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WTF, Hawkeye


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That bastard just took out Lloyd (Lvl 12, and yeah, I missed out on Geitz) and Jerme in one blow. With a fucking Swordreaver.

Have there been any moments where you went, "Holy fuck!"?

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When a lv12 swordmaster Joshua got killed in Arena by a lv 10 noname hero? Or when lv 16 armor knight Oswin got stabbed to dead by a soldier (equiped with a steel lance)

Edited by Frozen Sulley
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My moment was not in this game but in FE4 Hannibal activated big shield on an Elfire that was going to kill him 94% hit and Hannibal activated big shield also on a Fenrir that was going to kill him 100%.

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Radiant dawn hard mode. Those dammed swordmasters would always crit my units with 6% to crit.

Edit lol never mind i tought it was general fire emblemm

Edited by Titan Raven
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FE10: During Endgame-2, Kurthnaga got criticalled/killed by two Swordmasters both with a 10% chance of critical. They were both using Silver Swords so it was like instant deja-vu.

The same exact thing happened when I restarted the chapter. More instant deja-vu.

Actually I wouldn't mind having this moved to General FE.


Edited by Fireman
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Ross vs random Wight in Lagdou, Ross had 30 luck. I had him attack the wight with the Devil Axe since it only had a 1% chance to kill him.

Ross flipped his axe up in the air and slammed the wight.

Ross: I... am a warrior to the very end.


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Why are people complaining about Jerme? You can just hammer him with ranged magic. He falls oh so quickly.

Actually, same goes for Lloyd. I actually killed him with Wallace, IIRC.

Anyway, wtf moments I've had was when Lakche was about to die from Alvis' Falaflame but she dodged with somewhat around 90% and Moonlight crit'd his ass.

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Anyway, wtf moments I've had was when Lakche was about to die from Alvis' Falaflame but she dodged with somewhat around 90% and Moonlight crit'd his ass.

Alvis has Awareness >_>

It negates both criticals and sword skills.

Forgot to mention I played a modified version. >_>

I haven't played any non-modified FE4-8 game since I last finished them.

EDIT: For the record, I actually beefed Alvis upstole his Awareness but gave him other skills, which is why I had an almost dead Lakche sitting on the field.

Edited by Eltoshen
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My first WTF moment is...

The first missed heal in FE5. I stared at the monitor for 10 seconds or so, before I can uttered a weak "... what...?"

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My first WTF moment is...

The first missed heal in FE5. I stared at the monitor for 10 seconds or so, before I can uttered a weak "... what...?"

What are the chances of this happening? Isn't it around 1/100?

It occurred for me 2 turns in a row on the Eyvel being turned to stone chapter. I actually had to restart the chapter since she ended up dying.

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My first WTF moment is...

The first missed heal in FE5. I stared at the monitor for 10 seconds or so, before I can uttered a weak "... what...?"

On my first missed heal, Saphy doubled. She missed both times.


Oh wait, not suprising, since it's FE5.

Anyways, on FE5 Ch8x, I made two attempts in a row in which Dagda got hit by every attack he went against. And those hit percentages were in the 20s and 30s.

Edited by White Luster Soldier
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Leanne getting attacked by an archer in RD 2-2, and dodging both arrows.

Rhys getting attacked by an archer in RD 4-4, and dodging both arrows.

Also, the Black Knight missing Ike on RD 3-7, despite having 80% accuracy.

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When that damn enemy fighter in FE6 criticals someone with 17% hit and 2% crit.

That dick took out my Dieck once in a no-reset run, lol. :(

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