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Evony spams Internet with breasts

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I just saw it a few moments ago when I was downloading the FE4 Osawa manga >___<

And I thought the previous Evony ads were, er, slightly dodgy.

Edited by VincentASM
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I feel the exact same way, while I was playing FE2 on the Internet, there was an Evony ad and my sister asked if I was watching porn -_-.

I admit I lol'd at that.

Still I am admittedly getting tired of that appearing all over where I normally visit. :facepalm:

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I don't see them thanks to Adblock.

But... yeah. Everything you could possibly hate about an MMO is there. Shitty spam advertising? Check. Deceptive business model? Check. Have to pay to advance through the game? Check. Have to give your credit card? Check. Orwellian control of their forums? Check!

The good news is that WoW is basically going to take everyone out of business anyway, so these guys will get ploughed up with it.

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I don't see them thanks to Adblock.

But... yeah. Everything you could possibly hate about an MMO is there. Shitty spam advertising? Check. Deceptive business model? Check. Have to pay to advance through the game? Check. Have to give your credit card? Check. Orwellian control of their forums? Check!

The good news is that WoW is basically going to take everyone out of business anyway, so these guys will get ploughed up with it.

I've fallen victim to WoW too. It's surprisingly a good game... I should have given it a chance earlier.

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I never see ads here, anyway.

Opera is awesome.

I've fallen victim to WoW too. It's surprisingly a good game... I should have given it a chance earlier.

You're a lost soul.

Edited by Tiena
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Nah, I usually only end up being able to play a max of 4 hours per day, if even that.

Yeah... I tried the trial and liked it. But I gave up after reminding myself what I could do with 15$ a month and 4 hours is kinda a lot (about a 1/5 of ur day). Just don't become crazy about it and your going to be fine. XD

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The good news is that WoW is basically going to take everyone out of business anyway, so these guys will get ploughed up with it.

That's only good news if you're like me and take sick enjoyment out of Blizzard ruining lives and emptying pocket books with the equivalent of a twinkie filled with shit.

The Evony ad hilarity is a bit old, but yes, amusing. It calls to mind some of the old ads 4chan used to have, which were comically bad instead of just bad.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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I don't know. Around my circ, Evony ads have become like the national flower for the Internet.


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I've seen this advert for this game so many times... I'm not really bothered by it to be honest, but it's quite distracting to see it on the side when trying to watch episodes of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei...

I should probably AdBlock Plus on it, or something.

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I feel the exact same way, while I was playing FE2 on the Internet, there was an Evony ad and my sister asked if I was watching porn -_-.

I hate to go off topic, but you can play FE2 on the internet?! where? :o

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As far as I'm concerned it's a hell of a lot nicer looking than a lot of other ads.
I don't know. If I saw most of the women in those ads, I'd kick her in the face and run without looking back. Doesn't look human. D:



Creepy. ;~;

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They're just boobs.

That, ads with anime girls with around the same level of "modesty" have been floating around for a while, and while they generally weren't as hamhanded as Evony about it I don't see them catching flak here.

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I have a new favourite.


Not because it has nothing to do with Evony, but what it says in the corner.

"Unnoticable Now!"

It can mean one of three things.

1) That the person who creates these ads is just trolling at this point.

2) That they are trying to imply that it's a game with sexual implications, which you can play in private.

3) That they are giving up. Though I think they haven't hit the mark with desperation.

I'd like to believe 1, or a combination of the three really. The other ads usually drift closer to 2.

This article is pretty funny, too:


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