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Efficiency! Abuse!



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  1. 1. You play?

    • Efficiently!
    • Abusively!

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How do you enjoy playing FE?

Just for clarification:


I'll go in, get the map done, and do it quick. There's no time to waste! (This doesn't mean speed run or ranked run though.)


I'll hang back, take my time raising characters, what's the rush? A little favoritism never hurt too...

(This includes arena abuse, RNG abuse, savestate abuse, etc)

If you aren't clear-cut either, just pick what you're closer to.

Edited by Pride
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I don't like arena whoring or boss abusing, but I do like hanging back so my characters can beat up on reinforcements. I suppose that means I lean toward the abuse side.

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Neither. I just play the game.

This. I try to be efficient, but I suck at being efficient, so I settle with non-abuse.

Yeah I'm in the middle myself. I try to at least be efficient, but at the same time I use a reinforcement group here and there.

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If by efficient you mean turtle up so as to swipe as much of the decisions from the RNs as possible, then that. I don't have the will to arena abuse or anything too much anymore, though.

Edited by Rehab
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Right down the middle. I dont arena abuse, reset level ups or any of that nonsense, but i do enjoy hanging back some and nailing some reinforcements and leveling my team. Sometimes i do a little bit of boss abuse. So yeah...

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I like getting it over as quick as possible, though I arena abuse whenever possible (like Lloyd/Linus's chapter, the one where you get Geitz/Wallace). I guess that would make me more of an abuser, though I don't abuse Rng and BS like that...

I'll be an efficient player.

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I'm kinda in the middle. I like leveling up my characters while doing it kinda fast but not too fast. I don't do any kind of abuse though so I guess I'm more efficient but not super efficient. I do feed weaker units kills to catch them up to the rest of the team

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I'm more in-between, really, but I guess I'm slightly leaning towards abuse. I usually don't hang around in a chapter longer than needed unless it's FE6 (lol arena) or FE11 (geez, boss abuse), but I never leave a map without getting all its treasure even if I could already complete it beforehand. I also usually try to kill all enemies even if it's not necessary (especially if they hold any kind of droppable item), though I won't prolongue a chapter just to abuse reinforcements. Also, unless it actually makes the chapter easier (like in C18 in FE8) or is absolutely necessary (like to get to a village in time before it gets destroyed), I usually don't rush ahead recklessly, but rather take my time and play carefully. Which is another reason for why I don't like FE4 - those goddamn bandits harass the villages way too quickly and way too much.

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