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The Real Life Adventures of (Insert Name Here)

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So, now that I'm in college, I've had the chance to get up to more mischief than I used to be able to get into. Specifically, exploring.

Er, not that there's anything to explore on my campus... it's not like there are any roofs here, certainly not any steam tunnels; the computer science and electrical engineering building definitely doesn't have a ninth floor, let alone a tenth floor, an e floor, or a pi floor, and there really isn't a way onto the tension grid in the fine arts building. There are no long, sloped floors in any buildings that might be good for riding rolly computer chairs down, especially not a lovely long corkscrew ramp down the middle of the new computer science center, which I wouldn't go in anyway except for class because it's not finished yet. I definitely have been going to sleep at reasonable hours, because going to sleep at three or four A.M. doesn't make sense because there's no reason to be up that late unless you're sneaking around forbidden areas, which of course Ihaven't been doing.

In other news, I need to find some chalk.


So, anyone else have any particularly interesting adventures to tell about?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I once was attacked by a trio of South Park-joke spewing sixth graders who attempted to attack me after I told them to fuck off when they were spying on a birthday party my sister was attending. They said, "SHUT UP YOU FAG." And started chasing me, threatening they'd "kick my ass." I ran for the sheer amusement, since it was a Friday night and there was nothing to do.

They had bikes and I had nothing, so at the time, I retreated to slope to make things harder for them. My sister heard the bastards' high-pitched voices and tossed me a glow-stick. So these guys are riding up a slope and I have a mockery of a weapon. The first one rides up and I swing the glow-stick...

Striking him in the side of his stomach. He swerved a little before tumbling over the sidewalk. His two friends got off their bikes and ran at me with unskilled swinging fists. I tripped one and, a little pissed off, grabbed the last one's forearm, spun him around, and put him in an armlock, with the glow-stick to his head.

Apparently they thought of that as threatening, so I pushed the little shit away after he begged to be let go, and as they rode away, they threatened that they'd get their college brother to beat me up.

Three years later, I haven't had any such confrontation. Sometimes I WISH they provoked me into smacking the shit out of them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the past the word adventure for me usually involved a hike, sometimes at 3:00 AM, to ascend a radio mast or cell phone tower on some distant peak, or various other exercises of my natural freedom. But lately I've been taking adventures of a less solitary nature and been exploring more intimate realms. Up until extremely recently I had an highly repressed sexuality, mostly due to the fact that I was intensely closetted until about 4 months ago when the school year ended. Since coming out I've gained a lot of confidence as well as discovered the delights (and disappointments) of wanting and pursuing intimate companionship. In terms of sex I can say I've since lost my virginity (about a month ago... better late than never), and since then the most debaucherous thing I've done is participate in an unexpected foursome (all while quite inebriated of course); but outside of that realm I've also been pursing a guy I've had a crush on for some time who's also been going through the trials of coming out in college.

I say it's an adventure because it's unlike anything I've done in my life before, and I've had to take a lot of risks, break down a lot of barricades, and am still making a lot of mistakes in figuring it all out. But like any adventure, the rewards have outweighed the risks, and I'm learning more about myself with each quest embarked.

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I'm a boring kid, unsurprisingly. Personally, I blame my personal experiences.

I'm boring mainly because I'm nowhere near being emotionally open. Since I bottle things up, I show no emotions even though I may actually be happy or something. When talking to friends I'm usually the listener since I don't have many interesting stories to tell. For some reason I have quite a few friends. I don't really know why, since most "popular" kids stay away from "nerds."

I know I have some interesting memories, but nothing comes to mind right now.

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I love that General is more or less just a slightly more restrained FFtF anymore.

To be fair, I'm intentionally shitting this thread up.

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I love that General is more or less just a slightly more restrained FFtF anymore.

To be fair, I'm intentionally shitting this thread up.

Conceded, but it's also not like you're the first one to make a FFtF-style post.

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  • 3 months later...

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