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how hard do you make it for yourself? (e.g. stat boosters?)


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i had this up on the IGN board, but thought it'd be interesting to put here:

which of the following do you do or not do?

- boss abuse

- arena abuse

- stat boosters

- reset on level ups

- online/secret shops

as for me, i avoid using FAQs so i almost never find the secret shops. don't use stat boosters or the online shops or reset on level ups, but i've been known to both boss and arena abuse. but i realized that it's boring to play through the game w/ overpowered units so i don't do that anymore either and try to keep my turn count total low. re: stat boosters, i'm a hoarder when i play games (e.g. use iron weapons as much as possible), so i almost never use stat boosters until like the last map. but i think for harder modes and where i'm trying to use particular characters i'll use them more. actually now that i think about it, i prob. still won't use them until the character's at his/her max level b/c i like to see how he/she ended up comparing to the average. yeah, i'm a geek. ;)

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Out of the list, I only go for the secret shops, but only after the first playthrough (besides the ones that I find by chance or ones that are just plain obvious).

Boss abuse I find is usually too impractical to set up and arena abuse is just plain dull (and risky). I did spend a lot of time arena abusing in FE DS though, but only to farm gold for forging.

I only use Stat-boosters, not including Boots, after the game ends (if that's not possible, then never). I'm a bit of an item hoarder as well.

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I only Arena abuse. It's boring as hell, but it's better than boss abusing.

Although, on FE4, I barely have to abuse, other than manipulating the RNG to win on the arena 8D

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- boss abuse:

I'm doing this one, but only on FE11 at H3 or harder. I make a weak unit that I want to train an archer or mage and then keep shooting a boss that has no ranged weapon to increase that unit's weapon level and EXP until I find it to be usable together with the rest of my team. This is the only situation where I abuse bosses, however; I'm not doing it if there's no weak unit I want to train, and I'm not doing it on any other FEs other than FE11.

- arena abuse:

I use the arena while approaching the end of the chapter, but I don't abuse it. Once I can end the chapter, I don't prolong it just to get more arena turns.

- stat boosters:

I always use them once I'm sure that either a unit in my team won't max out a certain stat without it, or draws a hell of a lot of use out of it and does not have a very high growth in that stat.

- reset on level ups:

I don't do that. If the RNG decides to screw me over, so be it.

- online/secret shops:

I can't use the online shop in FE11 because my DS has no access to WiFi.

However, I occassionally visit secret shops if I can afford to do so without prolonging the chapter and know where one is.

- forging:

I forge weapons quite a lot because I like that function. ^^

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I never create fake difficulty for myself. I just pick the highest difficulty setting possible and go with the flow. I clear the chapter as soon as I can, of course using any healers/dancers first. Sometimes a boss will be in range but there's still stuff to kill on the map. I might leave an archer behind or something to pick at the boss until someone capable is available. Stat items are used and I'll look online for any secrets that there might be, like shops or Stefan. I use anything and everything available to me. Arena is used but I won't delay the objective because of it.

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I never create fake difficulty for myself. I just pick the highest difficulty setting possible and go with the flow. I clear the chapter as soon as I can, of course using any healers/dancers first. Sometimes a boss will be in range but there's still stuff to kill on the map. I might leave an archer behind or something to pick at the boss until someone capable is available. Stat items are used and I'll look online for any secrets that there might be, like shops or Stefan. I use anything and everything available to me. Arena is used but I won't delay the objective because of it.

So basically you're a walking efficient playthrough. Awesome.

The only real things I ban myself from using are the arena (unless it's FE4 where the arena is actually cool), online shop, Zagaro & Wolf, and sometimes forging, the latter I'll probably do next FEDS H5 playthrough.

I did arena abuse in FE3 before, though I no longer do so in that game. I learned how pathetically easy it is to arena abuse in that game.

As for stat boosters, I usually don't use them, but not because I want to make the game harder, but because I usually want to save them for when a character really needs it.

In FE5 I'm going to use both cruisader scrolls and stat boosters, the latter because stat boosters are going to act in place of a promotion item for Leaf to give him stats he needs for the mid game.

Edited by Rody
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I play it straight once and then mercilessly abuse the RNG for stats and whatnot.

I also still have my Maximum Abuse FE10 save that I need to finish that has about 3500 turns of boss/priest abuse logged already.

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- boss abuse

- arena abuse

- stat boosters

- reset on level ups

Never. I've done Arena Abuse just once and didn't like it so I'm never doing any of those. As for stat boosters, sometimes I use them, sometimes I don't.

For H5, I've gone as far as a Marth + Generics only playthrough. Just kill everyone but Marth in chapter 3. If Marth managed to get up to say... lvl 14, hello lvl 14 Generics on chapter 4. I think lvl 16 Marth nets you a bunch of promoted ones and their stats can be pretty random (Lv 3 11 STR 22 DEF 40 HP general for example).

Edited by Sirius
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- boss abuse

- arena abuse

- stat boosters

- reset on level ups

- online/secret shops

Boss abuse

No I don't do boss abuse they take a while to do.

Arena abuse

Yes if it's FE4 but I try not to use arenas on the other games.

Stat boosters

Depends if I care about rankings and I usually save them up for later so I can use it on the people that needs it.

Reset on level ups

I have no idea how to manipulate level ups.

Online/Secret shops

I use secret shops but not online shops because I'm playing FEDS on an emulator.

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- boss abuse

If practical. I usually settle with...

- arena abuse


- stat boosters

I sometimes even forget to use the ones I normally get... besides, I seldom have much use for them, due to the aforementioned abuse and...

- reset on level ups

Hell yes. 3+ gains please.

- online/secret shops

If available/useful, yes.

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Boss Abuse: Normally I avoid this like the plague, but I have abused Wallace up to level 20 on several occasions.

Arena Abuse: This is more or less the same as boss abuse in my eyes. I did use the arena pretty heavily on my second time through FE7, but I rarely use the arena otherwise (with FE4 being the exception).

Stat boosters: I tend to squirrel away my stat items, intending to use them on characters that have poor stats. Most of them usually go unused, so I end up whoring all of them on my favorite character in in the final few chapters.

Reset on level ups: I've done this several times while distributing bonus experience in FE9. Otherwise, no. It's too much of a hassle

Online/Secret Shops: I usually forget all about these things.

Edited by Charlie
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- boss abuse

Too boring

- arena abuse

Too boring/risky

- stat boosters

I don't even see why someone wouldn't use them

- reset on level ups

religiously. PoR set my expectations even higher.

- online/secret shops

I'm too stupid to find them, and too lazy to go looking. Even if I do know where one is, I usually don't realize it until I finish the chapter.

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Just arena abuse, every game except FE6 which I'm fine with being hard. Mercenary Raven before the Dread Isle yes please

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- boss abuse

Only on one level of Radiant Dawn (Vika on 1-7)

- arena abuse


- stat boosters

Only on the final level after I've distributed all of my Bonus Exp. :lol:

- reset on level ups

No, because it is too time consuming.

- online/secret shops


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- boss abuse


- arena abuse


- stat boosters

Eh? Sure? I use the ones I can get.

- reset on level ups


- online/secret shops

Sometimes. Rarely for stat boosters though.

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I use stat boosters as soon as I can decide, which may be immediately or may be 5 chapters later. Usually sooner rather than later.

I use secret shops if I know about them. I won't look them up for playing the game unless I feel I've beaten it enough times (sometimes "enough times" is 1 time), but I will look them up for debating it.

Edited by Reikken
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I occasionally boss abuse. I always arena abuse, I always use stat boosters. I never reset on Level Ups. I always use Secret Shops and I usually use the Online Shop.

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which of the following do you do or not do?

- boss abuse

- arena abuse

- stat boosters

- reset on level ups

- online/secret shops

as for me, i avoid using FAQs so i almost never find the secret shops. don't use stat boosters or the online shops or reset on level ups, but i've been known to both boss and arena abuse. but i realized that it's boring to play through the game w/ overpowered units so i don't do that anymore either and try to keep my turn count total low. re: stat boosters, i'm a hoarder when i play games (e.g. use iron weapons as much as possible), so i almost never use stat boosters until like the last map. but i think for harder modes and where i'm trying to use particular characters i'll use them more. actually now that i think about it, i prob. still won't use them until the character's at his/her max level b/c i like to see how he/she ended up comparing to the average. yeah, i'm a geek. ;)

- boss abuse 'unchecked

- arena abuse 'check'

- stat boosters 'unchecked'

- reset on level ups 'unchecked

- online/secret shops 'check'

hey i'm a hoarder too. i never use legendary weapons, except ragnell, alondite, and falchion. legendary weapons are not supposed to break! :angry:

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- boss abuse

Tried it before, way too boring and not worth it.

- arena abuse

Even more boring and risky, and also not worth it.

- stat boosters

I always seem to hold on to them thinking "What if someone else needs it later?" and then have all of them at endgame. Then I just throw them on people who haven't capped a stat.

- reset on level ups

No. Wasting my life trying to get my units overly powerful and thus subtracting from the game is not fun.

- online/secret shops

Of course. I don't buy much at them since I always like to have extra money, but I check them out whenever I can.

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Boss abuse: Never ever. Though I have Archer abused before (Fiona ftw)

Arena abuse: I normally use it for +2 levels, but I don't spend 999 turns on it.

Stat boosters: I only use these at endgame.

Reset lvls: No. Never ever.

Secret shops: I'm usually too poor.

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Let's just say it makes itself very hard, especially when it comes to the case of Ike.

To sum it up, I love games that involve abuse. It's something that I learned about myself.

- boss abuse

- arena abuse

- stat boosters

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