out cavaliers/paladins/knights/generals with ease with the use of Iron weapons.
It's not a matter of needing, it's that they help a lot...though sometimes they do need them. Kent and Sain actually do not have the atk/AS to ORKO everything in the game with iron, especially not early on. If they did in your game, you're not playing HHM, or you RNG abused, solo'd with them, or they got blessed. Especially Generals is bull - even people like Geitz have trouble ORKOing SoT Generals using a _Silver Axe_.

No. They help in Hard Mode; normal/Eliwood hard mode, they're very unnecessary and weigh most otherwise durable units down. And besides, Kent/Sain through Lyn's playthrough to level 20 (VERY possible, mind you), promoted to Paladin. BAM. They can take out those cavaliers and generals easily.

Also lolGeitz. Dorcas/Bartre pwn Gietz. You must not have played through Lyn's mode, Lundgren abused Sain/Kent/everyone else, promoted Sain/Kent with that nifty Knight Crest, then run wild with them in Hector/Eliwood's story.

The ONLY time those god awful useless weapons are useful is for when they're needed...in Hector's Hard Mode. In the others? lolUseless.

Plus most of the "effective" weapons have the side effect of weighing a lot (lolSol Katti).
Sol Katti's a bad example, since it's a bad weapon on a bad unit. Horseslayer, however, doesn't weigh down Oswin or promoted Lowen, and hardly has any effect on Kent/Sain. Just because you can't load it on Florina doesn't make it bad.

Florina's a pretty bad example too. lol4 con? I was leaning more towards Sain and Kent. And why use Lowen when you should already have a decently leveled Sain/kent? O_o As for Oswin, 4 movement ftl? By the time he REACHES the general, it'll probably be dead.

But even if they stop you from doubling, Horseslayer's ~18 mt iirc can still sometimes do more than doubling with an Iron Lance or something. Depends on enemy though.

Iron Lance is cheaper and has about 2, maybe 3x the uses of a Horseslayer? And yeah, it does depend on the enemy. Why waste the Horseslayer (or use it at all) on a lolgeneric cavalier when an Iron Lance will work just as well? No point. Plus the horseslayer sells for a pretty penny =D

My inventory for a level 1 Hero named Raven:

Iron Axe

Hand Axe

Iron/Steel Sword


That's great, except he can't kill anything he doesn't have the atk/AS for without a miracle crit, like Generals or bosses. He's also screwed if one of his weapons run low, and he can't force WTA on sword users.

Lol? He can kill units just fine with that inventory. Raven's stats as a level 5 Hero: 46 hp, 22 Strength, 23 skill, 22 speed, 8 luck, 16 defense, 7 resistance. If your Raven can't kill things, doesn't mean other people's can't.

As for bosses, Linus would beg to differ with you on that. =)

The point is that it _helps_ a lot to have those weapons around, and the limited inventory prevents that.

What helps? Raven with teh SwordSlayer? Of course it does. It's the ONLY reaver weapon I ever use. And no, I don't need a Lancereaver for Raven. I've NEVER felt or wanted the need to use a Lance/Sword/Axereaver. And 5 inventory is MORE than enough. We're not talking about Lachesis/Leaf the Master Knights who can use every weapon except Dark; we're talking about units who, for the MOST part, wield 2 types of weapons.

The iron axe has 45 uses so that's PLENTY of axe exp.
Steel Axe not only gives him more power, but it also gets him that WEXP for Killer Axe much faster than Iron Axe does (like 3 times as fast).

Also weighs him down like a fat person on a bench. And if you want to get REAL technical about Weapon exp, the Devil Axe is his best option and that's about x4 times faster than the Steel Axe, x8 times for the Iron Axe. However, Iron axe has -3 mt, +10 hit, -5 wt over the Steel Axe. I'll take that over the Steel axe.

And might want chest/door keys? Thief pl0x. You get two; promote one and use the other for your thieving needs. Plus there's nothing really worth while to steal, except promotion items.
Raven being able to open doors/chests is handy - it's handy on any unit. Sometimes there's multiple chest rooms. Sometimes you'll want to open the door with another unit so a thief can go in and steal things. Sometimes there's enemies near, and thieves are much worse at taking those on than Raven, so you'll want Raven to go in, etc.

One unit with a Door Key, another unit with a Chest key, etc. My inventory list for Raven has an extra slot for it. Shall I list what all my other units have for inventories? I could if you want me to.

You get two; promote one and use the other for your thieving needs.
Regardless of the fact that this is only significant for like 5 maps in the entire game, this has nothing to do with inventory issues.

Units not in your party = 5 extra inventory spots.

Plus there's nothing really worth while to steal, except promotion items.
Promo items are very worthwhile to steal, and then there's often gems and stat boosters.

There's a grand total of roughly 3 that aren't dropped. And they're pretty easy to get to. Your hardest one to get would probably be the Bishop in chapter...27x is it? The side quest after Night of Farewells.

And never did the words "Promotion items aren't worth stealing" come typed out on this keyboard. In fact! what I said was "There's nothing really worth while to steal, EXCEPT promotion items."

And gems? Rofl. Please. Go use the Arena for a bit.

How so? That's...more than enough room...
It's barely enough. Not as bad as on ranked, but you'll still have to put items in unused people's inventory often enough. It's most annoying when you want to prepare for long stretches without a shop available, like after FFO/CB.

Each member of your army that's not in your active party = 5 extra inventory spots. Dump your useless items onto them, Merlinus has extra space. Or, you could do it the easy way and SELL THE ITEMS YOU NEVER USE.

Edited by p00nage 4
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They're buyable, and they're awesome. +2 def/+30 avo ftw. Lancereaver allows Guy to take on batches of wyverns without death risks like usual, for example. The only reason not to use them is when it's overkill, but sometimes it won't be.

Guy can take out Wyverns Riders/Lords with ease and with a killing edge. Which he comes pre-equip with. Even without it, he still has the +15 critical a Swordmaster gets.

I think you misunderstood him. He wasn't concerned about offense, he was concerned about defense, and reaver weapons help that one quite a lot. With a Killing Edge, he takes 3 more damage and has 45 less avoid against lance using enemies as if he was using a lance reaver. Don't tell me that 45 Avd makes no difference, because it's a difference like day and night.

It's not a matter of needing, it's that they help a lot...though sometimes they do need them. Kent and Sain actually do not have the atk/AS to ORKO everything in the game with iron, especially not early on. If they did in your game, you're not playing HHM, or you RNG abused, solo'd with them, or they got blessed. Especially Generals is bull - even people like Geitz have trouble ORKOing SoT Generals using a _Silver Axe_.

No. They help in Hard Mode; normal/Eliwood hard mode, they're very unnecessary and weigh most otherwise durable units down. And besides, Kent/Sain through Lyn's playthrough to level 20 (VERY possible, mind you), promoted to Paladin. BAM. They can take out those cavaliers and generals easily.

Not everyone outthere has fun making the game even easier by abusing the shit out of Lundgren. And a Lv8 Sain or something would sure as hell want that horseslayer.

Also lolGeitz. Dorcas/Bartre pwn Gietz. You must not have played through Lyn's mode, Lundgren abused Sain/Kent/everyone else, promoted Sain/Kent with that nifty Knight Crest, then run wild with them in Hector/Eliwood's story.

Dorcas/Bartre > Geitz? What kind of parallel universe is this? Geitz needs no training whatsoever and has better bases than both Dorcas and Bartre will have stats at his joining time. Hell, Dorcas might never even reach Geitz's base SPD!

The ONLY time those god awful useless weapons are useful is for when they're needed...in Hector's Hard Mode. In the others? lolUseless.

Then you don't know how to use them effectively. Or, of course, abused the shit out of your units so they didn't need them. However, only a vast minority of people actually does that.

Also, with the high damage effective weapons deal, you might actually kill your enemy before it gets to counter (in Player Phase), thus preserving your HP and increasing your durability. I'd call that useful, would you not?

Plus most of the "effective" weapons have the side effect of weighing a lot (lolSol Katti).
Sol Katti's a bad example, since it's a bad weapon on a bad unit. Horseslayer, however, doesn't weigh down Oswin or promoted Lowen, and hardly has any effect on Kent/Sain. Just because you can't load it on Florina doesn't make it bad.

Florina's a pretty bad example too. lol4 con? I was leaning more towards Sain and Kent. And why use Lowen when you should already have a decently leveled Sain/kent? O_o As for Oswin, 4 movement ftl? By the time he REACHES the general, it'll probably be dead.

Lowen is a pretty good tank with pretty good movement on top of it. Why not use him?

Same for Oswin, just with even better tankiness and less movement.

But even if they stop you from doubling, Horseslayer's ~18 mt iirc can still sometimes do more than doubling with an Iron Lance or something. Depends on enemy though.

Iron Lance is cheaper and has about 2, maybe 3x the uses of a Horseslayer? And yeah, it does depend on the enemy. Why waste the Horseslayer (or use it at all) on a lolgeneric cavalier when an Iron Lance will work just as well? No point. Plus the horseslayer sells for a pretty penny =D

If you can prevent an enemy's counter and still KO them using an effective weapon, why not use it? It's not like you were that short on money, after all.

That's great, except he can't kill anything he doesn't have the atk/AS for without a miracle crit, like Generals or bosses. He's also screwed if one of his weapons run low, and he can't force WTA on sword users.

Lol? He can kill units just fine with that inventory. Raven's stats as a level 5 Hero: 46 hp, 22 Strength, 23 skill, 22 speed, 8 luck, 16 defense, 7 resistance. If your Raven can't kill things, doesn't mean other people's can't.

As for bosses, Linus would beg to differ with you on that. =)

He was talking about specific enemies, like generals or bosses. 22 STR + an iron axe does not ORKO a general at all, as generals/knights tend to have a lot more than 15 DEF and 30 HP.

And gems? Rofl. Please. Go use the Arena for a bit.

Not all people like making the game trivial by abusing the arena.

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They're buyable, and they're awesome. +2 def/+30 avo ftw. Lancereaver allows Guy to take on batches of wyverns without death risks like usual, for example. The only reason not to use them is when it's overkill, but sometimes it won't be.

Guy can take out Wyverns Riders/Lords with ease and with a killing edge. Which he comes pre-equip with. Even without it, he still has the +15 critical a Swordmaster gets.

I think you misunderstood him. He wasn't concerned about offense, he was concerned about defense, and reaver weapons help that one quite a lot. With a Killing Edge, he takes 3 more damage and has 45 less avoid against lance using enemies as if he was using a lance reaver. Don't tell me that 45 Avd makes no difference, because it's a difference like day and night.

You do realize that most of the enemies' here have like..TEN skill with a steel lance, right? My level 10 Swordmaster Guy has 27 speed and 15 luck. With a killing edge, he has 26 AS and 15 luck, plus I usually stick my units onto a forest/fort if it's available to me.

Guy's Avoid = 67 (without terrain),87 (terrain factored in). Enemy's hit = 105, with the triangle bonus in. Enemy's final hit rate: 18, 38 if I'm not on a fort/forest. Not likely to hit me. Plus, Guy's more likely to pull off a critical with the Killing Edge than with a Lancereaver any day, which will finish off the enemy.

It's not a matter of needing, it's that they help a lot...though sometimes they do need them. Kent and Sain actually do not have the atk/AS to ORKO everything in the game with iron, especially not early on. If they did in your game, you're not playing HHM, or you RNG abused, solo'd with them, or they got blessed. Especially Generals is bull - even people like Geitz have trouble ORKOing SoT Generals using a _Silver Axe_.

No. They help in Hard Mode; normal/Eliwood hard mode, they're very unnecessary and weigh most otherwise durable units down. And besides, Kent/Sain through Lyn's playthrough to level 20 (VERY possible, mind you), promoted to Paladin. BAM. They can take out those cavaliers and generals easily.

Not everyone outthere has fun making the game even easier by abusing the shit out of Lundgren. And a Lv8 Sain or something would sure as hell want that horseslayer.

Usually, I get all Lyn's army to level 8 or so, minus Kent; he goes to 10-15, SOMETIMES 20 then goes on. You'd need more money than you could possibly have to get every unit to level 20 off Lundgren.

Also lolGeitz. Dorcas/Bartre pwn Gietz. You must not have played through Lyn's mode, Lundgren abused Sain/Kent/everyone else, promoted Sain/Kent with that nifty Knight Crest, then run wild with them in Hector/Eliwood's story.

Dorcas/Bartre > Geitz? What kind of parallel universe is this? Geitz needs no training whatsoever and has better bases than both Dorcas and Bartre will have stats at his joining time. Hell, Dorcas might never even reach Geitz's base SPD!

Geitz has terrible stats. Bartre usually can match his speed, skill and has higher strength. Did I mention Bartre ALSO has higher defense and resistance usually? And luck. Bartre has better luck.

The ONLY time those god awful useless weapons are useful is for when they're needed...in Hector's Hard Mode. In the others? lolUseless.

Then you don't know how to use them effectively. Or, of course, abused the shit out of your units so they didn't need them. However, only a vast minority of people actually does that.

Also, with the high damage effective weapons deal, you might actually kill your enemy before it gets to counter (in Player Phase), thus preserving your HP and increasing your durability. I'd call that useful, would you not?

It doesn't even require abusing, perhaps you just don't know how to effective use basic weaponry to kill your enemies. Kent + Steel Axe = knights in fear. Raven + Steel Sword = Brigands and Fighter cower in fear. They don't NEED those craptastic weapons to be good; you just need to train the units you're GOING to use.

And like I said; hector Hard Mode only weapons. Only time they're of any real use.

Plus most of the "effective" weapons have the side effect of weighing a lot (lolSol Katti).
Sol Katti's a bad example, since it's a bad weapon on a bad unit. Horseslayer, however, doesn't weigh down Oswin or promoted Lowen, and hardly has any effect on Kent/Sain. Just because you can't load it on Florina doesn't make it bad.
Florina's a pretty bad example too. lol4 con? I was leaning more towards Sain and Kent. And why use Lowen when you should already have a decently leveled Sain/kent? O_o As for Oswin, 4 movement ftl? By the time he REACHES the general, it'll probably be dead.
Lowen is a pretty good tank with pretty good movement on top of it. Why not use him?

Same for Oswin, just with even better tankiness and less movement.

Oswin, yes, is a tank. Would I use him on the front line? No. He wouldn't be able to keep up unless I gave him the Swiftsoles. Lowen? Bah. I have Kent; I used Lowen before; didn't even compare to Kent on any level and that's with a straight Hector playthrough, no Lyn story.

But even if they stop you from doubling, Horseslayer's ~18 mt iirc can still sometimes do more than doubling with an Iron Lance or something. Depends on enemy though.
Iron Lance is cheaper and has about 2, maybe 3x the uses of a Horseslayer? And yeah, it does depend on the enemy. Why waste the Horseslayer (or use it at all) on a lolgeneric cavalier when an Iron Lance will work just as well? No point. Plus the horseslayer sells for a pretty penny =D

If you can prevent an enemy's counter and still KO them using an effective weapon, why not use it? It's not like you were that short on money, after all.

See the response to "making game trivial" please.

That's great, except he can't kill anything he doesn't have the atk/AS for without a miracle crit, like Generals or bosses. He's also screwed if one of his weapons run low, and he can't force WTA on sword users.

Lol? He can kill units just fine with that inventory. Raven's stats as a level 5 Hero: 46 hp, 22 Strength, 23 skill, 22 speed, 8 luck, 16 defense, 7 resistance. If your Raven can't kill things, doesn't mean other people's can't.

As for bosses, Linus would beg to differ with you on that. =)

He was talking about specific enemies, like generals or bosses. 22 STR + an iron axe does not ORKO a general at all, as generals/knights tend to have a lot more than 15 DEF and 30 HP.

And I was talking in general; not every boss is a general, which makes those weapons worth even less. This isn't Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776 or Sacred stones where Generals/Barons/Emperors have the lolBig Shield skill. There's a Bishop boss. an Assassin, Valkyrie, couple Paladins, a few Warriors, a Sage or two maybe three, a druid, Swordmaster, a Hero, Sniper, Nomad, Nomadic Trooper, Fighter, Shaman, Mercenary, Cavalier...Oh and a Wyvern Lord.

22 Strength + Iron Axe (until he gets his level up when I switch him to something else) = pwned Bishop, Warrior, Sage, Druid, Sniper, Shaman.

And gems? Rofl. Please. Go use the Arena for a bit.

Not all people like making the game trivial by abusing the arena.

I boost the units who NEED to get a bit of levels in (lolCanas, lolLyn) before moving on. I don't pump out levels like a beast just because it's available to me. In the process, you make money. That's not "making the game trivial." In fact, getting Canas to level 14/15 doesn't make him Jesus in a purple robe so yeah.

Edited by p00nage 4
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They're buyable, and they're awesome. +2 def/+30 avo ftw. Lancereaver allows Guy to take on batches of wyverns without death risks like usual, for example. The only reason not to use them is when it's overkill, but sometimes it won't be.

Guy can take out Wyverns Riders/Lords with ease and with a killing edge. Which he comes pre-equip with. Even without it, he still has the +15 critical a Swordmaster gets.

I think you misunderstood him. He wasn't concerned about offense, he was concerned about defense, and reaver weapons help that one quite a lot. With a Killing Edge, he takes 3 more damage and has 45 less avoid against lance using enemies as if he was using a lance reaver. Don't tell me that 45 Avd makes no difference, because it's a difference like day and night.

You do realize that most of the enemies' here have like..TEN skill with a steel lance, right? My level 10 Swordmaster Guy has 27 speed and 15 luck. With a killing edge, he has 26 AS and 15 luck, plus I usually stick my units onto a forest/fort if it's available to me.

Guy's Avoid = 67 (without terrain),87 (terrain factored in). Enemy's hit = 105, with the triangle bonus in. Enemy's final hit rate: 18, 38 if I'm not on a fort/forest. Not likely to hit me. Plus, Guy's more likely to pull off a critical with the Killing Edge than with a Lancereaver any day, which will finish off the enemy.

Oh cool, so your guy starts out at Lv20/10 and fights against Lv10 cavaliers and stuff? Well, that obviously changes everything. But wait, Guy doesn't start out as a lv20/10 swordsmaster, he starts out as a lv3 myrmidon. A base level Guy has 26 Avd - as long as he doesn't wield anything heavier than an iron sword. Now, let's look at that 10 SKL SteelLance!randomEnemy again:

90 Hit - 11 Avd (WTD) = ...79 Display Hit? That's, like, 91.39% True Hit, and Guy get's 2HKO'd from these. Are you kidding me? Now, if you were to give him a lance reaver on the other hand...

90 Hit - 48 Avd (-4 AS because of weight, double WTA) = 42 Display Hit. That makes 35.70% true. Still not exactly safe, but a hell of a lot better than the former.

And as Guy's Avd improves, his use of the lance reaver improves as well. Eventually, he can even get enemies down to 0 Hit with it while not even standing on a terrain that boosts Avd.

Later on he doesn't need it as much anymore, but at least until promotion, reaver weapons are very useful.

Not everyone outthere has fun making the game even easier by abusing the shit out of Lundgren. And a Lv8 Sain or something would sure as hell want that horseslayer.

Usually, I get all Lyn's army to level 8 or so, minus Kent; he goes to 10-15, SOMETIMES 20 then goes on. You'd need more money than you could possibly have to get every unit to level 20 off Lundgren.

Except that even level 8 for anyone but Kent/Sain quite pushes it. And as I said, if you have fun abusing the shit out of Lundgren and thus making the game pathetically easy to the point where you can one-round an entire map with iron weapons, well, go for it; but don't assume that everyone else will do the same.

Dorcas/Bartre > Geitz? What kind of parallel universe is this? Geitz needs no training whatsoever and has better bases than both Dorcas and Bartre will have stats at his joining time. Hell, Dorcas might never even reach Geitz's base SPD!

Geitz has terrible stats. Bartre usually can match his speed, skill and has higher strength. Did I mention Bartre ALSO has higher defense and resistance usually? And luck. Bartre has better luck.

Are you, like, totally serious? I mean, seriously? Wtf?

Base level Geitz (Lv??/3):

Normal: 40 HP, 17 STR, 12 SKL, 13 SPD, 10 LUK, 11 DEF, 3 RES, 13 CON

HHM: 44 HP, 19.25 STR, 13.25 SKL, 14 SPD, 10 LUK, 11.8 DEF, 3.85 RES, 13 CON

Even though it's not very likely that either Dorcas or Bartre are already promoted when Geitz shows up, I'll just pretend they're anyway to show how awesome Geitz actually is:

Dorcas, Lv20/1: 46.6 HP, 18.1 STR, 15.8 SKL, 9.4 SPD, 10.7 LUK, 10.2 DEF, 5.5 RES, 16 CON

Bartre, Lv20/1: 47.3 HP, 18.8 STR, 13.3 SKL, 10.2 SPD, 9.4 LUK, 12.4 DEF, 7.5 RES, 15 CON

Dorcas and Bartre both have a bit more HP, but Geitz wins SPD by a mile. Like, you know, he can actually double some enemies instead of getting doubled himself. Also, he actually wins most other stats as well in HHM.

Also, Bartre having better LUK than Geitz was the greatest bullshit I've heard in a long time.

Then you don't know how to use them effectively. Or, of course, abused the shit out of your units so they didn't need them. However, only a vast minority of people actually does that.

Also, with the high damage effective weapons deal, you might actually kill your enemy before it gets to counter (in Player Phase), thus preserving your HP and increasing your durability. I'd call that useful, would you not?

It doesn't even require abusing, perhaps you just don't know how to effective use basic weaponry to kill your enemies. Kent + Steel Axe = knights in fear. Raven + Steel Sword = Brigands and Fighter cower in fear. They don't NEED those craptastic weapons to be good; you just need to train the units you're GOING to use.

And like I said; hector Hard Mode only weapons. Only time they're of any real use.

I highly doubt that Kent is capable of OHKOing knights with a steel axe, or even ORKOing them. With a hammer, on the other hand, he is pretty much guaranteed to.

Also, why do you bring up Raven? There are no effective weapons against brigands or fighters, and I never claimed there were.

My point is, effective weapons are only superfluous if you abused your units to the point where they can basically solo the game anyway.

Oswin, yes, is a tank. Would I use him on the front line? No. He wouldn't be able to keep up unless I gave him the Swiftsoles.

lol strategy

If Oswin has trouble keeping up with the others while not fighting, have Kent/Sain/Lowen/Marcus/Florina/Priscilla/whoeverthehellcan pick him up and someone else drop him the turn before he needs to see action again. Problem solved.

Lowen? Bah. I have Kent; I used Lowen before; didn't even compare to Kent on any level and that's with a straight Hector playthrough, no Lyn story.

Lowen is a tank while Kent is an offensive dude. Comparing them that way obviously doesn't work.

However, a supported Lowen can ORKO almost as reliably as Kent/Sain, while he can take much more of a beating and still not die. If you don't know how to use a unit well, then it obviously isn't very useful - but not because of the unit, but because of your lack of thought.

If you can prevent an enemy's counter and still KO them using an effective weapon, why not use it? It's not like you were that short on money, after all.

See the response to "making game trivial" please.

I don't see anything relevant to my statement there.

He was talking about specific enemies, like generals or bosses. 22 STR + an iron axe does not ORKO a general at all, as generals/knights tend to have a lot more than 15 DEF and 30 HP.

And I was talking in general; not every boss is a general, which makes those weapons worth even less. This isn't Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776 or Sacred stones where Generals/Barons/Emperors have the lolBig Shield skill. There's a Bishop boss. an Assassin, Valkyrie, couple Paladins, a few Warriors, a Sage or two maybe three, a druid, Swordmaster, a Hero, Sniper, Nomad, Nomadic Trooper, Fighter, Shaman, Mercenary, Cavalier...Oh and a Wyvern Lord.

22 Strength + Iron Axe (until he gets his level up when I switch him to something else) = pwned Bishop, Warrior, Sage, Druid, Sniper, Shaman.

Who the hell implied that he was only talking about bosses? There are also knights and generals and the like as normal enemies, especially in HHM.

And gems? Rofl. Please. Go use the Arena for a bit.

Not all people like making the game trivial by abusing the arena.

I boost the units who NEED to get a bit of levels in (lolCanas, lolLyn) before moving on. I don't pump out levels like a beast just because it's available to me. In the process, you make money. That's not "making the game trivial." In fact, getting Canas to level 14/15 doesn't make him Jesus in a purple robe so yeah.

If you sit in a chapter longer than you'd need to simply finish it just so you can use the arena more, it's abusing. Assuming everyone will abuse the shit out of the game basically makes all your statements invalid.

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blah blah blah

Your experiences have little to no basis in an actual discussion. You haven't really countered anything that Mekkah's brought up without saying "o rly MY unit isn't like this," which isn't even totally relevant to the discussion at hand about weapons.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOhu3YVo0b4 is an example of item slot syndrome.

Edited by dondon151
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Serra isn't forced.


I'll be serious.

Lyn's defense growth.

Serra isn't forced/important to the story.

And Nils being useful yet a handicap.

Edited by Emerald Jealousy
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Lyn's defense growth.

By that logic, your complaints would also be placed on others with a same/similar defense growth, including Serra.

Hey, stop trying to start something. And Serra actually grew in defense for me.

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Lyn's defense growth.

By that logic, your complaints would also be placed on others with a same/similar defense growth, including Serra.

Hey, stop trying to start something. And Serra actually grew in defense for me.

But stll, you have to admit. That defense growth, comment could also be applied to roughly 68% of the game's cast. And roughly half of those characters in that percentage are considered good. Defense isn't everything. It helps, but it isn't everything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Serra isn't forced.


I'll be serious.

Lyn's defense growth.

Serra isn't forced/important to the story.

And Nils being useful yet a handicap.

I agree, even though I'm not a Serra fanboi, she's awesum, the first one you get and appears in quite a few parts of the story...plus, she has her own theme in her supports.

*Out of topic, only this* In FE10 there are crappy forced characters, and Micaiah's not one of 'em *points at Sothe*

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Supports are my biggest problem. Sure the dialog is nice just the ridiculous length/effort it takes to build alot of them is just plain stupid. Same problem with fe6 and 8. Not to mention the giant boosts they give certain characters and the lack of ability to have anyone support anyone so it locks up the certain characters and only allows a few of them to reach full potential.

Edit: alot of the time I go unpaired in this game...

Edited by Lancelot
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I disliked having 3 lords. Not only am I forced to train them all so they don't get screwed over in the final chapter, I have to use up to two slots just to accommodate them, when I could train two other units.

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I hate both promotions and supports in this game. Promotion bonuses should be better like in FE5 and FESD. Supports are just... call me impatient but I just dislike having to tether characters and wait several turns to get anything meaningful out of it. Fuck GBA supports.

FE5 > FE10 > FE9 > FE3 Book 2 > GBA supports.

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I hate both promotions and supports in this game. Promotion bonuses should be better like in FE5 and FESD.

I would agree, but that would be H4X, they only gave those for better chance of capping stats, in FE4 Levin got H4X promo gains Erk should get.

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