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Which FEs do you dislike and why

Dat Nick

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I mean, what the hell, you add a class swap feature and don't have rescuing? It's hypocritical. "Oh, we're fundamentally changing the very nature of Fire Emblem, but we're not going to add necessary convenience features that have made the series vastly more playable."
Class Swap doesn't fundamentally change Fire Emblem though. I don't know why people think this. It's not FF5's job system with massive customizability options, it's more like changing a character into a different one.
Classes imbalanced again, but at least this time anyone can be the broken ones.
The only broken class in the game are Generals, and that's only Class Set B dudes, meaning that no, not anyone can be these guys, and even Generals have to go through Hunter first.

Not only that, but all classes are viable, even Archers and Swordfighters/Swordmasters. I find people calling FEDS' class balance a serious issue with the game odd, since most other FE games have much more lopsided class balance.

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Class Swap doesn't fundamentally change Fire Emblem though. I don't know why people think this. It's not FF5's job system with massive customizability options, it's more like changing a character into a different one.

Changing a character into a different one has never really been allowed before. It allows you to keep continuity of levels and stat gains (minus base adjustments). It's pretty useful.

The only broken class in the game are Generals, and that's only Class Set B dudes, meaning that no, not anyone can be these guys, and even Generals have to go through Hunter first.

Set A gets Paladin/Draco/Mage/Sniper. It's a very versatile class mix. Sniper being the one that's I suppose arguably "broken." Sorta.

Not only that, but all classes are viable, even Archers and Swordfighters/Swordmasters. I find people calling FEDS' class balance a serious issue with the game odd, since most other FE games have much more lopsided class balance.

I found archers laughably crappy and swordfighters/masters just kinda underwhelmingly mediocre, honestly.

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Darth, I think a lot of the anti-FEDS arguments here [wow people are still whining about gaiden chapters] are stupid too but you don't see me opening my mouth. Try not to turn this into a drama topic, please.

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I generally like most Fire Emblems, but there is something wrong generally with all of them.


+Start of the series? Catchy main theme

-Skill and Luck were useless, crits everywhere, item management, promotion mechanics...Many things broke this game, made it generally unfun, lack of variety in music.


+Love the idea of it all. Revivals that are limited and only appear at certan parts of the game, teh classes actualyl semed balanced (the one time archers were strong, though I'd hardly call them OP), I actually love the magic system, variety of enemies, music, world travel was actually sort of fun though lacking, equipment was actually important. Cast you actually talk to (if only one line) so you have that hint of personality, but you can imagine the rest for yourself bonus (personal opinion really). I actually love this game.

-Sooooooo daaaaaaamn slooooooow. If animations were faster, I'd love this game (I know turning off animations make it go faster, but I luff animations. I can't help it) to the point of thinking it was one of the best in the series. Normal mode just felt like easy mode just with grinding involved.


+Book 2 can actually present a hint of challenge, the music is great (Final Boss fight makes me orgasm, along with final enemy phase music), animations were quite well done (so much fun to watch mercs fight). Best atmosphere in the series.

-Game mechanics still got a few bugs to work out from it's core, book 1 was a snooze, too many OP characters, dismounting was more a plus than a minus, the fact only armors can use spears indoors and axes suck, making any weapon other than swords and magic utterly pointless. Star spheres essentially ruined character uniqueness.


+I'm probably the only one who actually likes the idea of individual bank accounts. Lover system is the reason we have supports today, which is what mainly hooked me into the series at first. In all honesty, there's not a single track of music in this game I hate.

-Everything else. How does this game get the praise it gets? The maps are huge and empty which just makes it boring, you're handed quite a number of ass crack characters, then given a bunch of such rediculously overpowered characters, weapon types are rediculously lopsided, enemies are laughable, and the game just becomes brokefest 2000 at part 2. If this isn't among one of the most boring-ass games I have ever played.


+Map design is amazing, skills are actually well implimented to character uniqueness. Tactical thinking of inventory and equipment actually matters as time goes on (you can't just have everyone hog scrolls and just trade around at opportune moments, you might actually want to spread 'em around as crits actually exist in this game), con system and capturing was well implimented, there's actually a hint of balance in this game, characters are quite unique. Map design lets you come up with how best to tackle a map, which makes going through these maps a fun time that is never the same thing twice depending on the characters you use. I even like the character unique weapons. I found magic to actually be balanced.

-As time goes on though, some things become too important. You later will not use many characters if at all, only opting to just staff through the game as staffs are far too important to how the game goes on, this point only transportation and a choice few badass characters matter, making the idea of using other people almost completely pointless. Map design starts to show how rushed the game got towards the end as things start to seem more broken (24x anyone?). It essentially just feels like you wasted time bothering with other people. Couple things are broken, like Wrath and Ambush, getting brave weapons way too early. Music was a tad bland, atmosphere suffered for it.


+Character balance is actually among the finest here, all weapon types are fair game, map length gives the game a more epic feel, everything for once feels like it matters. Every single detail feels like a cog of the game's core and one turning will effect the others. Every character feels a bit more unique in function, every character has some sort of use at some point, supports give mroe character depth and tactical interlinking. For once, your team actually matters.

-Music and story is a bit bland, armors and archers got sort of screwed. My only complaints. Favorite game in the series.


+Supports are quite more detailed, the characters feel a lot more alive. Nergal is an actually interesting villain.

-Game was a tad too easy, which guts it quite harshly, leaving little to the game itself other than the story. Supports as interesting as they are, in real gameplay have very little realistic effect on the grand scheme of things which almost ultimately defeats the purpose of them. Pity that, considering they're quite interesting to read through. Writers went through all that work for something that is almost useless.


+Characters are still interesting, the characters themselves seem far more fine tuned as there are fewer of them. Magvel is an actually interesting place, and the villains are actually more than just evil people (Callaech is ambitious, Valter is psychotic, Reiv is bitter and wrathful, Lyon is vastly immature, a certain paladin...). But still, even someone like Knoll isn't flat out useless, and he's one of the worst dudes in the game. Dificulty's not hard, but it's fair. I'd actually say it's harder than FE7, though that's not saying much. Supports matter again, and are actually downplayed so they don't seem quite as broken to some characters.

Fomortiis is actually worthy of being the fucking devil, as he does things pure evil would actually do. If only he had more competent minions...

. New classs gave the game a bit of spice to it. Stats actually feel balanced (good luck lategame without resistance).

-It seems far too rushed. The writing is good, but the story feels incomplete and shoddy in areas. Some characters got away with being utterly broken (lolSeth, Ephraim, Gerik and Deussal). Basically I just feel the game is too short for the story to fit in. As much as I like fighting monsters, they're too weak. Map wasn't well implimented. If they would have taken a bit more time with it, made it harder, easily the best game in the series. However it's not, and it just feels like so much went left unsaid...Oh, and Great Knights were totally an OP class.


+Tellius is a fun world. Was willing to experiment with a new sort of unit and gameplay mechanics that made it feel far more unique. Support affinities are far more toned down.

-The characters themselves seem a bit too goody-goody. At least with FE8, those that were were played on a comical scale. A couple of chaotics are in it, but the cast feels far too heroic. The game is also far too easy (at least outside of Japan where we don't have maniac mode). Earth affinity is OP, Paladins are OP, BEXP sort of got rid of the point of bothering with anyone underleveled or those with a weak start (Rolf, Shinon, Lucia and Bastian).


+New mechanics into the game of which are quite fun. Laguz seem to be far more fair as a class. Skills are actually balanced. But...

-That's about it. Supports are no longer depthful, character depth went out the window and I just feel like I'm playing with hero#2334572834789, new characters are damn near pointless, supports are actually MORE broken now (single it out, less people become important to a team), the parts system changes gameplay drastically to the point it turns the game on it's head and absolutely shatters what character balance the game could have actually had. I'm always just gonna run into uber characters to fastforward me through the game, and so every unit doesn't feel like a team to stand by with. It just feels like people who are helping me through till the psycho units show up to make the game hilariously easy. So many characters just feel outright useless. The game literally doesn't feel like a game, but more of a chore. Sooner or later, you just stop caring about a team and just want to get to teh next part, but you gotta do this first before you get there with people you don't give a shit about. The story is god awful (ruining the amazing build-up FE9 had) as once part 3 hits it just feels like a power rangers episode. Seriously, replace Zordon with Caineghis, Ranulf with Alpha and the power rangers with the GM. The sad part is, this game could have been golden had there not been a parts system. If you just went through the game with the original team, meeting up with the rest of the team by the time you reached each "part", this game would have been a lot more fair. The story is garbage, character balance and thus the reason to make a team overall is garbage, the parts system is garbage, the garbled orchestra the game dares to call "music" is garbage...This game is just garbage. It's just the worst game in the series to me.


+Well it's basically FE1 with all the kinks worked out, which makes it immediately an overall amazing game. Even with class swap, characters can actually in their own way retain character uniqueness. Probably the best character balance in the series. Personal matter, the game does give me absolute freedom to develop the characters to the player's mindset, so the game functions can actually make the characters very resonant to the creative. The game is actually challenging. Story is basic, but the way it's written still can get one amped. Loved the remixed FE3 music. Generic units actually add another level of depth to the game rather than taking it away. Class balance actually exists.

-However, those that aren't will feel like they're playing with faceless units. Weapon balance is a bit off (swords suck royally). Skill and Luck once again barely matter. Those that have played the rest of the series won't really feel anything new to it. Killing units purposefully to get to gaidens rather than skill is a bit disheartening. Forging is perhaps a bit too good, as it makes slayer weapons OP, due to the sheer number of cavs in this game. Generals are a tad too strong, Swordmasters a tad too weak. Zag and Wolf, lol.

How will the future fare? No clue, but I bet I can nitpick it anyways.

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Renall, how exactly is FE5 your favorite FE if you had so much to dislike about it?

Because I like exploiting the hell out of it through foreknowledge of everything that's going to happen.

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The only FE that has ever driven me to actually dislike it is FE4. Why? The RNG absolutely despises my guts. No joke, I've NEVER seen an enemy miss, and it's a common sight to see someone miss three times in a row with 98 hit. And I also believe that Cuan has missed with 100 hit. I can't prove it, but he had 100 hit against every other iron axe user on that chapter, and another one comes along on enemy phase and he MISSED. Then another one came, and he hit it, but he still got hit. Then he died because the freaking 37 hit enemies hit him every single attack. Ragequit.

Edit: Kay, he probably didn't miss with 100 hit, seeing as it's impossible. But it just happened, so yeah...

Edited by Slize
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The only FE that has ever driven me to actually dislike it is FE4. Why? The RNG absolutely despises my guts. No joke, I've NEVER seen an enemy miss, and it's a common sight to see someone miss three times in a row with 98 hit. And I also believe that Cuan has missed with 100 hit. I can't prove it, but he had 100 hit against every other iron axe user on that chapter, and another one comes along on enemy phase and he MISSED. Then another one came, and he hit it, but he still got hit. Then he died because the freaking 37 hit enemies hit him every single attack. Ragequit.

Edit: Kay, he probably didn't miss with 100 hit, seeing as it's impossible. But it just happened, so yeah...

You'll hate FE5 even more then. Despite also using the 1-RN system, the RNG in that game is even more biased than the one in FE4. And on top of that, there is never a 0% chance or a 100% chance of hitting.

Edited by Zebesian
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FE4: Huge maps in general, but running for a while without fighting anything is kind of annoying.

That's what makes FE4 awesome. I'm sure the rest of the other features in FE4 make up for it.

Anyways, I dislike FE5 just because I find it so hard to beat and I guess I don't like FE8 either just because it's so easy.

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FE1-3: Never played them, and you'll see why below.

FE4: The game speed is too fucking slow. Compounded with lots of doing nothing on huge maps, I can't even get myself finish one chapter of the game in one sitting. FE1-3 are even slower gameplay-wise.

FE5: Status effects last forever and enemies are too weak, plus the usual gay mechanics that we complain about.

FE6: Promotion bonuses make mid to lategame a joke, and by then the player starts to tire of the singular map objective as well.

FE7: Marcus, and crappy enemy stats make mid to lategame a joke.

FE8: Seth, and easy in general, and I don't like the concept behind monsters very much.

FE9: The weight and ineffectiveness of effective weapons irks me, and enemies aren't very strong either. Too bad the US didn't get Maniac Mode...

FE10: Long and unbalanced.

FE11: I actually like the animations in this one. What I don't like, however, is the multitude of shitty PCs the game throws at you, and despite defending the lack of rescuing in this game, I do wish it existed from time to time.

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I don't even want to touch all of bottom and fail tier, and even half of lower mid I wouldn't want to touch except for stuff like healing utility. Considering the fact that H5 enemies are leagues tougher than enemies in any other FE game, it makes me want to use crappy characters even less.

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FE4: Huge maps in general, but running for a while without fighting anything is kind of annoying.

That's what makes FE4 awesome. I'm sure the rest of the other features in FE4 make up for it.

I should have worded that differently. I don't mind big maps in general. In fact, I like them. My problem with FE4 was that I had a lot of times where I was just moving my units without doing anything else for multiple turns. Maybe I did something wrong, but that was rather annoying.

I still liked it overall, though. I like how you can pretty much use everyone, or just a pick and choose.

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I should have worded that differently. I don't mind big maps in general. In fact, I like them. My problem with FE4 was that I had a lot of times where I was just moving my units without doing anything else for multiple turns. Maybe I did something wrong, but that was rather annoying.

I still liked it overall, though. I like how you can pretty much use everyone, or just a pick and choose.

No, you weren't doing it wrong. There are just times where there aren't any enemies and you have to spend a number of turns moving units somewhere. Even in the second generation when you minimize this as much as possible (say, sending only Celice and one or two other mounted guys to a castle), it still eats up a few turns where nothing can really happen.

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FE6 because of the enemies appearing after you move, completely ruining your strategy and pissing you off when someone dies because you didn't know what the hell was gonna happen

FE11 because Marth can only visit villages and it just didn't spark with me. I do like the merge thing with items though

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ONLY MARTH COULD VISIT VILLAGES?! That sounds pretty lame. O.o Or that's the only thing he is good for...?

FE2: It's probably just on my game thing but the game is way too slow and the graphics are even worse than FE1. I didn't get far at all since it was too slow. I hope the real game was faster.

FE6: I don't like that fact that all the chapters have the same objective... It makes the game more boring. There were too many characters IMO. Not really a bad thing but since you're not aloud to bring that many units per chapter, the number of characters just taunt you a bit. And FE6 isn't really the kind of FE game you want to replay a million times. I also don't like the reinforcements having the ability to attack the moment they get there.

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