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Mage Knights, Summoners and Paladins


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Mage Knights and Summoners are introduced in FE8. Paladins are staple to every game. What would happen if they were designed to be true to their..."traditional" design? By that, I mean allowing the following for each class:

Mage Knight: In addition to Magic and Staves, they're allowed to wield Swords and Lances as well. They'd possibly be the most versatile class being able to harness magic, staves and wield weapons in combat. They'd likely have high defense to play the role of a support class and would likely have a high EXP Curve (both in terms of level and proficiencies) to offset their durability.

Summoner: Aside from Magic and Staves, they can summon Monsters to fight under their control (the limitations in FE8 were a problem, IMO). A boss in Radiant Dawn does this so why the hell not? In addition, Summoners could also summon "reinforcements" when your units die--they'd summon from the pool of chars you didn't choose for the fight.

Paladins: In addition to Swords, Lances and sometimes Axes, they're allowed to wield Light Magic and Staves as well. This would easily make them the most dangerous class in the game and would probably make battles much faster or longer depending on your skill level. Can you imagine being 1 hit from finishing off the final boss only to have that Paladin you bypassed heal it back up? On the flipside, It would make early battles easier and you could range abuse until you got your first real healer.

Of course, I know these things would never happen (though we could mod the ROMs to make it so) but the idea...I just had to put it out there.

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Mage Knights and Summoners are introduced in FE8. Paladins are staple to every game. What would happen if they were designed to be true to their..."traditional" design? By that, I mean allowing the following for each class:

Mage Knights were introduced in FE4 and were able to use both swords and magic but no staffs.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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Summoner: Aside from Magic and Staves, they can summon Monsters to fight under their control (the limitations in FE8 were a problem, IMO). A boss in Radiant Dawn does this so why the hell not?

What works on the enemy's side doesn't always work for you. There's a reason why you can't use the Stone spell in FE8 for instance - it would be way too broken. Similar thing for this. That said, as long as the monsters aren't too strong, it could work out (like in Gaiden or TearRing Saga).

Also, I'm assuming most Paladins would still start off as Cavaliers and they probably wouldn't have a good enough Magic stat to use Light Magic effectively.

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Paladins: In addition to Swords, Lances and sometimes Axes, they're allowed to wield Light Magic and Staves as well. This would easily make them the most dangerous class in the game and would probably make battles much faster or longer depending on your skill level. Can you imagine being 1 hit from finishing off the final boss only to have that Paladin you bypassed heal it back up? On the flipside, It would make early battles easier and you could range abuse until you got your first real healer.

This is very close to the Master Knight class in FE4 where they can use every weapon except dark magic.

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Of course, I know the idea is impossible to implement for all the reasons named. I wouldn't mind the challenge, though. When I buy my desktop in November, I think I'll makea FE with said things in mind XD

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I don't like the ideas of making characters more flexible, for the same reason I don't like the reaver type weapons. Being able to wield three weapon classes should be a huge deal. Two is already luxurious since classes like the myrmidon and archer are stuck with one. If I could change paladins in the series, I'd lean them closer to being a little weaker but a little sturdier. I don't like wyverns being able to compete with them for tanking. Also keep in mind that paladins were people who escorted members of the church. Video games gave them holy rites as well, and others made them a sort of advancement from knights. Funny. :b

As for the summoner idea, eh. This is walking on very, very thin ice. I'd love if summons actually gave EXP for their kills. If they combine this with Gaiden's HP cost, it might not be so bad.

Mage Knights are nice though. Tomes and swords/lances sounds like a good call.

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Celica was great. I guess it's hard to use her as an example with how those mechanics worked, but she had a little bit of everything but not too much. I want more lords like her.

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