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I think your best bet is to locate some Eliminators and take them down.

The best way to do that is to set the HP Cheat to near minimum and have a finish command like D Thundaga for when it appears so also have some megalixers in you command matrix to use BEFORE entering a room.

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Nomura twitter


In this update, Nomura firstly thanks Famitsu for announcing Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep as a recipient of the "Award of Excellence" in the Famitsu Awards 2010. Secondly, Nomura mentions Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance and says that his staff are currently busy producing the game

Edited by Asakim Bass Dowin GS
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Hmm, let's hope that this means KH3D will be released this year.

Thinking about it, this is the first continuation of the story since KH2 o.o

I guess you could consider Re:coded a continuation, since it essentially occurs during KH2's credits (between Sora's return and Sora receiving the at-the-time mysterious letter), but I see where you're coming from. It's been a while.

I want SE to take their time with DDD, though. They proved with BbS that the wait can definitely be worth it, so I hope they don't rush through this game just to get it out soon. Especially since it sounds like they're mixing things up quite a bit in terms of game mechanics (much like BbS). I'd be lying if I said I'm not dying to play in all new Disney worlds with 3D PS2 quality graphics, though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, most likely, maybe even something for BbS2. As well as new stuff for Skyward Sword from Nintendo, and probably one or two surprises from major game studios.

It wouldn't surprise me if we also see a bit more about FF Versus 13, 13-2 and Type 0... Wondering if we'll hear soon that they started to work on KH3, probably not before two of the FFs are released.

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E3 is just around the corner, do you think we'll see some stuff for Dream Drop Distance?

I think we might.

I'm pretty sure Nomura guaranteed at last year's E3 that DDD would be at this E3. I'm hoping we get to see a new trailer. With gameplay and story, since both look pretty crazy.

Edited by Ragnell
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Why did anyone get Coded? It looked awful to me.

The gameplay is addictively fun, and there's a huge amount of post-game content. The story is rubbish, but I didn't buy it for the story. I don't have a PSP, so Re:coded is my only chance to play with a command deck. In fact, my friend (who has BbS) mentioned that he thought Re:coded's command system looked better than BbS'.

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Not gonna lie, I saw the premise and it screamed "cash cow for KH1". After seeing the gameplay... wtf? Maybe I'll try it sometime, but meh.

Yeah, it pretty much is a cash cow, but it's actually pretty fun, and I haven't played a new KH game since Days, however many years ago that was.

If you've played BbS, then I think it's not a huge deal, but for people like me who haven't used the command deck ever, it's pretty awesome.

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hey Ragnell, ur a member on KHinsider. just sayin, ive seen you around there. Anyway, i wasnt a fan of coded. I purchased it, played, and then im gonna sell it. The game was okay, but i thought BBS was way better. Coded felt very restricted to me. I guess it was because of the hardware. DS vs PSP isnt a good matchup.

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  • 3 weeks later...

People have looked all over SE's booth, and there's no sign of KH there. The people working at the booth even said that SE wasn't showing any KH at this E3. The Press Kit list of upcoming 3DS games didn't include DDD either. Neither did the list of games at Nintendo's part of the show. But then again, booth people apparently have a history of not knowing what is going on, the lists apparently aren't comprehensive, and Nintendo probably isn't listing what is going on at SE's booth, so it is still possible that something will be shown.

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People have looked all over SE's booth, and there's no sign of KH there. The people working at the booth even said that SE wasn't showing any KH at this E3. The Press Kit list of upcoming 3DS games didn't include DDD either. Neither did the list of games at Nintendo's part of the show. But then again, booth people apparently have a history of not knowing what is going on, the lists apparently aren't comprehensive, and Nintendo probably isn't listing what is going on at SE's booth, so it is still possible that something will be shown.

I hope to God. I'm looking forward to any news.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fake interview just for the chuckles

The last we heard of KH3D (or Dream Drop Distance) was in January. Hows development going?

NOMURA: It really has been a long time (laughs). Right now the team is hard at work and things are developing in an...unexpected way.


NOMURA: Let's just say the gameplay mechanics shown in the last trailer are only the beginning. (laughs) I probably shouldn't say much more than that.

When can we expect to see more of KH3D?

NOMURA: I'm hoping to get the games into the fan's hands as soon as possible, and the team is working around the clock to try and make that happen. As for an official announcement... we're hoping to have something more to show in time for TGS this year.

What about an official artwork?

NOMURA: I haven't had the time to draw anything yet. I'm doing my best to focus on the story and gameplay aspects of the game for now. Perhaps I'll have something to display for TGS.

Can you tell us about any of the new Disney worlds appearing for the first time in KH3D?

NOMURA: I had come to America around the time of E3 for many business meetings with Disney about Kingdom Hearts. Were trying hard to lock in the final world selection at this stage. I think fans will be pleasantly surprised by a few of the worlds were including in this title (laughs). I cant say anything more than that.

You spoke before about possibly giving Sora and Riku a new outfit for this installment?

NOMURA: Yes. I was worried that players might confuse the title as a remake of the original Kingdom Hearts if Sora and Riku stayed in their KH1 attire. They have to be in it for the sake of the story, but, I considered giving them a different outfit for other parts of the story. We discussed them wearing their KH2 attire, but, in order for us to truly express the importance of this game, I ended up deciding to design them entirely new outfits. Youll get your first look at them in the trailer we are preparing for TGS, until then, please use your imagination.

The game seems to be focusing a lot on Sora and Rikus relationship?

NOMURA: Ive always thought that their relationship was one of the core aspects of the series. Yes this is primarily Soras story and it will continue to be until the very end, but, even in the original Kingdom Hearts I wrote in the End of the Worlds computer message that two hearts were needed to close the Door to Darkness. Originally I think fans took this to mean Sora and Mickey, but I think after playing Dream Drop Distance they might reconsider that notion.

Sora and Riku seem very close

NOMURA: Doubtlessly Sora and Riku are close. Their struggle is one of the stories Im most interested in. Sora as the hero of light and Riku as the master of shadows. By all means they shouldnt be together, but the fact that they overcome these ideas set on them and remain friends until the end I think its a powerful message, one that will be explored further in Dream Drop Distance.

Soras bond with Riku always seemed stronger than his bond with Kairi, is that intentional?

NOMURA: I cant answer that! (laughs). One of the first scenes I wrote for Dream Drop Distance dealt with the relationship between Sora and Riku in relation to Kairi. This is one of the scenes Im most excited for fans to see, so, everyone, please use your imagination!

With all of these games being made for handheld consoles, fans are left wondering about KHIII.

NOMURA: Im always asked about Kingdom Hearts III and I always say the same thing. The team responsible for developing KHIII is currently busy working on Versus XIII. I have every intention of making KHIII when the right time comes, but, for now, please focus on Dream Drop Distance.

And Dream Drop Distance will tie directly into KHIII, is that correct?

NOMURA: Yes. Dream Drop Distance in many ways shares CoMs role in the series. It will act as the bridge between KHII and KHIII. However, the story of Dream Drop Distance is of the same volume as a main title. It is not to be ignored. I designed BBS, 358/2 Days, Re:Coded and Dream Drop Distance to hold many connections to KHIII. Discovering these connections will be the highlight of KHIII. Please try to experience all of them for yourself.

To finish, would you like to say something to the fans?

NOMURA: If I were to try and summarize Dream Drop Distance at this stage it would be: exciting and surprising gameplay, brand new worlds to explore, and an incredibly touching story. The game is developing in an unexpected way and I hope that will capture the feeling the player experiences when playing the game for the first time. Kingdom Hearts has always been about mystery and character and Dream Drop Distance showcases this the most. We are working hard to provide new content to share with you for TGS. Please look forward to it.

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- From the survey, most fans like Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix the most.

Tetsuya Nomura: Since I often hear that fans usually like one title in particular, it was a little unexpected to see that Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix was the top and that Kingdom Hearts II ranked second. Birth by Sleep is a subtitle, but since it’s a part of the main series, I’m happy to see that it ranked highly.

- The results of the survey show that the part people like most about the series is the story. You are write out the plot for all the titles of the series, so when writing up the story what do you focus on above all else?

Nomura: Making it “surprising.” While I’m writing out the plot, if things seem that you can predict the outcome on your own, then I think of a different, unexpected development.

- You really can’t predict the ending of every title. Do you discuss and make decisions on the final outcome of the story with the staff?

Nomura: I don’t. I ask the staff to flesh out things for the scenarios, even with that I make the final supervisions. Since I’m the only one who knows the whole story and the developments that take place afterward, I have a hard time figuring out how much to tell the staff about. (Smiling wryly)

- Are there modifications to the story to suit overseas fans?

Nomura: I believe that if the story is interesting, it will be well received; so it isn’t regulated only for specific regions. Though those at Disney said it has a very Japanese sense about it, I guess you could call it ‘Eastern thinking.’ (Laughs) Still, I had been thinking that I would make the story more clear and simpler. But while I was developing the first Kingdom Hearts, I received a single piece of advice from Sakaguchi-san*. That was, “If you don’t make it more complex like with Final Fantasy, you won’t be able to compete.” So accordingly, I decided to develop the story in a way that fans could imagine on their own the remaining story how they like.

*Hironobu Sakaguchi is a former developer who had worked on the Final Fantasy series for Square.

- Is the story of Kingdom Hearts 3D mysterious too?

Nomura: It’s fairly complicated. Right now I’m telling Disney about the scenarios, but it’s hard for them to understand it all at once. I’m explaining the reason and the established connections for each mystery one by one. It’s difficult since their approval is necessary to move forward with localization, but there are many people in Disney who love the Kingdom Hearts series as well. They want to create the game accurately too, so somehow they’re following along with me.

– Along those lines, looking at the age group of those who responded to the survey including the overseas fans, it seems the series appeals the most to a young generation.

Nomura: There’s a sense that Kingdom Hearts appeals to wider age range of fans compared to Final Fantasy. Also that ratio wise, it seems more fans are female. I’m especially happy to see that there is strong support for the series from fans in foreign countries too.

- Sora was the top ranked favorite character.

Nomura: It must be because he’s an uncomplicated guy. (Laughs) For the promotional trailers, we look for scenes with particularly good lines to highlight. But he gives us trouble finding lines that are suitable for the trailers; since Sora is a simple guy who doesn’t think too deeply about things, he doesn’t really say lines we can use. (Smiles wryly)

– Roxas ranked second, his heartrending destiny seemed to influence the top rated favorite scene.

Nomura: Roxas is someone the fans think a lot about, they say he’s like a Final Fantasy type character. Along with his friendship with Axel, they’re an impressive set, huh?

- What scenes left an impression on you?

Nomura: The most impressionable scenes for me were the endings of KH1 and KH2, after that the scene in KH2 when Roxas’ summer vacation ends left a deep impression on me.

- Next are the results concerning the favorite abilities. Glide and Dodge Roll were popular.

Nomura: I’m not surprised those two abilities were the most popular. They have a reinvigorating feel to them, I like them too. Even in Final Fantasy Versus XIII we’re including a one-handed rotation ability similar to Dodge Roll too.

- Continuing, what about your favorite Keyblade?

Nomura: Oathkeeper carries a deep meaning with the story and the design of it is clean, so it’s the one that I’m most pleased with.

- About the worlds, Twilight Town was the most popular. A lot of people said they liked the music.

Nomura: We really fussed over embodying the image of coming from school as the sunsets; it’s a world that left a deep impression on me too. As for the song, I gave Shimomura-san* a lot of trouble and pushed her to improve it. We had an image derived around another artist’s song, but it really worked out well, the result was a song with a completely different sort of anguish.

* Yoko Shimomura is the series music composer.

- On the flip side, the most unpopular world was Atlantica.

Nomura: It’s difficult to move around there, huh? Sorry about that. When you are in the water, you are not just swimming, but fighting enemies, we had trouble adjusting the character’s movement to do both simultaneously.

- The top ranked favorite enemy was the very familiar Shadow Heartless. Out of those appearing in the ranking, which ones did you design?

Nomura: The Shadows, Neo Shadows, White Mushrooms, Dusks and so on; I drew them myself. The enemies dictate the overall design aspects of the series, so I work them out with the staff afterwards.

- Oppositely, the Dancer Nobody was the least popular.

Nomura: It was formidable enemy, so of course it wasn’t popular huh.

- Well, let’s move on to the topic of mysteries people are interested in. There is a lot of interest about Organization XIII’s past.

Nomura: Most of it isn’t related to the main story of the series, so I haven’t paid too much attention to it. (Wry laughter)

- Many fans brought up the “data concealed within Sora.”

Nomura: That’s what Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance deals with. The other mysteries will be something to deal with another time.

- Alright, last question on the topic. There are an overwhelming number of people who want Kingdom Hearts 3 to be released.

Nomura: The answer for them has been prepared in KH3D.

- Many fans want the series to keep continuing afterwards as well.

Nomura: The series that has developed so far as “the Xehanort saga” should end once and for all in KH3. However, I’ve outlined a tentative plot that takes place afterward, so we could continue onto a new chapter. Sora would remain the main character; that wouldn’t change.

- By the way, the 10th anniversary of the series is next year. The number of titles in the series has really increased since it started. Some have said they want to play HD remakes of the past titles…

Nomura: Whether we release one or not is a different story; we’re concerned with the HD technical limits of the past titles.

- As for the current developments, how is KH3D coming along?

Nomura: I’d say the development status of KH3D is about 40%-50%? We’ll start recording the voices soon. The theme this time was “bold action”, but we also wanted to stress the importance of the story’s tempo. Though the story is important to fans as shown by the results of the survey, it won’t be drawn-out.

- Does that mean you’ll be decreasing the number of cutscenes?

Nomura: Not meaning that we’ve decreased the number of cutscenes, but having each one explained one by one reduces the tempo of the game, so we’re introducing a new system to make up for it. It’s a directionally different system like what’s being introduced in Final Fantasy Versus XIII which won’t have cutscenes; it’ll be a sort of integration where you can play during the event scene. Along with that, Sora will fight alongside different friends. There’s also a secret movie being prepared, so please look forward to it.

- It’ll be a while until our next follow up report, huh. Well then, what’s the last message to all the fans.

Nomura: I’ve had your support for almost 10 years. Thanks to you guys, Kingdom Hearts has become a long series. To everyone who gave their opinions, I’ll read them very carefully. Thank you so much. Also, from this summer to next spring, we’ll continue releasing information and sales dates for KH among other titles from the first development department, so please look forward to it.

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