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Character advice?

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Okay, I don't have this game, but I made this topic so that, if I ever get it, I have a good idea of who to use!

So far, I thought of:













I DON'T plan to use Seth (AT ALL, non-negotiable), Natasha, L'arachel or Lute.

Seth because he's the Jeigan in an easy game that needs no Jeigan and I don't even want him touching my team.

Natasha and L'arachel because they're Clerics, and I've had it up to HERE with Clerics! (Though I might budge on this)

Lute because she soundes really boring in comparison to the other Mages I picked, and is unattractive. (though I'll budge even easier on her)

How's this?

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No defense. No luck. Final destination.



Garcia is awesome earlier on and worse later on. Ross is the opposite. Juuust saying.



If you plan to abuse the hell out of them, they eventually are on par with their non-trainee allies. They're pretty terrible, though.

Seth because he's the Jeigan in an easy game that needs no Jeigan and I don't even want him touching my team.

Seth rapes the earlygame. Seth rapes the midgame. Seth is on par with everyone else come lategame.

Natasha and L'arachel because they're Clerics, and I've had it up to HERE with Clerics! (Though I might budge on this)

Moulder is better than them, but they aren't terrible.

Lute because she soundes really boring in comparison to the other Mages I picked, and is unattractive. (though I'll budge even easier on her)

Expect capped magic every time if you use her. Also, replace Ewan with her. Ewan is terrible.

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If i were you I would dump knoll unless you want to make a heal/summon bot of him and ewan and Amelia aren't that bad if you use the tower (Well my amelia is a bit screwed now but my ewan is blessed) but i don't know if you play efficent or just want good units and don't care if you have too train them

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You would be a fool to disregard Lute just because she's not the best looking unit...


Print screen taken at three quarter's the way through Ch9 Fort Rigwald.

This is ZXValaRevan's Harder Hard mode hack (which by the way is harder than FE7 HHM if you don't abuse tower and skirmishes), and she is amongst the top three units of my party next to Ephraim and Franz. Can't wait to promote her, personally.

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If i were you I would dump knoll unless you want to make a heal/summon bot of him

I actually wanted to use him as a fighting Druid.

but i don't know if you play efficent or just want good units and don't care if you have too train them

The second one.

You would be a fool to disregard Lute just because she's not the best looking unit...


Print screen taken at three quarter's the way through Ch9 Fort Rigwald.

This is ZXValaRevan's Harder Hard mode hack (which by the way is harder than FE7 HHM if you don't abuse tower and skirmishes), and she is amongst the top three units of my party next to Ephraim and Franz. Can't wait to promote her, personally.

Are those stats good? I can't tell.

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I thought as much but using knoll as a druid is a really bad idea he has almost no durability and he needs the hopolon guard not to be receiving a crit he is much better as a summener. Lute is a great unit but I also don't use her mucbecause i don't like her (She does have her funny moments)

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Are those stats good? I can't tell.

She just grew another level, gained Mag and Spd. So... Compared to her Lv13 average stats, she has...

HP -2.4

Mag +0.2

Skill -0.6

Spd +3.6

Luck +2.6

Def -0.8

Res -2.8

Slightly HP and Res screwed, but more than makes up for it with Spd and Luck.

You've got to be crap to get her killed. Good players use good units like Lute.

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I'd say all the trainees are fine as long as you don't mind using the tower. However, not using Seth on the prologue will result in a LOT of restarts. She gets 2HKOd and ~50% hit and 2 or 3RKOs in return. After that, however, is no problem. Knoll is only good if he goes summoner instantly for summons and staff utility. And how is Lute boring compared to the other mages? There's Ewan and Saleh, and I don't see how she's more boring than them. And since when does being unattractive mean that she's bad? Really, though, if you don't want to use her, Ewan can easily substitute her with some tower abuse.

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Trainees obviously end up good after tower/skirmish abuse, but then you have to take into account that they are still only going to be on par with your other units.

Take this as an example:

Say you have Franz and Amelia in the Ruins. Amelia has capped every stat barring Resistance after all of that abuse, while Franz has his, say, 20/8 stats. Franz will one round nearly every enemy (barring, like, Cyclopes, which Amelia also doesn't ORKO) just like Amelia, and still have negligible chances of dying, because Amelia's statistical leads are superfluous. The only difference is that Franz has always been a positive contributor and did not require babying, while Amelia required all of that abuse.

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[You've got to be crap to get her killed. Good players use good units like Lute.[/color]

Not really wich units you use is also part of personal preference if you like a low tier unit and hate a top tier unit some people wik choose the low unit. In most fire emblem games there are almost no units unusable the only exeptions i played where FE4:Arden FE6: Sophia,wendy and maybe lilina and fiona and lyre in RD

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[You've got to be crap to get her killed. Good players use good units like Lute.[/color]

Not really wich units you use is also part of personal preference if you like a low tier unit and hate a top tier unit some people wik choose the low unit. In most fire emblem games there are almost no units unusable the only exeptions i played where FE4:Arden FE6: Sophia,wendy and maybe lilina and fiona and lyre in RD

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Erika: She is basiclly like a less fragile Lyndis, same stats all around and a better affinity.

Ephraim: He is really good, he is strong, fast skilled, has a decent defense and decent luck too, use him, that is my only recomendation.

Forde: He is like Kent, has a nice base defense, he is skilled his Str is mediocre, he is slower than Franz, I don't consider him better than Franz, he is slightly inferior. I would suggest the best promotion for him is a paladin, his Str, Spd and Skill growth really make up for it.

Kyle: He is like a more skilled and unlucky Sain and has a very decent base defense, he will probally be the best Great Knight of the three cause of how solid of a unit he is.

Franz: Hmm...he is good he is really good, his Str base make up for his growth, he has better chances of having higher strength than Forde do to Forde starting with the same Str but +5 levels ahead of him. Franz is the fastest of the three and luckiest, probally the best option for a paladin since you're not using Seth. He fares well as either a Great Knight or Paladin.

Gerik: I barely use him, all I can say is he has decent bases and he has terribly great durrability, his defense is quite high for a merceneary/hero/ranger. The best choice for him is to make him a Hero, his Con is really nice for axes.

Moulder: He isn't like other priest, he has a nice constitutuion, meaning the heaviest tomes won't weight him down that much, he has nice speed and skill, his defense might turn out decent, his cons are that his res usually ends up like his defense. Make him a Bishop, having anima magic isn't really much of an improvement as a Sage, plus, Bishops have a skill called "Slayer" which has an efficiency against monters (there are too many, by the way), his growths also call for Bishop caps and Slayer makes up for his low magic.

Artur: He is Lucius' archtype, just with +5% Luck growth <_< , he has decent(or above)magic, skill, spd and resistance, he will be very durable against magic users, just make sure if there are alot of physiclly strong enemies don't send him in the front line. He will fare more than great either as a Sage or a Bishop, I would recommend you a Sage since you have Moulder...

Knoll: He is like Canas' archtype, just that Canas has this thing called "Defense" and "Luck", meh, he isn't so bad, he has a decent base speed and skill, his magic and resistance are decent. Most peole here make him aa Summonner, I say the same, his Phantoms have the best growths.

Garcia: He is an archtype of the previous fighter (Ward; Dorcas), he just has better bases, my recomendation is...don't use him, Ross is a way better axe user and for a hero you have Gerik.

He is slow, has low defense...his only pros are high HP, Str & decent enough Skill and Luck <_< , still, that doesn't fair well, just don't use him, maybe early game to weaken enemies so that Ross can kill them.

Ross: He has decent Str and Luck at first, but if you train him he'll be fast, make sure you make him a pirate since he's strong, fast, has better defense than his father and good luck making up for good avoidance. After a pirate make sure you promote him to Berserk because of the critical bonus he gets.

Amelia: She is...fast, skilled and would have a decent defense, again, she has good luck for extra avoidance. She is good as usually any promotion, Paladin if she isn't much of a tank and is weak in Str, Great Knight if she is strong and has a good defense, but she's best as General if you promoted her to a Knight.

Ewan: He crappy bases, but they launch like rockets, he doesn't have such a fast speed growth but for most of us he is really fast, like the other trainees, he has good luck for avoidance. He is great as either a Sage or a Druid, Knoll is a better summonner and he just won't do as a mage knight, he would only gain +1 movement...but that's about it.

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Okay, I don't have this game, but I made this topic so that, if I ever get it, I have a good idea of who to use!

So far, I thought of:













I DON'T plan to use Seth (AT ALL, non-negotiable), Natasha, L'arachel or Lute.

Seth because he's the Jeigan in an easy game that needs no Jeigan and I don't even want him touching my team.

Natasha and L'arachel because they're Clerics, and I've had it up to HERE with Clerics! (Though I might budge on this)

Lute because she soundes really boring in comparison to the other Mages I picked, and is unattractive. (though I'll budge even easier on her)

How's this?

Don't use Forde

Don't use Knoll

Don't use Garcia

Add in Seth, Lute, and L'Arachel.

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Don't use Forde

Don't use Knoll

Don't use Garcia

Add in Seth, Lute, and L'Arachel.

What's wrong with Garcia..?

Also, use Kyle, he's a beast. He's even more beastly with an A support with Lute.

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Garcia is really slow. That's probably why so many people don't like using him.

Personally, I'd recommend against Knoll, Ewan, and Amelia. I don't see why you're hell-bent on not using Seth. He may be the "Jeigan" of the game, but that doesn't mean he's bad. Seth is generally regarded as the best character since he starts out in God-mode and stays awesome throughout the game. Unless you're afraid he'll make the game too easy or something... =\

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Garcia is really slow. That's probably why so many people don't like using him.

Personally, I'd recommend against Knoll, Ewan, and Amelia. I don't see why you're hell-bent on not using Seth. He may be the "Jeigan" of the game, but that doesn't mean he's bad. Seth is generally regarded as the best character since he starts out in God-mode and stays awesome throughout the game. Unless you're afraid he'll make the game too easy or something... =\

That's impossible.

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Seth because he's the Jeigan in an easy game that needs no Jeigan and I don't even want him touching my team.

Hmmph. <_<

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L'Arachel isn't even a Cleric, she's a Troubador. Use her.

Lute is also great. Use her and support her with Vanessa and Artur. And yeah, use Vanessa.

Don't use Knoll. 2 Def/0 Luck = awful. The trainees probably aren't good for first-timers either, but you can get away with Ross if you support him with Garcia and/or Lute.

Everything else looks fine.

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If this is actually a hard mode, you probably don't want to touch anyone below Moulder, because they're all really subpar.

You better not let Lux catach you insulting Lute. She's super useful anyway.

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Okay, I don't have this game, but I made this topic so that, if I ever get it, I have a good idea of who to use!

So far, I thought of:













I DON'T plan to use Seth (AT ALL, non-negotiable), Natasha, L'arachel or Lute.

Seth because he's the Jeigan in an easy game that needs no Jeigan and I don't even want him touching my team.

Natasha and L'arachel because they're Clerics, and I've had it up to HERE with Clerics! (Though I might budge on this)

Lute because she soundes really boring in comparison to the other Mages I picked, and is unattractive. (though I'll budge even easier on her)

How's this?

You definitely want the lords coming along with you, especially Ephraim. Forde and Kyle are IMO inferior to Franz and Seth. Though I'd say bring Forde and drop Kyle so Franz and Forde can support. Gerik and Moulder are musts, and you need Tethys coming along. Artur and KNoll are fine, but make sure Knoll always has Nosferatu. Garcia should be replaced by Neimi or Innes. You definitely want Ross. Replace Amelia and Ewan with Seth and Duessel. You might want to change Knoll for Lute.

On behalf of BLS...

Get Tana in nao. And you're missing Cormag and Josh, a.k.a. the best SM in the game.

I'd say...













Saleh (maybe, if Lute got screwed, use him)




It's 19 units, a little large. Drop Franz, Forde, Duessel and Saleh along the way.

Seth is regarded as the best unit in the game by many. He's gt good stats, good growths and pwns face. Think of FE10 Sothe that can't steal, 1RKOs and actually has a good mid-end game.

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I DON'T plan to use Seth (AT ALL, non-negotiable), Natasha, L'arachel or Lute.

Seth because he's the Jeigan in an easy game that needs no Jeigan and I don't even want him touching my team.

Natasha and L'arachel because they're Clerics, and I've had it up to HERE with Clerics! (Though I might budge on this)

Lute because she soundes really boring in comparison to the other Mages I picked, and is unattractive. (though I'll budge even easier on her)

How's this?

Erika/Ephraim: Definitely use them, especially Ephraim because he pwns faces. If it weren't for Seth and maybe Franz, I'd call him the best unit in the game (and he's got crappy caps, but who cares about caps anyway?).

Forde: Neither good nor bad. Use him if you want many cavaliers in your team, otherwise drop him.

Kyle: Somewhat tank-ish, but sucks against mages and is prone to getting critical'd by thunder or other slightly crit-boosting stuff because of low LUK. Decent, but only if you support him.

Franz: Best cavalier in the game (I say cavalier because Seth already starts out as a paladin). Use.

Gerik: Comes a little late, but is a total beast. Can't go wrong with him.

Moulder: Somewhat strange stats for a healer, but at the same time probably the best healer in the game. Use.

Artur: Devastating offense, especially against monsters once promoted, but frail. Well usable, but should quickly be supported.

Knoll: Sucks. If you want to use him anyway, make him a summoner, not a druid. Knoll sucks balls as a druid because his durability doesn't exist.

Garcia: Slow, but strong. If you're willing to give him a speedwing or feel that he's going to get SPD-blessed, he can turn out decent, but if you're unlucky, he'll fail to double most stuff later on. Make him a warrior if you use him, for the much better STR cap. Otherwise, drop him.

Ross: Needs some babying early on, but usually turns out great. I recommend making him a pirate, and then a berserker. That Crt-Bonus for axes sure is nice.

Amelia: Needs major babying before being usable. Only use her if you're willing to spend some time raising her in the tower. Usually isn't that great really, as her growths don't really fit any of the classes she can choose to become. Useful as a super recruit because of the Crt-bonus and better fitting caps, but she can't become one in your first two playthroughs, so I'd drop her.

Ewan: Needs massive babying if you want to use him, but usually turns out great. Either Sage or Druid are fine; Druid is good if you want a decent dark magic user, but if you don't care about dark magic (it really isn't that great in FE8), Sage probably is better. I like to turn him to a super pupil, but as with Amelia, he can't become one in your first two playthroughs. However, if you're unwilling to spend a lot of time in the tower to raise him, don't use him.

Long story cut short, if you want to drop someone, drop any of the following: Forde, Knoll, Garcia, Amelia, Ewan.

If you're looking for replacements, I'd recommend any of these:

- Lute: Best mage in the game. No contest. She's pretty much Lilina from FE6, but with better SPD, much better bases and comes early instead of late, so she can easily catch up with the others. Make her a sage and watch her destroy anything in sight. Fill her support list quickly, she gets a full Avd boost and eventually becomes pretty much immortal, allowing her to even rape the front line with auto-1-2-range. USE.

- Vanessa: Has a slightly rough start because of all the axe users early on, but flies and becomes very decent after a few level ups. Good to have around.

- Tana: Essentially Vanessa with an even worse start, but turns out even better. May need some babying to catch up, but sure pwns faces after that.

- Saleh: Doesn't need a promotion item and comes with good weapon levels and decent bases. Definitely worth using if you like mages or don't feel like raising one of the other mages.

- Joshua: Great bases (-> pwnsome earlygame), but becomes worse and worse later on. Make him a swordmaster to help his offense out somewhat, but don't just throw him to the front. Useful for killing strong enemies (like, some bosses) 1vs1, but only add him to your team if you absolutely have a free spot that nobody else wants to fill.

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Garcia is really slow. That's probably why so many people don't like using him.

I don't use Garcia for the fact he's a Dorcas archtype, sorry, no copies accepted (Except for Eirika & Knoll).

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