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Can Ballasticians move?

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I'm on the chapter with Jake, and it says he has "--" Move, IIRC.

Is that just the terrain, or do Ballasticians have 0 move?

Sidenote: How the hell am I supposed to recruit Jake?! YOu have to talk to him with Sheeda, who would get pwned by him before even getting close! >_<;;;;;

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He can't move in that chapter when he's an enemy, but Ballisticians can move.

Ah, I see! Good to hear! ^_^

How much move do they have?

Also, reclass Sheeda to something that isn't a Pegasus.

I will, but what should I reclass her to?

There don't seem to be any tanky female classes. (I would use Pallydin, but she isn't promo'd)

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If you promote Caeda she can reach Jake in one turn. Either using the Chapter 10 Master Seal, using an Online Master Seal, or an Elsyian Whip.

Ballisticians have 4 Movement.

I'd reclass her to Myrmidon since it's only one less move.

Edited by luigi bros
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If you promote Caeda she can reach Jake in one turn. Either using the Chapter 10 Master Seal, using an Online Master Seal, or an Elsyian Whip.

No can do, I think she's still in a single digit level.

And I don't have Online, so it would have to be the chapter 10 seal, which I wanna give to one of my top 4 (Merric, Ogma, Hardin and Barst), and I wanna CC her at L20.

Ballisticians have 4 Movement.

Somehow, I guessed exactly that! :blink::lol:

I'd reclass her to Myrmidon since it's only one less move.

Good, but is she gonna be able to survive a hit or two from Jake? I don't think she could go from outside his attack range to inside his attack range in one turn. :/

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If you promote Caeda she can reach Jake in one turn. Either using the Chapter 10 Master Seal, using an Online Master Seal, or an Elsyian Whip.

No can do, I think she's still in a single digit level.

And I don't have Online, so it would have to be the chapter 10 seal, which I wanna give to one of my top 4 (Merric, Ogma, Hardin and Barst), and I wanna CC her at L20.

Ballisticians have 4 Movement.

Somehow, I guessed exactly that! :blink::lol:

I'd reclass her to Myrmidon since it's only one less move.

Good, but is she gonna be able to survive a hit or two from Jake? I don't think she could go from outside his attack range to inside his attack range in one turn. :/

Oh well. What's CC?


She just needs to survive one hit. If you still can't do it try warping her.

Edited by luigi bros
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I've always wondered what exactly stopped Jake moving in that chapter, but it's probably not worth the effort to find out.

In any case, there are some enemy Ballisticians with 0 (--) move as well. I don't suppose IS were too lazy to code an AI to stop them moving, where they?

CC is Class Change, aka Promotion. Some people also use it to refer to Class Swap/Reclass.

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I've always wondered what exactly stopped Jake moving in that chapter, but it's probably not worth the effort to find out.

In any case, there are some enemy Ballisticians with 0 (--) move as well. I don't suppose IS were too lazy to code an AI to stop them moving, where they?

CC is Class Change, aka Promotion. Some people also use it to refer to Class Swap/Reclass.

I think it's just because of the chapter. If they could ALL move, they could all gang-up on you from far away.

That's my guess, anyway.

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Ballistae have a 3-10 range, which means you only need 9 mov to reach safety.

Diagram, because I was bored at work:


That doesn't mean much though, she doesn't have access to any classes with 9 or more MOV.

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3. Waste all arrowspates.

Bad suggestion, you want Arrowspate more than Jake.

Just reclass her to Myrmidon, get rid of all the enemies and move her deep in Jake's range once she's at full HP. Jake will attack and on the next phase you can have her talk to him.

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Just reclass her to Myrmidon, get rid of all the enemies and move her deep in Jake's range once she's at full HP. Jake will attack and on the next phase you can have her talk to him.

Sounds a plan! :D

If she is already a mage you should have no problem.

No, I'm raising her as a Peggie, I'm doing mostly default classes.

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In any case, there are some enemy Ballisticians with 0 (--) move as well. I don't suppose IS were too lazy to code an AI to stop them moving, where they?

I will just assume they were so nice to let us know which bosses and siege weapons stay in place and which bosses charge to you and attack you so you don't have to find out the hard way and having them ruin your strategies. I had some units die because I wasn't aware of that soon enough. Curse you Lloyd!! Curse you Black Knight!! Curse you Ashnard!! Curse you Goldoa!!

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No, I'm raising her as a Peggie, I'm doing mostly default classes.

The only Reclass I suggest is Barst to Berserker and Wolf/Sedgar to General. It's up to you though.

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In any case, there are some enemy Ballisticians with 0 (--) move as well. I don't suppose IS were too lazy to code an AI to stop them moving, where they?

I will just assume they were so nice to let us know which bosses and siege weapons stay in place and which bosses charge to you and attack you so you don't have to find out the hard way and having them ruin your strategies. I had some units die because I wasn't aware of that soon enough. Curse you Lloyd!! Curse you Black Knight!! Curse you Ashnard!! Curse you Goldoa!!

That can't be right! GOLDOA WILL NOT MOVE, remember?

No, I'm raising her as a Peggie, I'm doing mostly default classes.

The only Reclass I suggest is Barst to Berserker and Wolf/Sedgar to General. It's up to you though.

So far I've done....





I'm not really using Cord, but I was just playing around with Reclass, and his Speed + Skill were mind blowing!

I actually managed to recruit Jake with Sheeda as a Peg in my first pt. She was lucky to dodge that arrow.

Good for you, lolz.

I'd rather not try that.

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