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You're idea box. It is not wrong to disagree, but as I have said before, it is wrong to insult. I assume in High-School you learned how to argue in an essay? Defending and attacking a certain idea, cause, person, etc. is fine, but showing them respect is valuable to your ethos. Calling someone's ideas stupid is not the right way to go. You and Esau seem to have the arguements against her down, but the disrespectful terminology (i.e. stupid) is wrong. This is often a symptom of someone's inabillity to step in another person's shoes (however briefly). If that is not the case with you then I am sorry. As to the debate, although Serious Discussion has been a good place to hold debates, that is not necessarily what it is meant for. Many people come here to learn about others without knowing that fierce debate is imminent if they state an opinion that is disagreed with. I first came here for that reason, myself, and it sounds like eclipse did, too. To be honest, I think a "Serious Debate" forum would be a good addition to this site. Discussions could start here and when they grow heated, move to the debate area, allowing casual players to just hang out and also satisfy the firey combatants such as yourself.

Lol what idea box? I don't have one. Sure I have opinions, but it's not in as rigid of a form as a box. More like a puddle: it can change shape and size, and other water is always welcome.

And you should be sorry, for categorizing someone without any evidence or reason to. I didn't call her stupid, or her ideas stupid, only that one, and that was after I explained why. That is vastly different than what you're making it sound like, as if I ran in here with guns blazing ready to make her cry to her mother.

And if you think this is fiery... well... I certainly hope you never see a fiery debate.

I know what this forum is for. I use it on a regular basis. But if a discussion turns into a debate, that's what it turns into. It's not my problem if someone wanted just to be able to say something and not be questioned. Like you said, it's where people can discuss things, and since that is the case anything you said can spark a discussion, which can turn into a debate. If she didn't want her ideas questioned she shouldn't have posted.

Edited by Crystal Shards
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I've pointed out that arguing isn't the way to change my mind.

Then what is? Aside from "miracle" epiphanies, argumentation and good rhetorical strategy are primary ways to get someone that thinks one way to think another (to put it simply). This can be "good" or "bad," depending on the view being changed.

Hint: This would be a "good" time to change your opinion.

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Then what is? Aside from "miracle" epiphanies, argumentation and good rhetorical strategy are primary ways to get someone that thinks one way to think another (to put it simply). This can be "good" or "bad," depending on the view being changed.

Hint: This would be a "good" time to change your opinion.

The only method that's proven to work is time. Let me experience life for myself. Don't tell me what to think; if your point is good, I'll agree with it eventually.

In the meantime, don't try to change me. I find it easier to agree with someone who's willing to accept me as I am, than someone who feels I should be something I might not want to be.

This is also where I bow out, before emotions (not necessarily mine) start taking things over. There's no need to burn bridges over such a small matter. I've said my piece; whether you agree with me or not is for you to decide. We're all entitled to an opinion, but not entitled to have anyone agree with it.

Hope to see everyone around elsewhere!

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The only method that's proven to work is time. Let me experience life for myself. Don't tell me what to think; if your point is good, I'll agree with it eventually.

In the meantime, don't try to change me. I find it easier to agree with someone who's willing to accept me as I am, than someone who feels I should be something I might not want to be.

This is also where I bow out, before emotions (not necessarily mine) start taking things over. There's no need to burn bridges over such a small matter. I've said my piece; whether you agree with me or not is for you to decide. We're all entitled to an opinion, but not entitled to have anyone agree with it.

Hope to see everyone around elsewhere!

Then what was the point of you arguing in the first place?
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