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Laguz Bandits

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I thought it would be interesting if we knew more about them. We know a certain beast tribe gang hangs out in desert ruins and hoards treasure, and I'm pretty sure the hawks and ravens that loot merchant ships count as bandits. In PoR, Jill tells Lethe that she was taught that laguz are savages from a young age. Which makes me wonder if laguz bandits contributed to that belief. Maybe some of them attacked a beorc settlement, causing more racial tension than before?


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Part of the reason the Ravens and Hawks attack ships is as an act of vengeance for the Serenes Massacre. Although, the Hawks only target Begnion ships, while the Ravens likely used it as an excuse to continue their pillaging.

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Naesala probably just dosn't have a good opinion of Beorc in general so he thinks they don't deserve anything better:

Naesala vs Lethe

Lethe: Betrayer of laguz! I'll tear those black wings off your back!

Naesala: You Gallians are with Crimea, we with Daein. We're both helping one side. I'd like you to tell me how that makes us the betrayers.

Lethe: Crimea and Daein are not the same!

Naesala: Oh, but they are. They're both home to laguz-hunting, laguz-hating humans. Granted, Daein's anti-laguz sentiment is more obvious, but... Surely you realize there's no great difference between it and Crimea... Or Begnion, for that matter.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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The convo is from PoR when you fight Naesala with Lethe.

Edit: And Naesala did have a point back then. Almost all Crimeans would kill Laguz on the spot if they see them as can be seen chapter 11 in PoR. The alliance exists only between the Kings, not in the heads of the people or in the heads of the nobles or the galliean elders. Of course things have gotten better by the time of RD.

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And Naesala did have a point back then. Almost all Crimeans would kill Laguz on the spot if they see them as can be seen chapter 11 in PoR. The alliance exists only between the Kings, not in the heads of the people or in the heads of the nobles or the galliean elders. Of course things have gotten better by the time of RD.

Yeah, that's why my cat OC was orphaned. Him and his parents accidentally slipped into Crimea, the only reason he lived is because the attackers thought he was dead when he was really unconsious, and a couple of soldiers from the Crimean royal army rescued him and raised him beside their own twins.

Since I didnt know which game it was from, I couldnt tell whether Naesala had a point or not. In RD though, he's WAY wrong.

I should have mentioned it's from the official timeline : P

Well I never read that timeline, so yeah.

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