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AP Courses

Phoenix Wright

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What I mean is like, in normal High School courses, you will be assigned X amount of work, and expected to complete it, as the majority of the class may need to do that work in order to learn the concept. I was wondering if, in AP courses, they assumed you where clever enough to understand the subject properly, and thus assigned less work. Logic tells me yes, but I'm not sure.

What it boils down to is that AP classes are designed to cover all the material that would be covered in the college iteration of that class - presumably to the same level of understanding. High school classes of the same topic cover less material and aren't as hard, ergo they aren't considered on par with a college version of the class. The work level depends on the class and teacher. For example, I probably got less actual homework in my Calc BC class as opposed to my AB brethren, because we had to move at breakneck speed to cover all the topics in the course and allow time for copious amounts of questions - so usually it was one assignment per section in the book, which constituted maybe two or three new ideas, while the AB kids usually ended up with two to make sure they got the concept. My Lit and Comp class, however, had a lot more work because the difference between regular and AP English was in the standard that writing and interpretation skills were held at - so we had to write a lot more and read more than we would have otherwise.

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In AB I remember it taking us a week per concept and we all got like 4-5s on the actual test itself. And we pretty much covered ALL of Calc B; next year is only Calc C AND Multivariate. I guess it varies depending on your school. I definitely got less Calc homework than Precalc or Algebra II, though.

If you're taking like AP World History though, prepare to be nuked with homework.

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Lol @ my school going "omg u b in da feshman n sophmoar so u be liek "i has no AP only honarz

Anyways, I'm taking.

Honors Language Arts

Honors Biology (College Prep is Physical Science.)

Honors Geometry (College Prep is Algebra 1.)

Well, at least, I hope I make it in. I'm getting my schedule tomorrow, so I dunno ;3. The guy said he put me in all honors courses, but ya :D .

Wait, what does Advanced Placement do? Do they just assume you'll learn faster and hand out less bullshit homework assignments? Do the classes move along faster?

Pretty much, the work goes faster, and you go more in depth. Such as...

College Prep: You read a book and do a few assignments about it. 95% of people don't really friggin care.

Honors: You read a book and have a friggin debate on it and get more into it. The kids are USUALLY the kids that care.

But I'm not sure how it works. All I know is that College Prep is like hell for me, since I freaking rage if I'm around stupid people. Also, you're more likely to get into a good college (Berkley <3) if you take honors courses, along with a bunch of other things.

Edited by Nestling
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what the hell are you talking about

Honors kinda varies from county to county, though. My old school used Honors as the highest non AP available typically (Honors > CM > Regular), but my new high school goes GT > Honors > Regular. At any rate, I think GT and AP would typically have the same effect on your weighted GPA... and APs save money with college credits (provided you pass the test), I don't think it's necessarily more likely to boost your chances of going into college.

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The thing I've heard is that AP classes boost your college credits so little that you'll basically only have a semester at most less to take of a given college course.

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Depends on the school. You've got a better shot at earning more at larger public universities, but a lot of the schools "AP students" will consider take little or no credit.

I earned about a semester's worth, Biology, Psychology, Chemistry, and Calc AB. Of course I still took Chem and did poorly for some odd reason.

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so how many of you have to do AP homework over the summer? im taking AP European history and all i have to do is study about 40 rulers(their names and the dates they ruled), answer some multiple choice questions, true/false, matching, definitions, and 22 short answer essays (3 paragraphs each)and all this work for 2 chapters. anyone taking AP European History who uses the text "Western Civilizations" by Judith G. Coffin and Robert C. Stacey need any help?

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AP classes often qualify you for college credit. 3 gives you the credit at many universities, but more/most(?) universities (like mine) accept only 4s and 5s.

I had summer class for US Government, but it was mostly reading. I think we might have also written a paper... Yeah it was like 1500 words.

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It’s amazing, now being in college, how much I can't care about this topic anymore. No longer do these meaningless labels and shit have to annoy me.

It's almost like... being free.

Heh, the Idealism of Youth. Soon you'll find that those petty chains of Academia have been replaced by the mighty chains of Society. You can never be free.

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It’s amazing, now being in college, how much I can't care about this topic anymore. No longer do these meaningless labels and shit have to annoy me.

It's almost like... being free.

Turn off your JP keyboard, damn weeaboo.

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It’s amazing, now being in college, how much I can't care about this topic anymore. No longer do these meaningless labels and shit have to annoy me.

It's almost like... being free.

Turn off your JP keyboard, damn weeaboo.

It was just for the first word, then I fixed it! God!

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Last year? AP Chem.

This year?


AP Bio

AP Statistics.

Honor everything else.

hello summer homework. ap history works you like a slave. 8D

I dunno if you're school works this way, but Honor classes mean nothing. Usually, Honors classes are just prerequisites to get into certain AP classes. Like at my school; in order to take AP Literature (Junior year), I must go through Honors English 10, and AP European History (I think).

What grade are you in? I'm guessing 11th or 12th considering AP Stats, but I'm not sure. You may just be great in math...

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I'm going to 11th.

By the way, our school doesn't require honors to take AP classes, and they're worth 5 in the GPA system. So basically, the only real point in taking AP is just for the college credits (which some colleges disregard anyways >_> )

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Honors classes boost weighted GPA's in about the same way as AP's here. Better than AP? No. Do they mean nothing? Uh

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Just took AP Bio, taking Physics C, Calc AB, Eng 12 and Econ in a month.

Didn't make it into US AP because my grades in world history were slightly below... but why does world history determine your us history placement, lol. Also we don't have AP world or AP european, which is a letdown, but we have America 1945-2009 honors though.

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