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Really annoying ad


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Heh, didn’t realize that evony was under this much scrutiny. Some of the articles about evony’s spam advertising and cash-grabbing gameplay make for a good read :P

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I once saw one that had a random sword pointing at some woman's cleavage.

You mean this?


My problem with their advertising isn't so much the obvious dependence on sex appeal, it's their alarming frequency.

Edited by Vykan12
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Heh, didn’t realize that evony was under this much scrutiny. Some of the articles about evony’s spam advertising and cash-grabbing gameplay make for a good read :P

I agree totally, it's everywhere and I hate it. Plus, it seems weird to sell free games with cleavage. It actually seems weird to sell "free" games in the first place.

Edit: About the cleavage never mind, I remembered DoA exists. Yeah, guys play that for the "fighting system", totally

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I agree totally, it's everywhere and I hate it. Plus, it seems weird to sell free games with cleavage. It actually seems weird to sell "free" games in the first place.

Edit: About the cleavage never mind, I remembered DoA exists. Yeah, guys play that for the "fighting system", totally

I play fighting games for their hypnotizing jiggle physics.


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I play fighting games for their hypnotizing jiggle physics.

Lol. Although I shouldn't diss DoA for abusing jiggly boobs, Soul Calibur does it too. But I like the SC system better and at least some of the females are more modest.

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Eh I didn't mind it...

*Is shot violently*.

Though she is pretty good combat-wise in SC. Well, Ivy. Dunno much about Taki.

I'll admit that it is kind of screwed up how that works with Ivy.

Edited by Colonel M
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Eh I didn't mind it...

*Is shot violently*.

Though she is pretty good combat-wise in SC. Well, Ivy. Dunno much about Taki.

I'll admit that it is kind of screwed up how that works with Ivy.

Ivy and Taki both are very good or at least above average in all the SC Games. Add in the Alexandra sisters and Xianghua being awesome, and it seems that boobs=power. Especially when you consider that more modest girls like Talim are usually close to the bottom by comparison.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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