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Unsolved mysteries of FE


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How come there isn't any blood?

Because if they put that in there they'd have to bump the age rating up. I personally wouldnt mind blood though...

But lots of other T rated games have blood in them.

The blood in Zelda Twilight Princess didnt even look like blood. At least the stuff that came out of Beast Ganon's belly wound, it was a whitish goldish color. Maybe being warped by Twilight changes the color of blood? And there wasnt enough blood coming out of enemies to really be noticeable...


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How exactly are certain weapons super effective against certain classes? I think I can understand hammers being effective against knights, and sacred weapons being strong against dragons, but what about the others?

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How come there isn't any blood?

There is blood.

FE6!Hector, for example, was bleeding on his portrait after being attacked.

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Why don't the people ever say things like "I KILLED SOMEBODY, I'M GOING CRAZY!!!!" (other than Rolf)? Are they heartless or something?

When there's a war in the real world do people say that?

I've never been in a war or known a soldier but taking a life isn't something that people do without regret (not that I've ever tried nor will I ever want to). Especially kids.

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How exactly are certain weapons super effective against certain classes? I think I can understand hammers being effective against knights, and sacred weapons being strong against dragons, but what about the others?

Hammer the force of the weapon dosen't penetrate the armor but it creates massive damage to the wearer because of the force of the impact. Halberd the pointed head would pull the rider down. Ridersbane I think its like a long pike.

Edited by Jason W.
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Hammer the force of the weapon dosen't penetrate the armor but it creates massive damage to the wearer because of the force of the impact.

Not to mention, having iron or other metals jammed into your flesh won't feel too great, especially so during a fight.

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Hammer the force of the weapon dosen't penetrate the armor but it creates massive damage to the wearer because of the force of the impact. Halberd the pointed head would pull the rider down. Ridersbane I think its like a long pike.

Wouldn't a piercing weapon be more effective against armor?

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Actually, no (actually, yes, but we'll get to that). The curvature and solidity of plate armor causes thrusts to be deflected and not get through the armor. With ring/chain armor, large weapons that thrust get absorbed by the interlocking rings and spread out the impact. The advantage of a blunt weapon is that it brings all the force down on one area and doesn't get deflected, and even if it fails to get through the armor, it damages the person inside with the force of the strike, can break bones, can crumple the armor, etc.

However, piercing attacks do work better in one of two situations:

1) You're hitting an area that's difficult to cover properly (joints; light infantry dismounting a knight would pounce on them and stab them with knives in the armpits and such).

2) The piercing force is strong enough and moving fast enough that the armor in question can't withstand it (arrows in certain instances, a lance or thrust sword on a mounted fighter, or of course a crossbow or gun that is just too powerful to be stopped).

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Why don't the people ever say things like "I KILLED SOMEBODY, I'M GOING CRAZY!!!!" (other than Rolf)? Are they heartless or something?

When there's a war in the real world do people say that?

I've never been in a war or known a soldier but taking a life isn't something that people do without regret (not that I've ever tried nor will I ever want to). Especially kids.

They probably comfort themselves due to their resolves.

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Why don't the people ever say things like "I KILLED SOMEBODY, I'M GOING CRAZY!!!!" (other than Rolf)? Are they heartless or something?

When there's a war in the real world do people say that?

I've never been in a war or known a soldier but taking a life isn't something that people do without regret (not that I've ever tried nor will I ever want to). Especially kids.

They probably comfort themselves due to their resolves.


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Why don't the people ever say things like "I KILLED SOMEBODY, I'M GOING CRAZY!!!!" (other than Rolf)? Are they heartless or something?

When there's a war in the real world do people say that?

I've never been in a war or known a soldier but taking a life isn't something that people do without regret (not that I've ever tried nor will I ever want to). Especially kids.

They probably comfort themselves due to their resolves.


I'm not talking about the modern world where the general public is ignorant towards violence around the world (the same could be said for Fire Emblem at times, but there's a greater degree of violence overall) .

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The trauma is still there. The only difference is that most things capable of causing such would usually kill a person not of this day and age; most wars of the 1800s are still capable of such, but the individual in specific likely wouldn't survive to tell of it.

In Akatsuki (FE10), there is a moment where Mikaya plans to set oil over an army and lite them aflame. On both sides, it's likely there will be some form of severe trauma that could cause one to loose faith in subtle likes like societal norms and moralities. After being burned alive and somehow surviving, in addition to killing countless individuals on a battlefield, it's quite likely that one may not care if they kill just another person at the end of the day.

The damage is still there regardless.

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Hammer the force of the weapon dosen't penetrate the armor but it creates massive damage to the wearer because of the force of the impact. Halberd the pointed head would pull the rider down. Ridersbane I think its like a long pike.

Wouldn't a piercing weapon be more effective against armor?

Rapier ftw.

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Why does a general in Fe the sacred stones get hurt to some attacks and then when great shield activates they don't get hurt.

This goes for most skills in all of FE (the fact that they don't make sense). XD I guess the name implies that the shining flash is a great shield or something... Or that he HAS an additional shield.

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Well, in FE4/5, Big Shield was like a wall of energy.In FE8, they just store it withing their bodies to deal with the damage without any harm.

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I got one, how come the enemies in later chapters are stronger than bosses in early chapters.

ex. Why didn't Ashnard send some of the units he had in Melior to attack your mercenary base? They could have totally pwned you.

because if you dont send gradually strongen remenants at your opponent also by chapter 7 two of the four riders had came after you and in 300 they were meant to send the immortals after all the grunts

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Why do Magic Tomes wear out? It appears they wear out simply from getting read! XD

My theory about this problem is: the spell book contains the magical pages (of course). These magical pages was write with not spell words but random words, the power of these pages doesnt lay on the words itself but the magic that the writer fuse in the words. For everytime we use the book, the magic on the page that we read was drained (reading is just a ritual to invoke the magic that was fused in that page). And thus, after we use all of the pages in a magic book, the book become useless cause it have no more magical power.

But, there are some rare case, like the legendary books, Athos must use it all during the dragon war but it still new when we got it. Why? I think maybe because he can re-fuse or simply,he just re-writes it.

This could explain how strong magic books can only owned by strong mage (like Niime, she write magic books herself, and her magic books is really rare).

At least, I used that theory in my Fe fanfic.

Edited by Frozen Sulley
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Why do Magic Tomes wear out? It appears they wear out simply from getting read! XD

My theory about this problem is: the spell book contains the magical pages (of course). These magical pages was write with not spell words but random words, the power of these pages doesnt lay on the words itself but the magic that the writer fuse in the words. For everytime we use the book, the magic on the page that we read was drained (reading is just a ritual to invoke the magic that was fused in that page). And thus, after we use all of the pages in a magic book, the book become useless cause it have no more magical power.

But, there are some rare case, like the legendary books, Athos must use it all during the dragon war but it still new when we got it. Why? I think maybe because he can re-fuse or simply,he just re-writes it.

This could explain how strong magic books can only owned by strong mage (like Niime, she write magic books herself, and her magic books is really rare).

At least, I used that theory in my Fe fanfic.

I thought it was that every time a spell is used you rip out a page... like a lightning tome in FE8 has 35 pages.

Yes, I am boring.

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Wouldn't a piercing weapon be more effective against armor?

Rapier ftw.

Rapier doesn't actually pierce armor. It stabs through exposed parts of armor where flesh can be poked at. Same with chain mail.

Probably why it was effective against Social Knights as well, since in FE1/DS it could work around rider's armor, and the only other Knight-type unit in that game besides those two were Pegasus.

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Speaking of effective weapons why are FE6 Nomads and NTroopers able to avoid not only the effective damage of Rapier but also from Horseslayer? It's crazy how they move like a jet fighter, are afraid of absolutely nothing and can cross damn rivers like they weren't there.

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So what about the Wolf Beil, Mani Katti and Regal Blade?

How do they pierce armor? I'm mostly wondering about Mani Katti, it's like a katana...

They just came up with a bunch of random weapons just so they can say they're not using Rapiers.
Speaking of effective weapons why are FE6 Nomads and NTroopers able to avoid not only the effective damage of Rapier but also from Horseslayer? It's crazy how they move like a jet fighter, are afraid of absolutely nothing and can cross damn rivers like they weren't there.
This is probably an oversight since Rapiers and Horse slayers did indeed affect Horsemen in FE3 (it'll be easy to test rapier effectiveness in FE5), and they changed this in FE7. Edited by Rody
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