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FE4 Questions


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Right, so Cyas has given me an emu and ROM (I budged about my emu hate, okay?) to try this game with, but I have some questions about it before I start.

1) Pairings, I have these:



ClaudeXSyvlia (I know Corple sucks and Sharlow's better, but I need a Valkyrie Staff user! D: )






Are these okay, have I forgot people, and who should I pair the ??????s with?

2) Does display a combat window before you attack things, like in 5-11?

3) I plan on picking Johalva over Johan, is this a good idea, the FE Wiki said he's better for non-ranked runs (what I'm doing) And he's my favorite class.

4) Can I buy weapons?

5) How do I repair weapons?

6) I know Fire and Thunder Magic suck in this one, but are they good for anything?

7) Is Light Magic good?

8) Should I give people some of their new secondary weapons when they promote? (Swords for mage Fighter/Knights, Bows for Johalva, etc. etc.)

9) How do I get Ayra? I know you have to talk to her with Sigurd after seizing her castle, but how do I do that? I think you have to lure her away w/ Sigurd, but won't one of them kill the other.

10) How does Attack Speed work?

11) Is there anything else I need to know?

Sorry about the length, I just have lots I'm worried about.

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1) Briggid x Holyn. Alec and Noish are Male >_>. The rest are fine for newbies.

2) Yes.

3) He's fine.

4) Yes. In chapter 1 (not the stinking prologue) and on there's an armory. Buy weapons there. Accessed from the castle

5) Go to a castle and choose the "Weapon Repair" option.

6) Good for masochism. That's about it. The second you see a Thunder tome available, ditch any fire tome that user has. The second you see Wind, ditch the Thunder tome.

7) Lightning and Resire. Aura's too damn heavy.

8) Bows for Johalva's fine. Sword for Mage Knights is eh not really a good idea.

9) Get her to move and have a mobile unit (Alec) lure her away while Sigurd swoops in and takes the Castle she was guarding.

10) SPD stat - Weapon's WT.

11) Shut up and play.

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2) Does display a combat window before you attack things, like in 5-11?

Yes. But it is 'advanced' style only (i.e. it shows you attack and defence, not damage).

3) I plan on picking Johalva over Johan, is this a good idea, the FE Wiki said he's better for non-ranked runs (what I'm doing) And he's my favorite class.

It's really more of an ineffectual idea than anything. Neither of them are worth much for ranked runs, both of them are usable in general.

4) Can I buy weapons?

Yes, but the selection is extremely finite compared to what you're probably used to. For example, you will only ever have at maximum two silver swords.

5) How do I repair weapons?

There is a shop in most castle towns which you go to.

6) I know Fire and Thunder Magic suck in this one, but are they good for anything?

They are good for using when you don't have access to Wind magic >_>

7) Is Light Magic good?

Lightning is decent. Aura is stupid powerful but also stupid heavy. Rezire is somewhat broken. Narga is completely broken.

8) Should I give people some of their new secondary weapons when they promote? (Swords for mage Fighter/Knights, Bows for Johalva, etc. etc.)


9) How do I get Ayra? I know you have to talk to her with Sigurd after seizing her castle, but how do I do that? I think you have to lure her away w/ Sigurd, but won't one of them kill the other.

The general advice is to lure her into the forest with either Alec or Cuan. Alec has the advantage of Nihil preventing Astra from activating, Cuan has WTA which ends up not meaning anything due to lance weight but he is fairly defensive for the time. Personally I found Ira to have a tendency to slaughter Alec event without Astra.

10) How does Attack Speed work?

If you are referring to repeated attacking, a) the character must have the 'Pursuit' skill b- their attack speed must be higher in general. If you want to know how attack speed is determined, it's speed - weapon weight. Fun when you have a broken one out.

I have been beaten but I am going to post anyway~

Edited by T.W.I.L.K.I.T.R.I.
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Thanks everyone!

Also, I still don't know who to pair the Christmas Knights with, and I have a few more questions:

When you get Beowulf, does the money you give him dissapear or go into his money?

And how do I trade money and weapons around, I hear there are restrictions on that, but I don't know what they are. :/

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They're male. You don't have to pair them, they're just decent choice for some women but for the most part you've already got the best pairings going.

Money goes to Beo when you recruit him.

You can only trade money between Lovers. Thieves like Deu and Patty/Daisy can give money to anyone, you can't select how much is given btw. They'll give all the money they have or until that person reaches 50,000G. As for weapons, you sell (at half price) them in the Pawn Shop and have someone else buy it (at full price).

Edited by ?!
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With regards to 'trading' money and weapons:

'Trading' money is done with the 'Give' command. This will cause the giving character to give as much of their money as possible to the receiving character, characters being capped at 50000G. Thieves/Thief Fighters can Give to anyone. Anyone else can only Give to people they are married to. If I remember correctly Thieves/Thief Fighters also get 10 exp for giving whereas everyone else doesn't.

'Trading' weapons/items is done through the pawn shop. Take the unit with the item, send them to a castle town, sell the item at the pawn shop, take the unit you want to have the item, send them to a castle town, buy the item from the pawn shop. This system gets panned by a lot of people, and it really does deserve it, but strangely enough no-one ever actually presents an example of a better system, considering that the strength of some weapons/items in this game would make them even more thoroughly broken if the FEGBA/etc item trade system was in effect.

Beaten again. I am appalled at my slowery.

Edited by T.W.I.L.K.I.T.R.I.
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Some of my pairings probably aren't good for a begginer.








Aideen/Azel makes Lana a great healer thanks to the +30% Magic Growth from Fala Blood. Lester will be bad though. If you want a good Lester, Midir or Jamka. Jamka has better growths but no Pursuit. Midir has worse growths but has Pursuit. I'd give Jamka to Brigid so if you want a good healer but a bad Lester, Azel, but if you want an OK healer and a decent Lester, Midir.

Aira/Dew gives them Pursuit and high Speed and Skill most growths are incredible. They'll have Solar Hit so they absorb HP from an enemy. Holyn or Lex is also liked. I've only tried Holyn though. Lex gives high Defense at the cost of bad Speed. Holyn gives increadibly HP but I've never had a good Holyn!Skasaha. With Dew he'd be better than Lakche if he had Continue.

Lachesis/Fin gives Prayer and high Luck. They also get Pursuit. Beowulf is mostly the same but with much less luck and Charge instead of Prayer. It may just be my luck but I always get a great Fin!Nanna but the one time I did Beowulf!Nanna she was horrible. I wouldn't know about Beowulf!Delmud since I've never used him but Fin!Delmud is decent.

Sylvia/Claude is probably her best pairing. Levin is her best but Levin can and should do better

Fury/Levin is amazing. Sety with Holsety is unbelivable. It's Sety with Pursuit. Fee is like Fury but with Critical skill and much higher Speed because of Holsety Blood.

Tiltyu/Lex gives the most dangerous skill combo; Wrath and Ambush. Arthur will have good Strength and bad Magic but he's a Mage. After promotion I give him a Hero Sword. Tinny is amazing for me with this pairing. Most people like Tiltyu/Azel which I've never used the kids with that pairing but I'd imagine it's decent.

Brigid/Jamka makes Faval increadible. After promotion Patty will be a great fighter who can steal money. Some people prefer Holyn but I never like Holyn!Jamka.

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Since the topic was called FE4 Questions, I'll ask mine here even though I'm not the creator of the topic:

When a weapon reaches 51 kills and allows criticals, does it also start giving the unit's skill as a % for the crit, or is the crit% just the number of kills -50.

(ie: does a unit need to specifically have the skill "critical" to get the benefit of a unit's skill score?)

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Since the topic was called FE4 Questions, I'll ask mine here even though I'm not the creator of the topic:

When a weapon reaches 51 kills and allows criticals, does it also start giving the unit's skill as a % for the crit, or is the crit% just the number of kills -50.

(ie: does a unit need to specifically have the skill "critical" to get the benefit of a unit's skill score?)

The formula for the critical skill is:=(skill + weapons kill bonus)% No a unit does not need to have have critical skill to benefit from the 51kill weapon.

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Since the topic was called FE4 Questions, I'll ask mine here even though I'm not the creator of the topic:

When a weapon reaches 51 kills and allows criticals, does it also start giving the unit's skill as a % for the crit, or is the crit% just the number of kills -50.

(ie: does a unit need to specifically have the skill "critical" to get the benefit of a unit's skill score?)

The formula for the critical skill is:=(skill + weapons kill bonus)% No a unit does not need to have have critical skill to benefit from the 51kill weapon.

That's not my question.

A unit with 20 skill and 60 kills on it's weapon and the critical skill should have 30% crit, right?

How about a unit without the critical skill? 10% or 30% crit?




Critical rate = Skill* + Weapon Kills bonus* + Combination bonus [%]

* Only applies if user has the Critical skill

Weapon Kills bonus: 1 for each Weapon Kill over 50 (maximum is 50, i.e 100 Weapon Kills).

Combination bonus: 20 if a lover or sibling is adjacent to the user

Note 1: Critical evade is always 0.

Note 2: When Wrath activates, Critical rate is always 100% (unless enemy has Awareness).

Note 3: Critical rate is 0 if enemy has Awareness.

Note 4: Critical skill can be obtained on a weapon once it has over 50 Weapon Kills.

Until note 4, it seems like the second unit would only have 10%, but the last note says that the weapon gets the critical skill at 50 kills. So it seems like the unit probably has 30% as well.

It kind of sucks for anyone with the critical skill since by the middle of the second generations a lot of units will effectively have what another unit was given a specific father to achieve.

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If you have 60 kills and 20 skill, you will have 30 Crit regardless of whether you have innate Critical or not.

Also, TC should totally run BridgetxHolyn. By far the best Patty you can get, and Faval doesn't need stats/skills.

Edited by Paperblade
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Right, so Cyas has given me an emu and ROM (I budged about my emu hate, okay?) to try this game with, but I have some questions about it before I start.


EdinXMideel or Azel

Are these okay, have I forgot people, and who should I pair the ??????s with?

3) Doesn't really matter who you pick. But Johalva is the only Axe Fighter/Warrior in the game.

4) Yes.

5) You pay a fee to the repair shop owner to fix whatever weapon or staff in any castle.

6) Only Fire tome is of any use. Ditch Elfire and Bolgannon. As for the Thunder tomes, use them. They offer critical bonuses and are lighter than Fire tomes.

7) Rizaia is the only good magic tome. The other tomes are too heavy and far less helpful.

8) Well, for Mage Knights give them element swords. Their high Mag stat will get them to do heavy damage with those weapons. Johalva should have a bow probably a Steel one.

9) Ayra can be lured away with someone like Alec. His Awareness skill will neglect her Astra skill.

11) No, just enjoy the game. ^__^


They're male. You don't have to pair them, they're just decent choice for some women but for the most part you've already got the best pairings going.

Money goes to Beo when you recruit him.

You can only trade money between Lovers. Thieves like Deu and Patty/Daisy can give money to anyone, you can't select how much is given btw. They'll give all the money they have or until that person reaches 50,000G. As for weapons, you sell (at half price) them in the Pawn Shop and have someone else buy it (at full price).

Yeah, and not accidently selling it at a store. Don't get them mixed up with the pawn shop.

Some of my pairings probably aren't good for a begginer.








Aideen/Azel makes Lana a great healer thanks to the +30% Magic Growth from Fala Blood. Lester will be bad though. If you want a good Lester, Midir or Jamka. Jamka has better growths but no Pursuit. Midir has worse growths but has Pursuit. I'd give Jamka to Brigid so if you want a good healer but a bad Lester, Azel, but if you want an OK healer and a decent Lester, Midir.

Aira/Dew gives them Pursuit and high Speed and Skill most growths are incredible. They'll have Solar Hit so they absorb HP from an enemy. Holyn or Lex is also liked. I've only tried Holyn though. Lex gives high Defense at the cost of bad Speed. Holyn gives increadibly HP but I've never had a good Holyn!Skasaha. With Dew he'd be better than Lakche if he had Continue.

Lachesis/Fin gives Prayer and high Luck. They also get Pursuit. Beowulf is mostly the same but with much less luck and Charge instead of Prayer. It may just be my luck but I always get a great Fin!Nanna but the one time I did Beowulf!Nanna she was horrible. I wouldn't know about Beowulf!Delmud since I've never used him but Fin!Delmud is decent.

Sylvia/Claude is probably her best pairing. Levin is her best but Levin can and should do better

Fury/Levin is amazing. Sety with Holsety is unbelivable. It's Sety with Pursuit. Fee is like Fury but with Critical skill and much higher Speed because of Holsety Blood.

Tiltyu/Lex gives the most dangerous skill combo; Wrath and Ambush. Arthur will have good Strength and bad Magic but he's a Mage. After promotion I give him a Hero Sword. Tinny is amazing for me with this pairing. Most people like Tiltyu/Azel which I've never used the kids with that pairing but I'd imagine it's decent.

Brigid/Jamka makes Faval increadible. After promotion Patty will be a great fighter who can steal money. Some people prefer Holyn but I never like Holyn!Jamka.



Lachesis/Alec (Finn is too hard. Never did this pairing myself.)

Sylvia/Claude or Nobody

Fury/Levin or Tiltyu



--Doesn't matter which, her children becomes powerhouses with whatever pairing that you choose, but Lex or Noish probably are best. Not Holyn because you want him paired with Briggid.

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Just out of curiosity, if Tinny is fathered by Holyn will she get Lunar/Moonlight Sword? It's a sword skill and she gets swords at promotion and is on foot, but I'm guessing that since she doesn't start with swords she won't get it.

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Just out of curiosity, if Tinny is fathered by Holyn will she get Lunar/Moonlight Sword? It's a sword skill and she gets swords at promotion and is on foot, but I'm guessing that since she doesn't start with swords she won't get it.

No she would not have that skill.

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Just out of curiosity, if Tinny is fathered by Holyn will she get Lunar/Moonlight Sword? It's a sword skill and she gets swords at promotion and is on foot, but I'm guessing that since she doesn't start with swords she won't get it.

No she would not have that skill.

Thanks. Too bad.

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Just out of curiosity, if Tinny is fathered by Holyn will she get Lunar/Moonlight Sword? It's a sword skill and she gets swords at promotion and is on foot, but I'm guessing that since she doesn't start with swords she won't get it.

No she would not have that skill.

Thanks. Too bad.

You have to be a sword wielding infantry unit to get the skill. If moonlight sword be given to the cavs lachesis!holyn would actually be a pretty good pairing if he could pass down pursuit on top of it or lachesis already had pursuit to pass down... Kind of an idea I had at one point until someone else told me it only worked for infantry units.

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Just out of curiosity, if Tinny is fathered by Holyn will she get Lunar/Moonlight Sword? It's a sword skill and she gets swords at promotion and is on foot, but I'm guessing that since she doesn't start with swords she won't get it.

No she would not have that skill.

Thanks. Too bad.

You have to be a sword wielding infantry unit to get the skill. If moonlight sword be given to the cavs lachesis!holyn would actually be a pretty good pairing if he could pass down pursuit on top of it or lachesis already had pursuit to pass down... Kind of an idea I had at one point until someone else told me it only worked for infantry units.

I know the infantry part, which is why I mentioned Tinny being on foot. It is too bad others can't use it as well, though critical is better than moonlight unless mt < enemy def.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just out of curiosity, if Tinny is fathered by Holyn will she get Lunar/Moonlight Sword? It's a sword skill and she gets swords at promotion and is on foot, but I'm guessing that since she doesn't start with swords she won't get it.

No she would not have that skill.

Thanks. Too bad.

You have to be a sword wielding infantry unit to get the skill. If moonlight sword be given to the cavs lachesis!holyn would actually be a pretty good pairing if he could pass down pursuit on top of it or lachesis already had pursuit to pass down... Kind of an idea I had at one point until someone else told me it only worked for infantry units.

I know the infantry part, which is why I mentioned Tinny being on foot. It is too bad others can't use it as well, though critical is better than moonlight unless mt < enemy def.

Tinny is on foot, but she can't use Swords in her starting class, so she can't get Luna.

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