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Best Class Changes

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Posted this on Gamefaqs too, but I think it might get a little more attention here. Hopefully it's not a bad idea.

Basically, we decide who'd be best for what classes if we could swap around everybodies classes, but there's a catch. Sort of like in FESD, there'll be a limit to how many of each class I'll allow, so for each person we decide on, I'll take off one of that class. The number you can use of that would be equal to however many there are units of that class in the game. This means if there's a bad unit with a good class we could basically strip him of it and put it on a unit with better stats/growths. This way also avoids having half the cast as mages/valkyries/SMs/Berserkers/etc. Here's how many of each unit there are. Roy, Thieves, Elphin/Lalam, and Fa won't be included. It's NM for now, but I'd prefer HM if someone wants to help calculate HM bonuses to different classes, since I'm not sure how.

7 Cavaliers/Paladins

3 Mages/Sages

2 Troubadours/Valkyries

3 Priests/Clerics/Bishops

3 Pegasus/Falcon Knights

4 Knights/Generals

4 Archers/Snipers

3 Nomads/Nomadic Troopers

3 Shamans/Druids

3 Fighters/Warriors

1 Brigand-1 Pirate/3 Berserkers

2 Wyvern Riders/Lords

3 Mercenaries/Heroes

Starting with Marcus and going with FESD's class set rules, here's what Marcus could switch to and what his stats would be (using enemy class base stats and adding Marcus's extra stats from those.) You guys can decide if growths should change or not, since FE6 class growth rates are much different, but for now I'll include them changed. I'll have a character's base growths by adding/subtracting the class growths from the character's regular class growths. Growths are in parenthesis at the bottom next to stats. To avoid confusion for now (if you want you can include this), I'll say you can't keep changing and should stick with one class choice. Luck growths/base is consistent throughout (Well luck growths are class different, but I'll keep them the same as in SD, unless someone wants otherwise). Some growths in other classes may be some random numbers since according to Serenes, some of the base growths are like that. Kept Magic and Strength the same, atleast for now.

Overall Luck - 10 base (20%)

Paladin: HP 32 (60%) Str 9 (25%) Skl 14 (20%) Spd 11 (25%) Def 9 (15%) Res 8 (20%) Con 11

Sage: HP 29 (35%) Mag 7 (45%) Skl 14 (20%) Spd 8 (32%) Def 6 (13%) Res 10 (28%) Con 7

Wyvern Lord: HP 34 (65%) Str 11 (40%) Skl 15 (20%) Spd 11 (27%) Def 11 (23%) Res 6 (10%) Con 11

Bishop: HP 30 (35%) Mag 6 (35%) Skl 14 (15%) Spd 8 (29%) Def 4 (11%) Res 13 (43%) Con 6

Sniper: HP 30 (55%) Str 7 (30%) Skl 16 (20%) Spd 9 (27%) Def 6 (18%) Res 7 (18%) Con 8

Swordmaster:HP 30 (55%) Str 8 (20%) Skl 21 (20%) Spd 14 (37%) Def 6 (18%) Res 7 (15%) Con 9

So discuss/vote/whatever. Hopefully this'll make some sort of interesting discussion, especially since there's no infinite amount of any class. If this somehow goes all the way, would be funny to see who actually ends up with what, and maybe doing a playthrough like that. Females will also have a class A and B set since there's more classes they can be from either. Here's my idea for that.

Female A: Paladin (no Cavalier), Pegasus/Falcon Knight, Archer/Sniper, Mage/Sage, Cleric/Bishop, Myrmidon/Swordmaster

Female B: Hero (no Mercenary), Knight/General, Nomad/Nomad Trooper, Troubadour/Valkyrie, Shaman/Druid, Wyvern Rider/Lord

Edited by Unknown Gamer11
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I guess Sage Marcus cause he can heal and not take exp from others and that 45%magic growth dosen't look too bad.. and how did you calculate these? did you take their default class growth and subtract them from the FE6 class growth?

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I could just imagine having Marcus being a purple wyvern lord... XD I don't really think we need extra healers in the earlier chapters so I guess maybe something more aggresive like wyvern lord would make him more helpful since his main jobs are rescuing, movement and being a wall.

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Yeah, to calculate, I looked at the base class growths for Paladin, then Marcus' growths, subtracted/added as necessary, then went to the other classes base growths and added/subtracted whatever needed to be. For example, Marcus had a "base" skill growth of -10%, so for his skill growth I subtracted 10 from whatever the other classes' base skill growths were.

As for the topic, I shoulda maybe made it more clear in the first post, but let's say no character has a class right now, and we're distrubting the classes out to each unit. However, the number of classes I posted above is how many of that class we have to distribute, so if we gave Marcus Wyvern Lord, it'd take up one of the two Wyvern Lord spots. I'm doing this to make it similar to FESD in a sense, and to avoid half of the cast becoming mages due to Anima magic being great in this game.

Back on topic, only thing about him being a Wyvern is getting weakness to bows and more strength, so less weakening of units and more killing them.

Edit: Oh, and I have a couple other units done too for whenever you want to see/discuss them.

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Why would we put Marcus in sage? I mean, it's probably HIS best class, but that means someone else is getting a worse class. I'd probably stick him with bishop if I really wanted him to heal over sage. 15% growth difference is bad, but I'm pretty sure it would give him a higher staff rank and it means a better unit gets sage and a 15% higher magic growth. I'd probably stick him in either bishop (healing) or wyvern lord (Better durability and no movement loss for rescuing). Really, it depends on who else fits into those classes. In the end, he might actually go to a horrible class for the sake of getting someone else out of it or he might stick in paladin since there are 7 slots for that, and he does what he does just fine as a pallie. Marcus has low priority since he has poor bases and horrible growths, so I think that in the end, we'll just stick him with whatever close to the end.

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Alright, I'll show the other two people I've got done for now. Yeah, moving on from some may be a good idea since there will probably be some pretty obvious choices on some people. Here are Alan and Cecilia. Anybody have any requests for who they want to see next?


Overall Luck – 3 Base (40%)

Cavalier: HP 21 (85%) Str 7 (45%) Skl 4 (40%) Spd 6 (45%) Def 6 (25%) Res 0 (10%) Con 9

Mage: HP 17 (65%) Mag 3 (65%) Skl 4 (40%) Spd 4 (52%) Def 3 (15%) Res 3 (33%) Con 6

Wyvern Rider: HP 21 (90%) Str 9 (55%) Skl 5 (35%) Spd 6 (47%) Def 8 (35%) Res 0 (8%) Con 10

Priest: HP 19 (60%) Mag 3 (40%) Skl 3 (35%) Spd 3 (49%) Def 1 (18%) Res 5 (48%) Con 5

Archer: HP 19 (80%) Str 6 (45%) Skl 5 (40%) Spd 4 (49%) Def 3 (25%) Res 0 (8%) Con 7

Myrmidon: HP 17 (80%) Str 6 (45%) Skl 11 (40%) Spd 10 (57%) Def 2 (25%) Res 0 (15%) Con 8


Overall Luck – 10 Base (25%)

Valkyrie: HP 30 (60%) Mag 11 (35%) Skl 7 (45%) Spd 10 (25%) Def 7 (20%) Res 13 (25%) Con 6

Hero: HP 33 (90%) Str 13 (30%) Skl 14 (50%) Spd 16 (0%) Def 9 (30%) Res 8 (15%) Con 9

Wyvern Lord: HP 35 (85%) Str 15 (40%) Skl 11 (50%) Spd 12 (0%) Def 12 (30%) Res 7 (12%) Con 10

Druid: HP 28 (60%) Mag 14 (55%) Skl 7 (50%) Spd 9 (5%) Def 6 (20%) Res 12 (32%) Con 4

Nomadic Trooper: HP 32 (75%) Str 13 (25%) Skl 10 (50%) Spd 12 (15%) Def 8 (25%) Res 9 (15%) Con 6

General: HP 31 (90%) Str 15 (30%) Skl 9 (55%) Spd 10 (0%) Def 14 (33%) Res 9 (20%) Con 11

Well first off I can say we'd want Cecilia out of Valkyrie pronto. Sure it's her best class, but it's one of the best classes in the game and a unit like her getting it is rather bad. As you can tell, her base speed growth is horrible. She would have been negative as a general had I not stopped it at 0. The only other choice I could see for her would be Druid for keeping staff utility or Hero, since the base speed would be just enough to keep her from being doubled by most enemies and she could double a few things on her joining time. Still, Echidna would outdo her if Echidna still wants hero. If we want to waste a slot on her, General or Nomadic Trooper would be the best choices to just drop her on to since neither are the best classes.

Alan wouldn't be horrible in any class. Though what I wouldn't put him as would be Priest and Archer. Archers, being the horrible class they are, shouldn't be wasted on good units like Alan, while Priest just seems a tad of a waste. He could be a nice mage, but his bases are pretty bad while his growths are amazing. He'd be a strong myrmidon too with that strength growth. Wyvern seems like a great option, but you only get two of those, and weakness to bows early on may not be the greatest thing. And of course he could always just stay Pally, so any thoughts?

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Well I'd strip it from Zeiss easily. Good contenders I could see would be Alan, Lance, Rutger?, Miledy still, and maybe a few others.

Edit: I'll edit/post in new units when I get them done in groups of two or three, they'll be somewhat random. You can put any input in that you see, and if any obvious choices come up we'll finally have something decided. It'll probably be easier once I get more units done. That is...if anyone's actually willing to discuss stuff once I get more people done.

Edited by Unknown Gamer11
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Well, then this is just a matter of putting good characters in good classes and bad characters in bad classes, isn't it? At least this has a bit more depth than just automatically putting people in the best classes (i.e. WK and valk).

But anyway, Marcus in paladin (maintains his earlygame utility and there are 7 slots anyhow), Allen in WK (awesome class) or just cav, Cecilia in druid, probably. Some other people like Lot would do well as general.

I noticed that promoted and unpromoted class growths are different. What were you planning to do about that?

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For now I've just been going along with it, prepromotes get to use the promoted unit class growths to calculate base growths, and non promoted units get to use non promoted unit class growths to calculate bases. I have Lugh and Garret done, next I'll work on Hugh, Dieck's group, Lance, and Rutger in some sort of order.


Overall Luck 12 Base (15%)

Berserker: HP 49 (70%) Str 17 (45%) Skl 13 (25%) Spd 10 (25%) Def 9 (15%) Res 4 (5%) Con 13

Hero: HP 47 (87%) Str 16 (40%) Skl 16 (30%) Spd 13 (33%) Def 10 (25%) Res 6 (5%) Con 10

Warrior: HP 53 (92%) Str 18 (55%) Skl 12 (25%) Spd 9 (33%) Def 7 (21%) Res 4 (2%) Con 13

Druid: HP 44 (57%) Mag 16 (65%) Skl 10 (30%) Spd 7 (38%) Def 6 (15%) Res 10 (22%) Con 6

Nomad Trooper: HP 46 (72%) Str 17 (35%) Skl 13 (30%) Spd 10 (48%) Def 8 (20%) Res 7 (5%) Con 8

General: HP 46 (87%) Str 18 (40%) Skl 11 (25%) Spd 6 (23%) Def 15 (28%) Res 7 (10%) Con 15

If we want him useful, I'd say stick him on Berserker still. Good enough offense and 30% adding to crit and supports that add crit is useful enough. Hero could be...ok, but it's a good class. In general he's a mini Douglas, so not that great. Nomad Trooper gives him a speed growth, so he'd grow ok but not have a good start. If he had a nice staff rank (Guessing it could be atleast C since he's a prepromo) he'd have decent physic range.


Overall Luck 5 Base (35%)

Mage: HP 16 (50%) Mag 4 (40%) Skl 5 (50%) Spd 6 (50%) Def 3 (15%) Res 5 (30%) Con 4

Cavalier: HP 20 (70%) Str 8 (20%) Skl 5 (50%) Spd 8 (43%) Def 6 (25%) Res 2 (7%) Con 7

Wyvern Rider: HP 20 (75%) Str 10 (30%) Skl 6 (45%) Spd 8 (45%) Def 8 (35%) Res 2 (5%) Con 8

Priest: HP 18 (45%) Mag 4 (15%) Skl 4 (45%) Spd 5 (47%) Def 1 (18%) Res 7 (45%) Con 3

Archer: HP 18 (65%) Str 7 (20%) Skl 6 (50%) Spd 6 (47%) Def 3 (25%) Res 2 (5%) Con 5

Myrmidon: HP 16 (65%) Str 7 (20%) Skl 12 (50%) Spd 12 (55%) Def 2 (25%) Res 2 (12%) Con 6

Lugh's Str/Mag growth kinda screws him over in any class but Wyvern Rider or Mage. He'd be like a "Lance" type character if he was a wyvern. Mediocre strength (great base though) and good skill/speed. His defense wouldn't be too shabby either. No other options really stick out due to that horrid strength growth, but I wouldn't want to waste Lugh on a bad class, since he's got pretty good bases and good growths.

Edited by Unknown Gamer11
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Lugh? Hmm, well, Mage/Sage is a wanted class, so we probably want him out of there. I'm thinking this'll be a problem with all mages. They have the highest attack growth in their group, so anyone coming from Mage will have poor strength, while if we take say, a healer or a myrmidon or an archer that had a good growth, they'd have an amazing magic growth. I guess archer. Mage is the only way for his offense to not fall into a hole, and someone else probably wants that. His next best option is wyvern rider, which is also a wanted class, and even then, his offense is pretty lame. If he goes archer, then he might have some instant utility. That strength base is okay, and his speed might just be enough to double something. And if he got a few levels, he at least might have enough speed to double often and put things into the zone where anyone you want can kill them.

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Only thing is that the mage characters have great bases. Generic Mage base stats are rather low, which is why other characters switching to mage get bad bases and mage characters themselves start with really good bases. About him being out of Mage, Lugh still is one of the higher up units of the game regularly, so he makes a good mage, we'd just have to see how other people would do in it.

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Magic growth is everything? Thing is that Lugh still kills just fine with his 40% and he doubles reliably. Aside from Saul probably, Zeiss and Wolt (not as much Zeiss) still wouldn't have great bases in the class. Zeiss would also be joining at chapter 16 stats something like this, compared to Lugh's .

24 HP

8 Mag

8 Skill

6 Speed

6 Luck

7 Defense (5% growth)

5 Res

Yeah...he just lost all his durability. -5 Defense, -4 HP, -4 Avoid (18 avoid now). He won't get action until 16x anyways, so not much for him to do in this. I'd much more easily waste Zeiss on a bad class due to his join time and level then I would waste Lugh. I dunno, I just don't think we should straight away waste a normally high tier unit like Lugh until we see more of what other people could do as a mage.

EDIT: Also might have females be allowed to be cavaliers/mercenaries, although those are generally messed up classes. If only because otherwise only prepromoted females would be able to change to that.

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I was just pointing out why other people would like it. If you take someone from a class with lower base growths and stick them in a class with (a) high base growth(s), then you're getting someone who's awesome instead of someone who's just good. He's not bad, but when I can take someone (who already might have similar growths to him) and boost their attack growth by 20%, he's less likely to keep it. Maybe this would work better if we took a class instead of a character so we can compare everyone and then pick say, 3 or 4 extra people over the class limit and order them in terms of who's best. Then, if that person was better in another class, everyone below them would move up.

Edit: Well, sure. You could just compare the difference in the promoted classes and apply that to the unpromoted classes.

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The way you mentioned to do it might work, although it would take a bit longer to do since you'd do it for around half of the units in the game, though it could be a good idea. So you mean just go one class at a time, determine the best for that class and add a couple to the maximum incase those units find better classes, and go from there one class at a time? It could work well, but I'd need more time to do it. Anyone else have thoughts?

And I may as well include female mercs/cavs. They don't have working animations (and female merc map sprite is just scary...) but I'm pretty sure they're still battle functional, and this is mostly theoretical discussion so I guess it doesn't matter anyways.

One other thing that struck me was what to do about weapon levels. If someone is changing to a class with a new weapon involved or gets dual weapons, should we just go SD style and give whatever rankings those were? (Generally lower than the unit's regular class weapon levels.) Or just give them weapon levels equal to their default class for whatever weapons they can use, even multiple (So Klein would get A Anima and A Staves if he switched to sage.)

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I'd do SD way. It doesn't make sense for someone to randomly know how to use high level tomes. I could help with the class thing, too. I could do, say, cavalier/paladin while you did mage/sage. It would save quite a bit of time.

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For now though let's worry about stats, then if any discussion starts we can start throwing in weapon levels. Only thing is since no constant changing is allowed maybe the weapon levels should be high, since it's as if that person is always that class. The other thing about Lugh I wanted to point out was that he's still a good support partner for Ellen and Chad (who can't change and will still probably always be used as your main thief).

And that will work. I can work on Mage and you can work on Cavalier if you want. Just remember the class sets for each unit so we're not including everyone. It'll be the same for both of us. By the way I have Hugh's stats done. He's similar to Lugh in having a bad (but slightly better) strength growth, but he also has an amazing strength base (17 as Cav, 19 as Wyvern O_O). Just a reminder of the sets.

Male A: Cavalier/Paladin, Mage/Sage, Wyvern Rider/Lord, Priest/Bishop, Archer/Sniper, Myrmidon/Swordmaster

Male B: Brigand or Pirate/Berserker, Mercenary/Hero, Fighter/Warrior, Shaman/Druid, Nomad/Nomad Trooper, Knight/General

Female A: Cavalier/Paladin, Mage/Sage, Pegasus/Falcon Knight, Cleric/Bishop, Archer/Sniper, Myrmidon/Swordmaster

Female B: Mercenary/Hero, Wyvern Rider/Lord, Troubadour/Valkyrie, Shaman/Druid, Nomad/Nomad Trooper, Knight/General

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Here we go.


Marcus HP 32/60, STR 9/25, SKL 14/20, SPD 11/25, LCK 10/20, DEF 9/15, RES 8/20

Allen HP 21/85, STR 7/45, SKL 4/40, SPD 6/45, LCK 3/40, DEF 6/25, RES 0/10

Lance HP 20/80, STR 5/40, SKL 6/45, SPD 8/50, LCK 2/35, DEF 6/20, RES 0/15

Wolt HP 20/85, STR 5/40, SKL 3/50, SPD 7/36, LCK 2/35, DEF 7/20, RES 0/12

Bors HP 23/85, STR 7/25, SKL 4/35, SPD 8/53, LCK 4/55, DEF 8/22, RES 0/17

Lugh HP 20/70, STR 8/20, SKL 5/50, SPD 8/43, LUK 5/25, DEF 6/25 RES 2/7

Rutger HP 26/85, STR 8/30, SKL 5/60, SPD 9/38, LCK 2/30, DEF 9/20, RES 0/15

Saul HP 22/85, STR 8/45, SKL 7/50, SPD 13/41, LCK 2/0, DEF 7/22, RES 0/12

Zealot HP 35/75, STR 10/25, SKL 12/20, SPD 13/20, LCK 5/15, DEF 11/30, RES 7/15

Treck HP 25/85, STR 8/40, SKL 6/30, SPD 7/35, LCK 5/50, DEF 8/30, RES 0/5

Noah HP 27/75, STR 8/30, SKL 7/45, SPD 9/30, LCK 6/40, DEF 7/30, RES 1/10

Klein HP 29/65, STR 13/30, SKL 11/40, SPD 13/43, LCK 10/45, DEF 11/12, RES 7/27

Percival HP 43/75, STR 17/30, SKL 13/25, SPD 18/35, LCK 12/20, DEF 14/20, RES 11/10

Hugh HP 30/95, STR 17/10, SKL 11/30, SPD 14/38, LCK 10/35, DEF 12/30, RES 6/0

Zeis HP 28/75, STR 12/50, SKL 8/45, SPD 8/33, LCK 6/25, DEF 10/15, RES 2/7

Yodel HP 37/20, STR 22/30, SKL 18/15, SPD 17/10, LCK 11/20, DEF 10/10, RES 25/20

Karel HP 46/215, STR 21/135, SKL 21/140, SPD 20/128, LCK 18/120, DEF 18/113, RES 14/105

Ellen HP 18/70, STR 5/55, SKL 7/35, SPD 9/16, LCK 8/55, DEF 6/12, RES 0/22

Thany HP 21/55, STR 5/30, SKL 4/55, SPD 10/48, LCK 5/55, DEF 9/13, RES 3/12

Dorothy HP 20/90, STR 7/50, SKL 6/45, SPD 5/41, LCK 3/30, DEF 7/15, RES 2/17

Lilina HP 18/65, STR 9/55, SKL 5/20, SPD 5/28, LCK 4/60, DEF 6/20, RES 3/12

Fir HP 22/80, STR 8/25, SKL 3/50, SPD 3/43, LCK 3/50, DEF 8/15, RES 0/15

Tate HP 26/70, STR 7/40, SKL 6/45, SPD 9/43, LCK 3/35, DEF 10/18, RES 4/7

Igrene HP 36/75, STR 16/30, SKL 18/30, SPD 19/40, LCK 9/15, DEF 13/7, RES 13/7

Juno HP 36/60, STR 11/15, SKL 13/40, SPD 20/25, LCK 14/40, DEF 10/10, RES 14/7

This seems to be a good class. Believe it or not, but the Paladin (F) class has 4 more base speed than falcoknight with only 5% lower speed growth. They're fast. Anyways, I'd say that we have a lot of units who'd like this. Of course we have quite a few that I think can be eliminated easily. Lugh and Hugh easily. Sure, Hugh has a great base strength, but lol10% growth means that his damage isn't going anywhere fast. Besides them, pretty much all the prepromotes besides Marcus and Zealot have no claim here. Lilina might have a shot here thanks to her good offense, but that's a stretch. Bors is also probably not going to take it since his strength is abysmal, and his skill is pretty poor as well. Too bad, though. His other stats are quite good. Wolt's pretty poor, too. Fir is probably out since she has horrible base skill and speed, and she isn't excelling in growths there. HM bonuses might help her, though. Thany and Tate want this class (It pretty much improves them everywhere, especially Thany's durability.), but they don't do much with it compared to other units. Oh, and Ellen is probably out. 9 base speed? Yes pl- With 16% growth? No thanks.

Now, for units that have a good claim. Obviously Allen and Lance. Dorothy is also pretty good here. Saul does pretty well here, too. And of course Marcus and Zealot have a good shot at this for utility, although Marcus might go Bishop/Sage. I'm getting lazy, so I'm gonna cut this short here.

1. Dorothy

2. Saul

3. Allen

4. Lance

5. Marcus

6. Igrene

7. Tate

8. Zealot

9. Trech

10. Rutger

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I wouldn't instantly disregard Hugh, if he gets an instant promotion he gets +2 Str, and 15/1 with 19 Str (already higher than Lance's 20/10 average) is definitely not bad, he's sort of like another Percival. He'd have 19 Str, 13 Skl, 16 Spd, 13 Def, and 9 Res, but we already do have Percival and Igrene...Anyways, I'm working on mages but should I hold off on posting till we've done more discussion on Cavs? But I wouldn't be Thany here, because out of the mages I've got done so far she looks pretty great aside from a low mag base. Anyways, here's my list of who'd be decent as a cav, last four are subs/undecided on who goes in slot 7.

1. Dorothy

2. Saul (Great support pair with Dorothy if they were both Cavs)

3. Alan

4. Lance

5. Marcus (Could be Bishop, but not Sage)

6. Igrene (She'd beat out Percival, her bases are amazing for a level 1 Pally)

7-10: Rutger, Zealot, Tate, Treck

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Really? Didn't realize how high that was compared to the others. However, we don't really need a Percival clone that requires a knight crest when we already have the orginal and Igrene. Thany would like this, but a lot of people do better than her, so whatever. I've got the numbers up. It would be nice to get more conversation here, though.

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Yeah, and you were right that this format is better for discussion by a long shot. Hopefully some people will look back at the topic and see it this way, much easier to discuss/join in with.

I'm almost done the mages if you'd want me to post them anytime.

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I just realized one thing about your Cavalier post. You changed the luck growths and I'll assume bases for the different class, which is something I haven't been doing (since I'm pretty sure it doesn't in SD), and it doesn't make much sense since I'd think someone's luck would be constant (Con changing makes sense since people get different clothes/armor). Hmm...well this'll be interesting.

Anyways, here are the mages.

Marcus: HP 29 (35%) Mag 7 (45%) Skl 12 (20%) Spd 8 (32%) Luck 10 (20%) Def 6 (13%) Res 10 (28%) Con 7

Alan: HP 17 (65%) Mag 3 (65%) Skl 4 (40%) Spd 4 (52%) Luck 3 (40%) Def 3 (15%) Res 3 (33%) Con 6

Lance: HP 16 (60%) Mag 1 (60%) Skl 6 (45%) Spd 6 (57%) Luck 2 (35%) Def 3 (10%) Res 3 (38%)

Con 6

Wolt: HP 17 (65%) Mag 1 (60%) Skl 3 (50%) Spd 5 (43%) Luck 2 (40%) Def 4 (10%) Res 3 (35%) Con 6

Ellen: HP 16 Mag 1 (75%) Skl 7 (35%) Spd 8 (23%) Luck 8 (70%) Def 2 (2%) Res 4 (45%) Con 4

Thany: HP 17 (35%) Mag 1 (50%) Skl 4 (55%) Spd 9 (55%) Luck 5 (60%) Def 5 (3%) Res 7 (35%) Con 3

Lugh: HP 16 (50%) Mag 4 (40%) Skl 5 (50%) Spd 6 (50%) Luck 5 (35%) Def 3 (15%) Res 5 (30%) Con 4

Rutger: HP 22 (65%) Mag 4 (50%) Skl 5 (60%) Spd 7 (45%) Luck 2 (30%) Def 6 (10%) Res 3 (28%) Con 5

Saul: HP 18 (65%) Mag 4 (65%) Skl 7 (50%) Spd 11 (48%) Luck 2 (15%) Def 4 (12%) Res 3 (35%) Con 7

Dorothy: HP 18 (70%) Mag 3 (70%) Skl 6 (45%) Spd 4 (48%) Luck 3 (35%) Def 3 (5%) Res 6 (40%) Con 5

Zealot: HP 32 (50%) Mag 8 (45%) Skl 12 (20%) Spd 10 (27%) Luck 5 (15%) Def 8 (28%) Res 9 (23%) Con 7

Treck: HP 21 (65%) Mag 4 (60%) Skl 6 (30%) Spd 5 (42%) Luck 5 (50%) Def 5 (20%) Res 3 (28%) Con 6

Noah: HP 23 (55%) Mag 4 (50%) Skl 7 (45%) Spd 7 (37%) Luck 6 (40%) Def 4 (20%) Res 4 (33%) Con 7

Lilina: HP 16 (45%) Mag 5 (75%) Skl 5 (20%) Spd 4 (35%) Luck 4 (50%) Def 2 (10%) Res 7 (35%) Con 4

Fir: HP 20 (60%) Mag 4 (45%) Skl 3 (40%) Spd 2 (50%) Luck 3 (50%) Def 4 (5%) Res 4 (28%) Con 4

Klein: HP 26 (40%) Mag 11 (50%) Skl 11 (40%) Spd 10 (50%) Luck 10 (50%) Def 8 (10%) Res 9 (35%) Con 6

Tate: HP 24 Mag 3 (60%) Skl 6 (45%) Spd 8 (50%) Luck 3 (40%) Def 7 (8%) Res 8 (30%) Con 4

Percival: HP 40 (50%) Mag 15 (50%) Skl 13 (25%) Spd 15 (42%) Luck 12 (20%) Def 11 (18%) Res 12 (18%) Con 8

Igrene: HP 32 (50%) Mag 14 (50%) Skl 18 (25%) Spd 13 (40%) Luck 9 (20%) Def 9 (5%) Res 13 (15%) Con 5

Hugh: HP 26 (75%) Mag 13 (30%) Skl 11 (30%) Spd 12 (45%) Def 9 (20%) Res 9 (15%) Con 7

Zeiss: HP 24 (55%) Mag 8 (70%) Skl 8 (55%) Spd 6 (40%) Luck 6 (20%) Def 7 (5%) Res 5 (30%) Con 6

Yuuno: HP 32 (35%) Mag 9 (35%) Skl 13 (35%) Spd 14 (25%) Luck 14 (45%) Def 6 (8%) Res 14 (15%) Con 6

Yodel: HP 34 (20%) Mag 20 (40%) Skl 18 (20%) Spd 14 (13%) Luck 11 (20%) Def 7 (12%) Res 25 (5%) Con 7

Karel: HP 43 (190%) Mag 19 (155%) Skl 21 (140%) Spd 17 (135%) Luck 18 (120%) Def 15 (105%) Res 16 (113%) Con 7

My current thoughts on who to put it on:

1. Thany

2. Treck

3. Lugh

Subs or other possibilites: Rutger (Thany would outdo him I think), Saul (I'd keep him in cav though for Dorothy), Lance/Alan (would also keep in Cav), Percival, Tate.

Thany would just be great in my opinion. Her mag would start off bad but rise at a good rate, and by promotion (20/1 average would be 13, 20/10 average would be 18) she'd be doing well enough, especially since she'll consistently double and attack res. She'll be doubling almost every enemy from right when she joins, and thanks to low weight tomes she won't get weighed down unless she's using Elfire (and even then only by one). Mage also helps out her low con (she has a -1 base), and her joining at chapter 2 and getting possible Dieck/Lot/Roy supports early on could help her out. She's frail, but being a dodge tank and having indirect attacks helps solve that problem.

Treck is like a more balanced Lilina in a sense. He has a good magic growth and decent base for a mage, as well

as a good speed growth and ok skill growth. His HP is good for a mage and his defense would actually grow ok for a mage. Good luck would help out his dodging as well, so you could easily have him survive a round in the front lines unlike Lilina.

Lugh may not be the best choice and could be replaced by Rutger or Tate, but he still has a good support with Ellen and Chad, and can really only be useful as a mage due to his low Strength growth in other classes. Tate could be a Cavalier though, and Rutger gets outdone by Thany aside from a small lead in magic and a durability lead, but that won't matter as much due to her great dodge once leveled.

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