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Underage Sex: Don't care particularly.

Underage drinking: If in moderation, okay. If the drinkers become alchoholic, it could interfere with their school life.

Pot: I'm fairly against this one, though it banned is doing as much good as the prohibition. i.e. gangsters get power

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So, I'm wondering, those of you who think that smoking pot is worse than drinking, do you have any reasons for it? I'd honestly like to know, because it really is a mindset I have never understood.

I think it's safe to assume that it's because DARE and the government said so

Edited by Hikarusa
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Naw, some use it to party.

Morally, I consider all three to be a little bad. Premarital sex has an exception: partners stay safe.

Realistically, I can't consider these to be life threatening. Unless, of course you drink or smoke before driving, or something else along those lines. As almost everyone else here summed up nicely: moderation will make it safer.

The brain will eventually heal itself once you stop (if you ever became addicted in the first place) doing it, anyway. I can't remember if permanent damage is done from either drug.

Continuing on my post, since I noticed I never really answered the question the way I wanted.

Underage drinking is just stupid, in my opinion. Excessive use of pot is fucking stupid as well.

Underage Sex: Don't care particularly.

Underage drinking: If in moderation, okay. If the drinkers become alchoholic, it could interfere with their school life.

Pot: I'm fairly against this one, though it banned is doing as much good as the prohibition. i.e. gangsters get power

That doesn't make sense. I'd rather my brother smoke pot every day than drink everyday. Even if he was of legal age of drinking. Pot smoking is far better than drinking in nearly every way imaginable.
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1)Underage sex is stupid.

2)Underage drinking is stupid.

3)Smoking pot is stupid.

It's a very simple concept. Teenagers do stupid things because their brains are developing, and/or they are pressured into doing something. Underage sex is usually irresponsible sex. It isn't rare to suffer consequences such as STDs and Pregnancy.

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1)Underage sex is stupid.

2)Underage drinking is stupid.

3)Smoking pot is stupid.

It's a very simple concept. Teenagers do stupid things because their brains are developing, and/or they are pressured into doing something. Underage sex is usually irresponsible sex. It isn't rare to suffer consequences such as STDs and Pregnancy.

How is underage sex stupid? How is underage drinking stupid? How is smoking pot stupid? Please put some thought into your responses.

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I explained myself at the bottom of the paragraph. I definitely could have put more thought into my post, but I did put some thought into it.

I will add the fact that underage drinking causes health problems, and is a problem while driving. Pot, or any other misused drug is harming your body, which is not a very wise decision to make in life. As I said before, Peer Pressure has much to do with both Drinking and Pot because everyone else is doing it, or your friends are doing it. Underage sex is unsafe sex for the most part, and the consequences are many.

You don't get anything good out of them, which is why I think they are stupid.

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I explained myself at the bottom of the paragraph. I definitely could have put more thought into my post, but I did put some thought into it.

I will add the fact that underage drinking causes health problems, and is a problem while driving. Pot, or any other misused drug is harming your body, which is not a very wise decision to make in life. As I said before, Peer Pressure has much to do with both Drinking and Pot because everyone else is doing it, or your friends are doing it. Underage sex is unsafe sex for the most part, and the consequences are many.

You don't get anything good out of them, which is why I think they are stupid.

Drinking in and of itself causes health problems and driving problems. Why is underage drinking any different than of age drinking? Pot is not as harmful to your body as cigarettes or alcohol, which are legal.

I'm just trying to keep the discussion going, no attacking meant.

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I will add the fact that underage drinking causes health problems, and is a problem while driving.

This is true. Underage drinkers tend to binge on alcohol when they drink it, and that's what causes all the problems. When alcohol is largely a 'forbidden pleasure' there's no culture of moderation.

This is probably flavored by where I'm from, but my impression is that binge drinking is a much bigger problem than any kind of illegal drug.

Pot, or any other misused drug is harming your body, which is not a very wise decision to make in life.

Marijuana is one of the safest drugs out there, it's nearly impossible to cripple yourself or die by it. It's possible, even common for lives to be ruined through smoking too much marijuana, but the same could be said of playing too much World of Warcraft. And World of Warcraft is more addictive. ;)

In North California practically everyone smokes weed at least once in high school, and it's only a small percentage that takes it too far.

Underage sex is unsafe sex for the most part, and the consequences are many.

You just have to know what you're getting into beforehand. But sex is almost always done in secret, so there's not much to be done about it other than to make sure kids understand pregnancy and STDs.

I feel neutral about these three things. They're no different from any other method of seeking pleasure, I think. Almost anything is harmful in one way or another when you don't approach it with moderation.

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Drinking and pot both cause significant health problems (pot less so than some other legal things), so I would personally advise against it, though I don't feel it's the government's responsiblity to make such decisions.

Sex is a little different. If you wear a condom and use it properly it shouldn't cause more than possible emotional damage which can happen without sex. Protection is important though.

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1)Underage sex.

2)Underage drinking.

3)Smoking pot.

Have you been stalking me lately?

Btw, I think that the rules we currently have for underage sex in the US is fine. The legal drinking age should be lowered back to 18 and pot should be legalized, though.

Edited by Media Junkie
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Yeah, the limit for sex is fine now. Other than that, it's up to the kids who actually do it not to fuck up.

Drinking is just wtf. Sure maybe if they want to impress friends but tons of stupid shit comes from drinking too much. I mean, I'll have one or two bottles but that is really it. Personally, I hate the taste of it; too much like rotten... something... to me. But it's pretty fun to screw with people that are drunk/wasted. As long as they don't get behind a wheel, I'm fine.

Smoking pot is perfectly safe. Pretty sure it filters out the addictive stuff in certain products so whoever is saying "it hurts you and others" is far off in one aspect. I know plenty of people who smoke pot yet aren't living on the streets as mindless hobos.


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That doesn't make sense. I'd rather my brother smoke pot every day than drink everyday. Even if he was of legal age of drinking. Pot smoking is far better than drinking in nearly every way imaginable.

I knew one drug was not bad. I must've got pot mixed up with one of the drugs that is horrible

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  • 4 months later...

Legalization of Marijuana is getting nearer and nearer. People are finally seeing that POT DOES NOT HARM YOU. I am not a pot smoker. My brother, however is. My brother is a waaaaaaay nicer guy when he's high. It does not impair your judgment. A common misconception is that smoking pot impairs judgment and is dangerous for people on the roadways. My brother is a WAY better driver high. My brother is nicer high, he drives better when he's high, he focuses better when he's high... Pot does not kill brain cells. There's actually research to show that marijuana can actually stimulate brain and other organ growth and health. And it's not even addictive. The question is WHY doesn't everyone do it? Well the main reason is because the media has forced it into our brains that marijuana is bad. We have been told by the news, the government, our schools, television in general, that marijuana is bad. But it's not. But now you're probably reading this saying "wait. didnt this guy say he wasn't a pot smoker?" Yes. I did say that. Now why don't I do it? I hate the smell. I hate the taste. I can't stand it. It's not for me. It's not for everyone. But that doesn't mean it should be illegal. California is getting closer and closer to having it legalized. Once they get it legalized, there's nothing stopping other states from doing it. Soon enough, you'll be able to buy weed just as easily as you'd be able to buy cigarettes, alcohol, or porn. It'll have an age restraint, of course. But it'll probably be even more common cigarettes soon enough.

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eh, I view pot the same way i do people getting drunk, don't have a problem with it, just dont do it while driving. I have a hard time believing your brother is a better driver high...Where u high when he was driving?

Edited by Fenrir
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I'm against all three of them for personal reasons haha. I have a terrible bias against them. Underage sex, drinking, and drugs are probably the only three things I am just completely incapable of thinking about objectively or from the other point of view. I know that isn't a good thing but I just can't condone those activities or understand how others can find them acceptable.

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The laws we have restraining alcohol are potentially dangerous. We in the U.S., unlike in certain European nations, seem to have trouble differentiating between drinking and drunkeness. A lower legal age, like in Germany, might help young people gain a healthier respect and understanding of alcohol. Anyway, as to all three, do what you want, but take responsibility for your actions.

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The laws we have restraining alcohol are potentially dangerous. We in the U.S., unlike in certain European nations, seem to have trouble differentiating between drinking and drunkeness. A lower legal age, like in Germany, might help young people gain a healthier respect and understanding of alcohol. Anyway, as to all three, do what you want, but take responsibility for your actions.

I completely agree, if you do anything dumb while drunk/high i think you should have to own up to it, I don't really think either are that bad, people have been known to do dumb things when drunk or high but that would be a risk youd take.

As for underage sex, the same should apply, if you get pregnant(or get someone pregnant) you should deal with the baby, or STDs...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Legalization of Marijuana is getting nearer and nearer.

Why has my best friend not know about this? He would be exited as hell to here this news.

1. laugh.gif Half of my friends are planning to do it already. (I'm not.(Horny little bastards) (High School can do that to you.) Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

I think it's wrong cuz then maybe the um...."balloon" might break and then the girl is gonna have to choose if she's gonna have the kid and then some guys don't have the um..."rocks" to take responsibility for what they did.

2. Well I think it's bad but I can't say I never drank before. (It was only a little just to taste it) Depends on how much and if you're and addict. (My friend is a fun drunk.) XD

I don't have a problem with this. Just as long as the person doesn't over do it I guess it's fine.

3. laugh.gif LOTS of my friends do this. (My best friend is a TOTAL POTHEAD (Yes he does ask if I want to try and yes I say no.) Like everything it has it's ups and downs.

(Ex. People are WAY nicer when their high but they don't think as the normally do and can do VERY stupid things (Ex. My friend tried to kiss me. WTF!?!?!?)

Doesn't bother me. If they want to then they can I guess. I have tried to make my friend quit (he did for like two months thanks to me) but he got into it again (all that effort wasted Facepalm_emote_gif.gif ) but now (since I can't) I have managed to convince him to not smoke pot EVERYDAY.(He now limits himself to5 times a week.(I know I know I failed. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif)

Not wrong I guess their choice.

Edit: Underlined things were added.

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1) Too many tragedies and bad situations come of this. I wish people would wait until they have sex until they're at least 18.

2) Pretty much exactly the same as 1, except I think the drinking age should be increased to 25.

3) Essentially harmless, although can lead to an irrelevant lives-to-get-high loser, which is obviously bad.

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1) Too many tragedies and bad situations come of this. I wish people would wait until they have sex until they're at least 18.

2) Pretty much exactly the same as 1, except I think the drinking age should be increased to 25.

1.) Implying tragedies stop existing when someone turns eighteen.

2.) ...Why?

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I don't approve of any of them, but I really don't care how people live their own lives. I can't (and won't) force my opinions on others, but don't affect my life negatively (read: stay off the road if you're judgment is impaired).

Edited by Well-Known Secret
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1.) Implying tragedies stop existing when someone turns eighteen.

2.) ...Why?

1.) They do not, obviously, but at least they're old enough for it to not horribly ruin their bodies and minds forever. Not to mention at that age people are pretty much done growing, so the sex is far more enjoyable.

2.) Mental maturity is reached older and older these days, 21 is still quite young. Alcohol is a powerful beverage, drinking responsibly can be extremely difficult. By 25 most people have matured to the point where I think they could handle it properly.

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