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Does it blaze your balls whenever a game is made less difficult for the American release?


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  1. 1. Does it blaze your balls whenever the American Version of a game is made less difficult than the original?

    • Yes, my balls are blazed
    • Nah, my balls are still chill

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The only change made in FE7 HHM in the J release was that the doors in Endgame open two at a time, which is fairly trivial especially considering wow, ONE chapter. It's not even a tenth of a point in difference.

It blazed my balls harder when Catria got nerfed and Est got buffed. I don't care that it was a two level difference: It was blasphemy AND madness at the same time.

There are probably more chances but what I can confirm is that the throne and gate bonusses got reduced from 3 defense and 30 avoid to 2 defense and 20 avoid and since it's usally the enemy who sits on the throne this definitly counts as a decrease in difficulty. Also Lloyd and Linus switched their Runeswords to Light brands, but if you ask me that just makes them harder since the Lightbrand actually allows them to critical.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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Some things were certainly changed for FE7 and FE8, but they're barely noticable to me.

Well, NA!FE7 does seem slightly easier overall, with the reduced effective bonus down from x3 to x2 and most bosses having slightly lower stats (dunno about the generic enemies). NA!FE8 is probably slightly harder, with the slightly rebalanced growths and slightly stronger bosses (not counting Pablo and Riev's second appearances who were toned down).

NA!FE9 was the only game that was greatly affected, losing the entire Maniac mode. Meanwhile, I swear I heard NA!FE10 actually increased the enemy stats in Part 4.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've also heard that they made the U.S. version of FE 10 more challenging. If so, how? I thought it was odd that Mordecai and Lethe were so useless, so this actually makes sense to me.

Their hard mode is equivalent to our normal mode, or something like that.

Which means that FE 10's EM for Japan is equivalent to NoA's FE 8 or FE: SD NM. XD

EDIT: Which means their Maniac Mode is our hard mode.

It's worth noting that there were a few minor changes, such as requiring Master Crowns to get to third tier in the JP version, which I can imagine would make Part 4 a PITA.

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  • 2 weeks later...
NA!FE8 is probably slightly harder, with the slightly rebalanced growths and slightly stronger bosses (not counting Pablo and Riev's second appearances who were toned down).

Riev's lower stats are also canceled out by the fact he can move and it's a FoW map, which makes things tricky.

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